God’s Voice

Do you ever feel like God is speaking to you? Do you ever have these moments of clarity, where something presses so firmly against your heart that it can’t be ignored? You just know He’s inviting you to do something. To take part in something. The urge is undeniable.

But then fear or laziness or selfishness creeps in, and we start to think about all the reasons why we can’t do this thing. It’s too expensive. It’s too time-consuming. It’s too crazy. It’s too (fill in the blank).

And then we start convincing ourselves that it wasn’t really God who pressed that thing on our heart. It was just this strange urge. An impulsive, irrational moment. We were emotional that day. Or over-tired. Or (fill in the blank).

And so we go about our every-day, humdrum life. We don’t do anything bad. We go to church. We read our Bible. We pray. We cling to safety. To familiarity. And we wonder why we can’t hear God’s voice as well as we used to.

But what would happen if we listened? What would happen if we obeyed before we talked ourselves out of the things He calls us to do? How clearly would we hear His voice then?

Here’s my confession.

I settle for the easy because I’m too selfish to embrace the hard.

But you know what?

God’s going to carry out His will. God’s going to do His thing. And it will be glorious and awe-inspiring and 100% breathtaking. But because I’m too scared or logical or self-centered or lazy or (fill in the blank), I will miss out on being a part of it.

If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place….

Esther 4:14

God was going to save the Jews, with or without Esther’s help. But He invited Esther to be a part of His plan. She said yes. And because of that, experienced God’s power and grace in a way she never would have had she said no.

God spoke to me recently. It was clear. So very clear. I don’t want to ignore His invitation.

Let’s Talk: Tell me about a time in your life when God spoke. How did you respond?removetweetmeme