You guys. Two firsts happened for me today!
One. I have an Amish novella out in the world. An Amish novella, y’all.
I’ve written all my life. Actually, not really. It feels like I’ve written all my life. As soon as I figured out how to string words together on a page, I wrote, wrote, wrote. Stories I rarely finished, but would read out loud to my parents and my Aunt Peggy. Bless their hearts for listening.
Never in all my life, though, did I consider making one of those stories an Amish story.
Until I was invited to participate in a cool-sounding project with some authorly friends (waving to Cindy, Mindy, and Amanda) and my intrigued little heart couldn’t say no. I love trying new things and this was definitely new. And so, not only did I contribute my novella (Guiding Star) to the mix, I also wrote the prologue and the epilogue. It was great fun.
Two. I have a Christmas novella out in the world.
Granted, the Amish novella and the Christmas novella are one in the same. But still, it’s my first official Christmas story and you know what? I think it won’t be my last. I’m a fan of Christmas.
You know what’s also kind of fun?
Fans of my first two novels (Wildflowers from Winter and Wishing on Willows) will recognize one of the settings. Peaks makes a cameo, along with a couple characters readers should recognize. I won’t say who. You have to read to find out! #ohthetorture
To celebrate these two fun firsts, how about a giveaway?
(Since I’m too cheap to upgrade my Rafflecopter account, I can’t get the giveaway to start any earlier than midnight, October 21st, so if you’re reading this ahead of time, make sure to check back in!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I know it’s only October, but tell me. Who’s already started with Christmas shopping?