God’s Voice

Do you ever feel like God is speaking to you? Do you ever have these moments of clarity, where something presses so firmly against your heart that it can’t be ignored? You just know He’s inviting you to do something. To take part in something. The urge is undeniable.

But then fear or laziness or selfishness creeps in, and we start to think about all the reasons why we can’t do this thing. It’s too expensive. It’s too time-consuming. It’s too crazy. It’s too (fill in the blank).

And then we start convincing ourselves that it wasn’t really God who pressed that thing on our heart. It was just this strange urge. An impulsive, irrational moment. We were emotional that day. Or over-tired. Or (fill in the blank).

And so we go about our every-day, humdrum life. We don’t do anything bad. We go to church. We read our Bible. We pray. We cling to safety. To familiarity. And we wonder why we can’t hear God’s voice as well as we used to.

But what would happen if we listened? What would happen if we obeyed before we talked ourselves out of the things He calls us to do? How clearly would we hear His voice then?

Here’s my confession.

I settle for the easy because I’m too selfish to embrace the hard.

But you know what?

God’s going to carry out His will. God’s going to do His thing. And it will be glorious and awe-inspiring and 100% breathtaking. But because I’m too scared or logical or self-centered or lazy or (fill in the blank), I will miss out on being a part of it.

If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place….

Esther 4:14

God was going to save the Jews, with or without Esther’s help. But He invited Esther to be a part of His plan. She said yes. And because of that, experienced God’s power and grace in a way she never would have had she said no.

God spoke to me recently. It was clear. So very clear. I don’t want to ignore His invitation.

Let’s Talk: Tell me about a time in your life when God spoke. How did you respond?removetweetmeme

13 thoughts on “God’s Voice

  1. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Even if you're not 100% positive it's God speaking and telling you to call someone, pray for someone, or whatever, do it. I've discovered when I'm quick to obey it's easier the next time.

  2. Jillian Dodd

    What a great post!! I've had visions/dreams of so many stories over the years and I finally had a dream with me as an author. I'm pretty sure that God was trying to tell me something. 6 years later, I've published my first book, That Boy. And the stories keep coming. I have a six book series that I'm working on and a sequel to That Boy.
    At that point, I was a stay at home mom whose kids were in school and I was feeling a little, well not very good about me. I was used to having a career and as much as I love motherhood, staying at home can be a tough job from a self esteem standpoint.
    This has been such a blessing to me. I've made new writer friends, been blessed by relationships I've made through blogging and twitter and I am excited to write everyday!

  3. Katie Ganshert

    Thanks everyone – for sharing your experiences and your thoughts. I love reading them!

    Sherrinda and journey – I hope to share eventually. It's just…we're in such the beginning stages that I don't think I should say anything quite yet. But soon, I hope! Thanks for asking!

  4. journeytoepiphany

    Oh, and I also am curious as to what God has instructed you to do. Can you share?

  5. sherrindaketch

    This was a beautiful post, Katie. So often I hear and am so excited, but then life gets in the way and clouds my vision. I guess it's kinda like the soil with all the weeds. Gotta do a little weeding!

    I'm so curious as to what God spoke. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Jill

    God doesn't always speak loudly, though. Lately, I've been wondering if God wants me to give up writing, or if I want to give it up (after a lifetime of struggling with it) because it's so difficult. Why write when I have a new found love for playing the accordion? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Jessica Nelson

    My problem is hearing Him. Heh. But, when I do, I have to sort out if it was really him and then I have to make a decision. It's hard…

  8. Wendy Paine Miller


    Our church was encouraging outreach in a big way a few years ago. I felt a tug. Then a pull. That pesky thing flitted around my brain.

    I closed my eyes and pretended it away.

    The next Sunday it was back.

    "Go see your sister."

    Too hard. Nope, we are talking about homeless, folks with AIDS, other people, God.

    And family…I heard.


    So I went. And that visit changed me. Yes, it was hard. But I went.

    I went.
    ~ Wendy

  9. Cheryl Dale

    It is hard to accept that like Esther we could change the course of history if we would act on God's call. It is easy to become hard of hearing when God speaks. But when I put it in perspective and accept that the very God of heaven would choose little me as a tool in His mighty hand I know I have no choice but to move. Fear, doubt, and an urge to run the other way are always my enemy. I must admit I don't always win the battle but the times I do – amazing the reward! God bless you in this challenge.

  10. Heather Sunseri

    God spoke to me recently, and like you said, I've thought of all the reasons you list here of why what he ordered me to do won't work. I'm working on it. I'm trying to obey and I'm praying the question of "How, God" every day.

    Love that verse with this post, Katie.

  11. Tabitha Bird

    I hear. And then I become afraid that I cannot do this thing that He has invited me to do. Writing is often that thing for me. Trusting Him is the other. Because of my abusive past God knows that I have MASSIVE trust issues. He constantly invited me to trust Him. It makes me sick. Really. I feel sick inside I am that scared. I pray that He helps me to be the woman He made because I want so bad to live an extraordinary life. I do not want the ordinary and that means trusting Him big time. So there's my honest confession for the day ๐Ÿ™‚
    Blessings as you step out girl ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Sally Hepworth

    I find God speaks to me most clearly through people. For example, if I have been thinking about doing something for a while (like calling an old friend), I will find that other people repeatedly bring up that friend in conversation. A clear message. Call her.

    I admit, I have trouble hearing God's voice directly. The line is usually crackly and the voice is faint. But I can usually get a clearer line from hearing other people firm up what's already in my heart.

  13. Jessica R. Patch

    When God speaks to me to do something out of my comfort zone, it makes me sick. Literally.

    My stomach will stay in knots, I can't get it out of my head and I'll stay in that state of nausea until I obey. I'm glad that God makes me sick!

    Although, one time He told me to pray with a stranger in a McDonald's. I couldn't choke back the egg McMuffin for the nausea, and I walked out of there without doing it because of all the reasons you listed above. I was sick all the way to the church. I got back in my van, went back to McDonald's and Poof! chance gone.

    I didn't stay sick (God's merciful), but I asked Him to forgive me and help me to do better next time, then asked Him not to pick fast food places or strangers (that was a no deal). Gotta say, I've always wondered, "What if?".


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