
I finished the rough draft for my 5th novel, A Broken Kind of Beautiful. Although they say not to get too attached to a title, since they’re prone to change, I can’t help myself with this one. I’m very attached. It fits perfectly with the story.

I pounded out eight thousand words on Saturday (thanks to my hubby who hung out with the B-man!) and ended up typing The End two weeks sooner than planned. I sat there awhile, blinking at my computer screen, sort of in awe. Not with myself. I’m hardly ever in awe with myself. But with this thing. This beautiful, insane, exhilarating, fear-inducing, tear-out-my-hair-but-I-wouldn’t-trade-it-for-the-world thing called writing. The art of pouring words onto a page and letting those words tell a story.

It’s such a gift. For the reader who loses herself in the pages, yes. But mostly, for the writer.

Every morning I wake up and spend time with God. I read His word. I write in my prayer journal. I listen. I always pray about my writing. That my stories would captivate and encourage. Speak truth. Inspire faith. But even more than that, I pray God would draw me closer to Him through my writing.

A couple weeks ago, while my mom and I drove to the mall, we started talking about my new story. I said something that surprised her. I told her how hard it was for me. To sit at my computer desk and pound out the words. I told her how the whole daunting task fills me with angst. I have no idea what I’m going to write. My words are lousy and dull and lifeless. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat, elbows straddling my laptop, fingers digging into my hair, blinking at my computer screen because I. Can’t. Make. The. Story. Work.

This is my 5th novel. So far, God has showed up every time. Maybe not as quick as I want Him to or when I want Him to. But He shows up. He draws me near and uses my weakness to magnify His strength. And when He does, I can’t help but feel awe. In awe that He gave me something I enjoy so much it burns all the way down into my toes. I finished another rough draft. Now it’s time to revise. Oh dear.

If you’re interested, here’s the back cover blurb for A Broken Kind of Beautiful.

Question to Ponder: How do you feel when you finish a rough draft? Or if you’re not a writer, how do you feel when you finish a big task?removetweetmeme

35 thoughts on “Awe

  1. Carla Gade

    Katie, I'm thrilled for you…and relieved!!!! I was so blessed how you shared that it isn't so easy and how you rely on the Lord so much to get you through your writing. We couldn't do it with out Him!

  2. Jaime

    WONDERFUL Katie!!! YEAH!! And I can relate to the "angst" – it IS hard to pound out words and find them to be creative … but we still do it … must be love πŸ™‚

  3. Keli Gwyn

    Congratulations on reaching The End! You've worked so hard this summer. I"m impressed. I hope you did something special to celebrate.

  4. Stylestance

    Inspiring post. Wonderful title for your book πŸ™‚

  5. Tara McClendon

    Congratulations on finishing the story. For what it's worth, I love the title, and I hope they keep it. I especially love that God has shown up for you and your thoughts on that. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    Congrats on finishing your first draft! I've often thought of naming my book something I don't particularly like and then coming up with the one that really tickles me.

    You gave a great description of how I feel when I read my own work. "This will never fly. It's terrible. What makes me think I'm a writer." It takes a great deal of prayer and disciple to silence those thoughts.

    Susan πŸ™‚

  7. Jennifer Shirk

    CONGRATS! I love finishing the rough draft because at least it's all done on paper. It's such a relief. πŸ™‚

  8. patti

    Girl, read ALL your BCC! You are amazing!

    How many of those are completed and tucked away???

    I really connected with all, but especially Ivie!!!

    Massage that cramped hand for me, okay???

  9. Lauren

    I will let you know when I finally finish a complete rough draft of the story I've been working on going on three years now. Pray for me…

  10. Kelly Freestone

    Oops..I forgot to congratulate you!

    Great job on finishing. The blurb sounds GREAT!

    I was able to read them all..I'm looking forward to them!

  11. Kelly Freestone

    Ah! Katie! You just wrote what I do every morning.

    I do my devotion (scripture and a notepad) and pray that God write His words.

    The stories that come about are not from me, but from God.

    I'm so thankful you feel the same way!

    Very good post, thank you πŸ˜€

  12. Rosslyn Elliott

    Katie, congrats! I love your back cover copy. Sounds like a wonderful premise, and I can't wait to read it someday.

  13. Jill Kemerer

    You rocked that rough draft!! I'm amazed at 8k words in one day. Woot!

    God does show up with each of my books too. Often, he shows up more in the revising stage! But it's difficult to sit and write, I agree.

  14. Beth K. Vogt

    Katie, I can see why you're attached to the title. And I love the back cover copy. If I was standing in a book store, holding the book in my hands, reading that would prompt me to go right for the first page–and then to the cash register.
    And how do I feel when my rough draft is done?
    I'll let you know next week when I hand my ms off to my agent.

  15. Maria I. Morgan

    Congratulations, Katie!! Loved to hear about the way you communicate with God about your writing. And I could easily echo the part about Him drawing us near and using our weaknesses to magnify His strength. Looking forward to reading the back cover blurb!

    BTW – I love the title you've given your book!! God bless!

  16. T. Anne

    YAY! You are an inspiration. I hope I can get half that done in one day! I'm at 62K and have about 30 to go. I'd love to be in revisions. That's where the story takes on beautiful form. LOVE the title of your work! ANd the jacket blurb sounded fun.

  17. Robyn Campbell

    YAY! This is confetti-worthy. So she throws all the bright, beautiful colors of the rainbow over Katie's beautiful head and she expressed,"this is the stuff your dreams are made of, my friend."

    And Katie, I have those same actions and feelings. My laptop has been thumped by my fingers more times than I care to admit. Because I hear other writers say, "I pounded out 10,000 words yesterday." And I cringe when I think of my meager 500 or 1000 words.

    God has shown up for me, too. He has taken me places like your blog where I truly learn. And if I ask him he shows me things that just aren't right about my story.

    When I finish a rough draft, I feel like I rapturous, victorious, and RELIEVED!

    The book blurb is AWESOME. Actually it's ULTRA AWESOME!

    Great going, my sweet friend. Onward and upward. To the prize!

  18. Jeanette Levellie

    Yes!!! Good for you, and God. I like the back cover blurb–can't wait to read the story!

    When I type my last sentence on a book ms, which I've only done twice, I just sit for a moment and gaze at the screen, unbelieving. Then I sigh, say, "Thank you, Lord," about fifty times, and go do something fun, like take my DH out to eat.

    I hope you rewarded you for this huge job!

  19. Sarah Forgrave

    LOVE your title!

    I usually take a short time to celebrate, then outline a plan for the next phase of work.

  20. EricaVetsch

    First, Congratulations! 8000 words in one day, AND typing THE END? Par-tay!

    Second, I LOVE the book blurb.

    Third, you've described the writing life so well!

    Fourth, when I finish a first draft, I usually feel a lot of mixed emotions. Pride, accomplishment, doubt, even a sense of loss that something that has dominated my mind for so long.

  21. Holly

    I'm already drooling over the back cover blurb. Can't wait to read it!

  22. Cindy R. Wilson

    Katie, congratulations on finishing novel #5! It's such an awesome feeling, isn't it? I love the way you explained how you feel when you finish writing a story.

    I was just thinking this morning that writers are especially blessed because it's such a fulfilling passion. And not only that, it's fun–it lets you go places you wouldn't normally get to go with another job or hobby. It lets you create and make a difference and show life in whole new ways.

    I enjoyed your back cover blurb. Stories that take a reader deeper, letting them walk with characters who discover their inner worth and truth outside what they've always believed are so wonderful. And if you add a romance in there, I'm hooked πŸ™‚ Can't wait to read it someday!

  23. Wendy Delfosse

    Katie, congrats!!!! That's so wonderful! I love hearing about the way you write – leaning on the Lord. I want to write in a way that's for His glory and when I finish I can turn it around and say it's all from You, because of You and for You. (Which makes me doubly appreciate you saying you're not in awe of yourself. :-))

    The feeling of finishing a rough draft is awesome, exhilarating, exhausting (or maybe I've just gotten sick), and wonderful. I don't remember for all my drafts but when I was in this one at some point I told myself when I finished I could do some solid scrapbooking time… now I'm still taking a little down time so far this morning, but I'm more excited about finishing the edits to my previous book and working out the plot for the next one so I'm not even delving into my "reward." hehe.

  24. Jill Domschot aka Arabella

    I'm still in the angst phase with my current WIP so I know how you feel. Sometimes, I don't know where to find the energy for this work called writing. Congrts on finishing. That kind of relief is palpable and beautiful, even if the angst phase reenters once you begin revisions.

  25. Bonnie Doran

    I recently finished yet another draft of my WIP. I felt elated (yay for me!) and frightened (now how am I going to add 25,000 words to what I've written?)

    It'll come. By God's grace, it'll come.

  26. Julie Jarnagin

    Congrats! It is so exciting to finish a first draft!

  27. Lisa Jordan

    Grrr, my comment didn't post the first time. πŸ™

    I don't remember my exact first words, but yesterday Hubby and I watched Finding Forrester. In the movie, William tells Jamal to lose himself in the story. My son turned to me and said, "Mom, you do that." I appreciated his acknowledgement of that. We become so close to our stories that when we type The End, it's almost a sad thing.

    Way to go, girl. So happy for you!

  28. ~H~

    I love the title, and the story sounds absolutely beautiful.

    Congratulations on hitting this milestone for the 5th time (I'm only on my 2nd!!!)

    One question (but if it's too personal, don't feel obliged to answer): Do you often talk to your family about the writing process?

    I don't talk about it at all, except to my long-suffering husband, and I'm just curious how other family members connect to your struggles/successes as an author.

    Twitter: HeatherWriting

  29. Terri Tiffany

    I love the blurb!! I would so read it. COngrats on getting though another one1

  30. patti

    Oh, Katie! I LOVE the way you described "that" feeling.

    Usuallyl my eyes tear up at gratitude to God for counseling me through.

    You are such a beautiful writer…and person.


  31. Jessica Nelson

    I love the blurbs for your books! And the name Ivy. πŸ™‚ That's the name of my heroine in my unsalvageable novel. lol

  32. Jessica Nelson

    You may not be in awe of yourself, but I sure am!!! Wow, on both finishing, your word count and how you read your bible and pray every morning. I've slacked on that for so long…:-(
    I'm praying great things to happen, although it seems like they already are. πŸ™‚ Congrats!


    First, congratulations! How exciting!

    Before I sit to write, I always say a prayer. Simply asking God to help me open myself up, to help me hear his words, and what it is that I should write.

    I know you'll make it far. Just keep praying and writing.

  34. Jody Hedlund

    Whoo-hoo!!! Congrats on completing your book! 8000 words!?! Wow. I'm in awe of that alone!

    I always consider it a major, major feat to complete a novel. After months (or in your case weeks!) of pouring my heart into the story, its such an amazing feeling of accomplishment to wrap it up in a satisfying way, to bring it all to conclusion in a believable and compelling way. I ALWAYS celebrate! With my family, in some way! So, I hope you take some time to enjoy the moment! πŸ™‚

  35. Tabitha Bird

    WOW Katie. That is a beautiful. and I LOVE the title for that book. God shows up. Yep. That is the truth. Even if we think we are waiting till the elevnth hour… πŸ™‚


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