A Taste of Life on Submission

I got my fabulous agent in November. At that point, we submitted my proposal to one particular publishing house. The acquisitions editor was interested in my work and would speak with the editorial team about it. But life happens. Unexpected things occur. Time goes on. And writers learn that waiting is an integral part of this process. If waiting drives you mad, I’d seriously consider a different career.

Two and a half months passed. The editor is still interested, but hasn’t had the opportunity to discuss my work with her editorial team. My agent submits my proposal to eight other publishing houses. I finish revisions on my fourth novel, brainstorm some ideas for my fifth with my agent, who provides excellent guidance, and I get to work on research.

On Marh 7th, my agent calls to tell me she had lunch with the editor, who’s still interested, but has been waiting to take it to committee until the timing is right. What we writers sometimes don’t realize, in our lonesome little worlds with our laptops, is that so much is happening behind the scenes. This editor may like my stuff, but there are other books being submitted and considered. Some might be similar to mine. If she wants my work to pass through editorial committee and pub board, timing is key.

She and Rachelle decide that bringing a two-book proposal to committee will strengthen my chances. So I hurry up, write a hook, back-cover blurb, and synopsis for the fourth book I finished. Rachelle creates a two-book proposal and quickly gets it to the editor.

I try to contain my excitement and distract myself with this new story, which, thankfully, is wonderfully distracting.

I get an email on March 18th. Editorial team is enthusiastic about my stuff. They are taking it to Pub Board in mid-April. Hopefully….but you never know. Sometimes pub board meetings get cancelled, or sometimes not all the manuscripts on the agenda get discussed, so you can get pushed back. Lots of stuff can happen.

The editors made a helpful observation/critique, and since my book’s not going to Pub Board until mid-April, this lovely editor has given me the opportunity to work on the suggestion and resubmit before Good Friday. Note, I don’t have to. They will take the book to committee either way. But why wouldn’t I? These editors are professionals who know so much more than I do. It is my dream to work with an editor and glean as much knowledge as possible so I can continue to improve and grow as a writer. I also want to make this story as strong as it can be. So that’s what I’m doing. Trying to improve the manuscript.

In the midst of all this, my stomach has accomplished some pretty applaudable acrobatics. Odd, impossible things – like simultaneously dancing for joy and flopping to my knees. Pub Board is the big one. This is where most manuscripts get rejected. But if it passes Pub Board, I get a contract. A real, live publishing contract. See, my stomach’s doing it again.

Jody Hedlund wrote a post last week about facing disapointment. She said, “The higher we reach for our dreams, the more crashes we’ll likely have.” This is so true. I’m elated up here, so high. I mean, come on, how cool is it that a bunch of editors were sitting around a few Tuesdays ago discussing my book? That’s crazy to me! And incredibly exciting. But I’m up so high! If I fall, I know it’s going to hurt. Yet, this is the risk we take when we dive into the publishing industry. This is the risk I’m taking now. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Question to Ponder: When you’re taking a risk, are you more of a “think positive” person, or more of a “stay realistic” person?removetweetmeme

54 thoughts on “A Taste of Life on Submission

  1. ElisaHH

    The glass is always half full baby and if it isn't, I need a refill! πŸ™‚

  2. Kirsten Lesko

    I just stumbled upon your blog and really like it. I love this post about waiting to hear back – I haven't started querying yet & I get so excited to learn the details of this phase. Good luck!

    To answer your question – I'm a think positive person. Especially if I've really followed my gut when taking the risk.

  3. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought

    Clapping for your stomach.

    I'm a think positive b/c God usually pulls something good out of everything.
    ~ Wendy

  4. TerryLynnJohnson

    Such great news! No wonder your stomache is doing flips! Hang in there!
    I'm definitely a positive person, that's why I don't buy lottery tickets. I always expect I'm going to win and it's too crushing when I don't! But some risks are good – such as revising for the editors! Woohoo!

  5. Lynda Schab

    That's awesome, Katie! How exciting! I'll say a prayer for you! πŸ™‚

  6. Jill Kemerer

    How nerve-wracking! You're handling it with grace, and I commend you for taking the editor's suggestions.

    I'm a realistic waiter. Too far in this not to understand the topsy-turvy snags.

  7. insidethewritersstudio

    "If waiting drives you mad, I'd seriously consider a different career."


  8. Katrina

    Thanks for your kind comments Katie!
    We lived in Wisconsin for 8 years before moving to Michigan about 2 years ago. It's so rare to find a fellow mother/writer to chat with about writing! I'm trying to break into the young adult/fiction market. It's terrifying and exhilarating! I'm with Janklow & Nesbit — what agency are you with?
    I also want to say, that I love how you've documented your progress on your blog. I only have a "family" blog right now, but have been thinking about starting a "writing" blog.
    Sorry this is so long! Have a great week!

    Katrina πŸ™‚

  9. Tamika:

    Yay Katie! Wow God is doing some great things! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat in expectation.

    Praying for you always.

  10. Stephen Tremp

    I'm totally optimistic. I have to go full out. Even if it means a crach and burn of things don't work out. I don't know any other way.

    Stephen Tremp

  11. Katrina

    I just found your blog for the first time and LOVE it! My agent is about to start pitching my novel in a week or so here, and I'm REALLY nervous about it. I'm also really bad at waiting, but it sounds like I'm in for a lot of it… Hmmm … maybe God is trying to teach me ultimate patience!

  12. Kelly H-Y

    Oh my goodness … my stomach was doing flip-flops just reading your post! I am so excited for you! Good things to come in mid-April!!! πŸ™‚

  13. Brock S. Henning

    Thanks for sharing the view from above, Katie, and a huge congrats on your journey this far!

  14. Heather Sunseri

    Katie! Huge things are happening for you. I can feel it. As with most things, I'm falling somewhere in the middle. I'm a realist, but I always reach for the stars – go all out!

  15. Rebecca @ Diary of a Virgin Novelist

    I'm more of a "the apocalypse is coming!" kind of girl. πŸ˜‰

  16. Keli Gwyn

    Oh, Katie, you are soooo close. I'm excited for you and hope for good news when the Pub Board meets. I do a no-holds-barred happy dance with plenty of shouting known for sending our cats scurrying for cover and can't wait to join in yours.

  17. Jessica Nelson

    Definitely a realistic, don't-count-my-chickens-until-they-hatch type. At the same time, Woohoo for you!! That's so awesome and exciting. πŸ™‚

  18. Katie Ganshert

    Wow! Thanks for all the well-wishes and encouraging words everybody! All the comments really blessed my heart today.

  19. Christopher

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. That's really exciting.

  20. Carol J. Garvin

    What an exciting but nerve-wracking time for you! I'm looking forward to hearing the outcome and hoping it will be good news.

    I'm more on the keep-a-grip-on-reality side, although my attitude is upbeat. I believe that when the time is right in God's plan, things will work out if I've done my part well enough. (Now I'm off to do some more work on my part.)

  21. Alison Eckel

    Congratulations! Waiting … sigh. I hope to be in your waiting shoes someday.

    I am both. Some days I'm realistic, some days I'm up in the clouds. Sometimes I have to talk myself down, and sometimes I have to talk myself up.

  22. Eileen Astels Watson

    Katie, this is all so exciting for you. I've got goosebumps just thinking that two of your stories may be sold very soon. I'm praying for you girl!!

    Me… I'm a try and stay realistic, battle the cloud nine highs from seeping in type of girl, myself.

  23. patti

    Hmmm. I'm a let God have His way person. Try not to get too caught up in the whims of the business world. It'll always let you down in the end (or in the middle or beginning), but not Him.

    May God be glorified through all of this. Praise Him for your hard work.


  24. Stephanie Thornton

    How exciting! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Being a writer really is a roller coaster ride, isn't it? Thrilling and scary at the same time.

  25. T. Anne

    I'm both. I really need to stay focused on reality but my head cannot stay out of the clouds. I'm SOOO thrilled for you and I hope you share the good news as soon as you get it. It's so encouraging to see my blogging buddies reach new heights , it's as thrilling as though it were happening to me.

  26. Holly

    AAAHH! So Praying for you!!!

  27. Patti

    I teeter between the two. Sometimes I find it easier to accept disappointment before it happens because then it it's good news I'll be elated.

  28. Lauren

    It's amazing to get to read this post, because I've often wondered what goes on behind the scenes. A lot of times writers are very naive to the ENTIRE process of submitting a book and getting it published because there's been no one to explain anything until they're in the the throes of the project. So I'm really glad you're here to give us the 411! Thanks, Katie! πŸ˜€

  29. Julie Dao

    That is so exciting, Katie – I can't imagine the feeling but I know it must be like a rollercoaster ride! I stay positive and uplifted until I get a chance… be it an interested reader or a finalist spot in a writing contest, and then the reality-checker comes out. It helps me shield disappointment. Plus I think it's healthy for a writer to be very rooted in reality, since our business is all about seeking approval and being rejected over and over til our work finds a home. Great post!

  30. Shmologna

    I think I may be a "hopes for too much person."

    I'm glad you posted this entry. I have been wondering where you were as far as your submissions. My prayer is that God blesses you with a contract for a long and happy relationship with a good publisher.

  31. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    I'm so excited for you. Getting this far in the process is a huge encouragement.

    Since I haven't reached that point, I'm not sure how I'll react. πŸ™‚


  32. Jody Hedlund

    So I want to know what you had to change! I'm so nosey, aren't I?! πŸ˜‰ Yes, the risk is high! But if Editorial liked it, I have the feeling you'll do just fine!

  33. Rosslyn Elliott

    Katie, that is SO GREAT. I am excited to hear that your work is going to Pub Board. We both know that news may or may not appear at the stated time, but I really hope that you do get news in mid-April. My news arrived seven weeks after the initial stated Pub Board time. But as long as the news is good, I'll take it anytime!

  34. Lynnette Labelle

    So exciting! Crossing my fingers for ya.

    Lynnette Labelle

  35. KC

    I am excited for you and i look forward to great news soon!

    When i take risks, i think i am more of a "stay realistic" person, especially since i always leave room for disappointment, but not too much room. However, i think that in staying realistic, there is also some aspect of positive thinking, so maybe im a mixture of the two πŸ™‚

  36. Erica Vetsch

    I think I'm mostly a bounce back and forth between the two…high, high hopes, then get-a-grip reality.

    I'm so excited for you, girl! I can't wait to hear what they say!

  37. Kristen Torres-Toro

    WOW! Let us know! I'm praying for you as you wait… and am so excited about this time in your life!

  38. Julie

    What an exciting time for you!!!

  39. Krista Phillips

    I'm an in between. I mean, I think really even when we try to be "realistic" we still have that hope, and if it's no, then our hope is still dashed. So I would rather just trust that GOD knows the outcome and what is needed…

    I had a friend tell me the other day, one who is going through a ton of ups and downs right now, that she doesn't get excited about anything because so much has failed her in her life, that she would rather be not excited about it in case something bad happens.

    YUCK YUCK! Can you imagine living life trying not to be excited about anything because of fear? I used to have a somewhat "realistic" approach to things, but now that I see the extreme, where this person wouldn't even be excited if she got a book contract (she's not a writer, so figuratively speaking) because she might not sell that many books so doesn't want to get her hopes up.

    So… I wait expectently on what Jesus wants for me, and am excited for the things he DOES give me!

  40. Lisa Jordan

    Katie, I posted on Friday, but for some reason, my post did not show up. Anyway, I'm so thrilled your book is going to the Pub Board. This is a huge honkin' deal!!

    And I'm with you–even though you don't have to take the editor's suggestions, I appreciate your humility in knowing there is room for improvement in your manuscript–there are people out there who wouldn't make the changes.

    I'll be praying the Pub Board accepts your novel if it's God's will. If not, I'll be praying He opens the right door for you.

    When it comes to taking risks, I tend to fall somewhere in the middle. Like before I queried Rachelle, my writing group lifted my book up in prayer. I knew it was the best I had to offer at the time and truly felt it was ready. But after hitting send, I told myself to stay realistic. It's a tough balance. I decided if God wanted her as my agent, He would make it possible. And guess what…He did!!

    Timing is everything, friend!

  41. CKHB

    I think I'm a hopeful-realism girl, with more than my share of realism. I survived emotional flip-flops as a child actor, so everything from here on out is going to be less stressful, since I have a LITTLE more maturity and perspective. (Not a lot more. Just a little.)


  42. Sandra Heska King

    My stomach did flip flops for you!

    Ask me again if I ever get "the call." In the meantime, I'm more of a "keep my focus" person. Give the horse a kick but know Who holds the reins.

    Most of the time I'm like that.

  43. Jeanette Levellie

    Oooh, Oooh, Ooooh, sitting on the edge of my chair, waiting along with you for glorious news, Katie. I'm so proud of you! And God.

    I go up and down when I'm waiting, alternating between, "Expect great things from God," and "who do I think I'm kidding?" I try to remain positive. That's easier with someone else's life than my own!

  44. Gina Conroy

    I used to think positive until I got that rejection! Now since I've been with my awesome agent for a year and a half, with two rejected manuscripts, I've taken the "realistic" route. Though his belief in me and encouragement keeps me writing, the reality is even though he thinks this next book I'm working on will be my breakout novel, there are no guarantees! But the important part is not HOW I feel, but that I keep writing and keep submitting!

  45. Kelly Lyman

    First, I'm super excited for you and will be praying that all goes well for you-
    Second, I'm totally a realistic person. Maybe too much sometimes.

  46. Jennifer Shirk

    Oh so nerve wracking!!! But exciting, too! I pray you get your heart's desire.

    I'm definitely more of a "think positive" person–not that I'm overly confident, just…positive. LOL

  47. Caroline Starr Rose

    I FEEL for you. Waiting with so much in the balance can make you nutty! What a wonderful opportunity to revise before the pub meeting!

    Hang in there. Hopefully your students, family, and new ms. will all be wonderful distractions.

  48. Jen

    Wonderful post! I would say that I'm a bit of both, depends on the feeling, I want my hopes to not get too high but the minute I jump in it's already too late so I try and remain realisitic however sometimes the excitement gets the best of you!

    Good Luck and I look forward to hearing the outcome!!

  49. Robyn Campbell

    Oh Katie! NO ONE deserves this more. I know you well enough to understand what this means and how hard you've worked. Just remember how far you have come. Before November you didn't have a fabulous agent.

    I am so thrilled for you. It's going right to the top of my prayer list. And if this is the publishing house God has planned for you, it will happen.

    I ALWAYS get my hopes way up, to the sky high. And nervously go about my days and weeks daydreaming about it.

    Katie, thank GOD for LUNCH! I'm unplugging for a couple of weeks. I have to make sure everything is ready to query. But I'll be checking in. And praying. I love you girl. Oh and reading your post made my stomach dance for you. It will happen. =)

  50. Karen Amanda Hooper

    Very very exciting. Good luck. And remember the old saying, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

  51. CJ

    Such good news. Fingers crossed for you

  52. Terri Tiffany

    I am so happy and excited for you and can't wait for more good news from you. I tend to be more realistic and never like to get my hopes up too high but deep down, well, we're all the same. We hope!

  53. sherrinda

    I love getting to peak into your writing life, Katie! I get to live vicariously through you!!!

    I tend to be one of those who tries not to expect or hope for too much so as not to get too disappointed if it doesn't happen. I wish I was one of those who could wait expectantly and then blow it off if it doesn't happen, but I'm not. So while I may dream big, I don't expect big. Does that make any sense? lol

  54. Diggestive

    I ask myself a question, have I done all I can, is it the best I could have done!!! If so I am happy.0


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