Cast Your Net

Whether you’re a writer or a pastor or an agent or an artist or a student or a mom or a (insert job here), most of us have a vision in our head – some marker we can hold up or point to and say, “See, I’m successful. This proves it.”

Basically, we have something we aspire to accomplish. Something we’ve set out to do, because it’s a passion or a calling or an itch we must scratch. Call it what you will.

For me, it’s writing. I aspire to be a published author. That’s my big goal. That’s the vision I’ve painted in my head. Someday, I hope I can pluck my books off a shelf in Borders or see them posted on Amazon. Even crazier – I hope people read them. That’s my aspiration.

There’s only one problem.

I can’t control it. Or maybe, I should say, getting published isn’t under my control. Sure, there are things I can do. Like write, for one. Write well, for another. Study the craft. Come up with a killer plot and gripping characters. Go to conferences. Take classes. Network with industry professionals. Learn from rejection. Listen to critique. Pray. These are all things I can do. But doing them, even doing every single one of them well, will not guarantee my books make it on a shelf someday.

All I can do is write. And when it gets hard, keep writing. Persevere. Because I’m a writer and that’s what writers do. Maybe the book my agent submitted will sell. Maybe it won’t. Maybe the book I’m working on now will sell. But maybe not. I can’t control what sells and what doesn’t. I can’t control the ebb and flow of the market or timing or the economy. I can only keep writing. That’s my job. That’s what I have control over.

Reminds me of this story from the Bible. A story about a few fishermen who also happened to be disciples. All night, they fished. They cast out their nets again and again and came back empty every time. The next morning, I can imagine they were tired. Discouraged. Worn out. But Jesus comes to them and tells Simon to cast his net again. To put it out into deep water and let it down.

Simon says, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

The Bible tells us that when they did so, they caught a huge number of fish. So huge that their nets started to break. They needed another boat to come help them and the fish filled both boats so full that they started to sink. Talk about a catch! Talk about the epitome of success! Talk about reaching their goals!

Here’s the thing.

They worked all night with no results. But even so, they did the work. Not just a few times, but all night long, despite reeling in empty net after empty net. They couldn’t control the catch, but they could keep casting their net. So they did. They showed up and did the work. Because that’s all they could do. The catch didn’t come until Jesus showed up.

So I’ll keep writing. For as long as this passion burns my in heart, I’ll write. I’ll keep casting my net, and hope one day, Jesus shows up and blesses me with a catch.

The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord. Proverbs 21:31

Questions to Ponder: What net are you casting these days? And since I didn’t do 3 C’s, feel free to share those too! (Nothing much new going on in my life…God is good, adding words to my WIP, and enjoying the summer with my son)

*Thanks to Cory for inspiring this post with his message at our camp service last Sunday.
*I’m taking a blogging break next week. Happy Fourth!


36 thoughts on “Cast Your Net

  1. Lacie Nezbeth

    Hi Katie,

    I love this post of yours and coincidentally just wrote my first blog posting on a very similar topic.

    It's funny how God places people in your life to encourage you – even when that person might not know about it. I am new to the writing world and in my research stumbled onto your blog. Very inspiring!

    Congrats on the completion of your book. I can only imagine what that must feel like. But I'm praying fervently that I'll finish my first manuscript in time to attend the ACFW conference in Indianapolis.

    I just wanted to say thank you for the encouragement!

  2. Tabitha Bird

    Katie, I can't tell you how many times I have come to your blog and read EXACTLY what God wanted me to hear! I love that 'cast your net' scripture. I forgot that one. Of course! I get it I get it I get it! We keep going because we are called to write and God calls us to follow Him and keep CASTING THAT NET.

    Thank you for this. I am CASTING… πŸ™‚

  3. Stephen Tremp

    That's a great verse. Sometimes we set forth in our giftings and our own strength and think we are doing an awesome job when really it is God who is giving is inspiration, energizing us. opening and closing doors no man could do.

    Stephen Tremp

  4. patti

    missin u!

  5. Jessica Nelson

    Awesome post Katie! A great reminder for me today…

  6. Beth K. Vogt

    Ah, you used the "ponder" word–what's not to like about a post that includes that beloved word?
    Good thoughts for everyone to remember–no matter what we dream of accomplishing.

  7. Jody Hedlund

    Hi Katie,

    Hope you're enjoying your blogging break! After more than a week away from everyone's blogs, I'm back! Now that my Galleys are in the mail and my second book in the hands of my editor, I'll hopefully have a breather!

    I'm feeling pretty drained and empty right now myself. And I surely need Jesus to come and fill my nets again too. Thanks, Katie!

  8. patti

    Love this post!
    Perhaps I've cast a few too many nets this summer. Wish I could throw the anchor out and set a spell in Normal…but more highways call my name…

    Great progress. Praise God!

    Will remember next year to slllloooowww down.


  9. Jen

    What a wonderful post. I think you are right, as writers we do have some control as how we can improve, staying happy with our work but at the end of the day it comes down to patience and hoping that things are good enough to work out!

    I hope to one day see my books in B&N and my little bookshop from around the corner!

  10. Lynda Young

    great post. I can soooo relate to it. Best advice ever is: Keep praying and keep writing πŸ™‚

  11. Heather Sunseri

    What a beautiful post, Katie! I love the point you make here and how you make it. Very nice!

  12. Jill Domschot aka Arabella

    I know I'm a day late and a dollar short on commenting on this, but I have to tell you that this is the exact message that God gave me several months ago. He kept saying to me, cast your nets on the other side, Jill. And I think now that I know what he meant. Thank you, thank you for reminding me. May God bless you in your endeavors.

  13. Faith

    This is something I've been learning lately… even when we see no results, if the passion and fire is there, we need to KEEP GOING and stop blaming others (the industry, other writers, etc). If God's given us a passion to write, we need to just WRITE, and trust that everything will happen in His time.

    Oh, it's a hard lesson sometimes…

  14. Sally

    Love This

    They must have felt tired, and discouraged. And sore… Those muscles must just have ached.

    And yet, when He said to cast the nets one more time- on the other side.. look what happened

    can you just imagine the laughter that followed- the sudden falling away of the fatigue.. the sweet sleep later in the day…


  15. Carol J. Garvin

    We just never know what God has in mind for us. He doesn't ask us to do the impossible, but just to use the gifts he has given us and depend on him for the results. It's true in every aspect of our lives and yet when it comes to our writing we tend to forget it. Thanks for this timely reminder.

  16. Robyn Campbell

    Katie, such an awesome post. It made me think. I'm sure the disciples grumbled amongst themselves, because they were ULTRA human and full of flaws. But his grace and their catch (because of him) made up for the trying time they had before he showed up.

    I love this, my sweet friend. You are a writer. And your book will sell. I know it! =)

    My net is trying to trust with all of my heart and with all of my might. It's hard, but I will succeed at it.

    I'm writing and querying. And hoping…;)

    Happy Fourth. I love you, girl. Talk soon.

  17. Cindy R. Wilson

    Thank you for this inspiring post. It's so important to persevere and trust that God has us on the right path and it's all in His good timing. Have a wonderful 4th.

  18. Jena Carper

    It's nice to be reminded that the Lord blesses those who work and persevere. πŸ™‚

  19. Kelly Freestone

    BTW, GREAT progress on you WIP!
    wow, girl.
    Keep at that goal.

  20. Kelly Freestone

    They fished all night. But when they were tired, when it was all but lost, Jesus came and pushed them one more time. Bam!
    There it was. A job so big they couldn't handle it so it blessed others.

    Great post, Kate!

    Can't stand it, now I look forward to this…

    weight loss…'nugh said.
    getting it together and finishing this great piece God's laid before me. All I have to remember is that He's writing the story through me. All credit goes to Him, but so does the confusing parts, the breakdowns and the messed up writing πŸ˜€
    Ahh..THE WEEKEND! Need I say more?!

    Happy 4th to you, dear.

    Happy Friday, too!
    (YAY- jumps out of her chair and does football victory dance- thank God for weight loss! lol)

  21. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    A good word and one I needed today. They did what they could and trusted the Lord for the results.

    Susan πŸ™‚

  22. Nithin R S

    Very encouraging post.I am an aspiring poet,wish to see my book published someday.Well as you said,i am just keep writing,learning new things.Yeah in the past given up,but now i'm having a new spirit to just keep trying.Hope that your wish come true sooner.All the best.Believe.

  23. Laura Marcella

    Beautiful post! I like how you brought in that Bible story. Thanks for the encouragement, Katie! Have a wonderful week and enjoy your break!

  24. Mary Aalgaard

    Great message. Thank you. It's good to identify what we control and what is beyond our control. All we know is that we are called to write, teach, whatever, and the result will be up to a higher power and those who receive our work. Thank you. Happy Independence Day!

  25. T. Anne

    I needed that! I'll pray Jesus blesses us both with a big catch. I am so looking forward to victory! I have to keep reminding myself that the bible is rife with people who waited on God. We are a part of God's story too, and if our will aligns with His all that stands in the way is a little bit of waiting. On that note, can't wait! πŸ˜‰ Happy fourth!

  26. Bonnie Doran

    Well said. My God-given dream is to be published in secular science fiction. I know the Christian market the best, so that's my current goal. But as you say, we have no control on that. For me, I need to concentrate on writing. Submitting isn't a bad idea either! I have to keep reminding myself that the results are up to God.

  27. Wendy Delfosse

    This was fantastically encouraging! Remind yourself of it often in the hurry up and wait industry.

  28. Kristin

    Beautifully said.

  29. Jeanette Levellie

    I love this. Depend on Jesus, not your own efforts. Don't quit working, just don't think YOU are gonna get there by yourself.

    Whew. Thanks. This takes a lot of pressure off my tense shoulders. Deep sigh of relief.

    Happy Indpendence week!

  30. Sherrinda

    Well said, Katie! Such great points about perseverance and dedication.

  31. Terri Tiffany

    This was a great encouraging post! Thank you:)
    I'm taking an online course and just sent out my wip to a few new readers for feedback–we have to keep at it if we want to catch something:)

  32. Katie Ganshert

    Hey Krista girl! You have to give yourself mucho grace! We all have seasons of life, and you've got other (much more important) things on your mind right now! I'm praying for you and Annabelle every day. You'll have more time to write again. I know it feels forever away, but you will!

  33. Krista Phillips

    LOVE this!

    *sigh* I'm not doing much casting these days in regards to my writing, and it makes me ultra sad. Most days I just don't have the strength to be creative (I know, I know, poor me, blah!)

    But, when I get my strength back, then I plan to make up time and do a whole bunch of casting:-)

  34. Diane

    Thanks for the great reminder! Do the work, cast the net out, thanks!!! :O)

  35. Gwen Stewart


    God bless you. This is just what I needed to hear–the virtue of perseverence.

    Thank you for the encouragement! Have a great Friday.

  36. CJ

    As you said, Katie. You just keep doing. In the doing, hopefully we keep getting better.


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