Summer Schedule & Cover Art!

Summer might not officially be here until June 20th (or is it the 21st?), but it sure feels summery around here.

School’s out. Shoes have become a thing of the past. Bubba’s panting. The air conditioner has rattled to life. The air smells like charcoal and sunscreen. The kiddie pool’s decorating the backyard and B-man has mosquito bites.

If that’s not summer, I don’t know what is.

The Ganshert’s have some pretty big things in store this summer.

We’ll be hosting a silent auction/trivia night to raise money for our adoption. 

And my husband is having major surgery.

Last September, his little brother was rushed to the hospital and spent several days in ICU. Both of his kidney had failed.

Turns out, Ryan is an ideal match. 

So on July 5th, my husband will be one kidney lighter and one of our favorite people in the world will hopefully be freed from dialysis.

I plan on being a great nurse to the hubs.

I also plan on slowing down. Scaling back. And enjoying the bare feet and the hot sun and the sprinkler with my red-headed little boy. Who sadly, becomes less and less little each and every day.

In order to do so, a little blog tweaking is in order….

Mondays will remain the same. Posts will be writing or reading related.

Wednesdays will be super short. Perhaps as simple as a Bible verse or a song or a prayer that’s on my heart.

Fridays will be 3 C’s. It’s something I used to do on my blog awhile back. Every Friday, I’ll share cares, concerns, and celebrations from the week. At the end of each post, I’ll ask you to share your 3 C’s. The posts are super easy to write and I love getting to learn more about YOUR life. 

So there you have it.

The new summer schedule.

We’ll resume our regularly scheduled program after Labor Day.

Now that we have that out of the way…. I have something to share!

Last week, I got an email from my editor with a very exciting attachment.

It’s the cover of Wishing on Willows!

I always wondered if seeing the cover art for my second novel would be as magical as it was for my debut. Let me tell ya. It is.

I might have stared at this for an hour straight. I also might have contemplated flying to Colorado Springs so I could give the cover artist a giant hug.

My second baby has a face. And I’m smitten.

Let’s Talk: What were some of your favorite things to do in the summer when you were a little kid? What makes you fall in love with a book cover?

I’m honored to be a guest on Rachel McRae’s LifeWay blog today. She’s giving away copies of my book. So hop on over and say hi!

If you’d like a chance to win a signed copy of Wildflowers from Winter, head on over to Tori Chase’s blog where you’ll learn a little bit more about Wishing on Willows!

39 thoughts on “Summer Schedule & Cover Art!

  1. Katie, another absolutely gorgeous cover! LOVE IT!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I love willow trees! Congrats on seeing the face of your second baby!!

  3. Susan Wilson

    I’ll also be praying for your husband and brother-in-laws’ recovery after the transplant.

    This cover for Wishing on Willows is beautiful! I can hardly wait to read it. Since childhood I have loved the graceful weeping willow tree.

    Also, I just finished Wildflowers from Winter and I must say that I was hooked from page 1. It was such a captivating story; hard to believe it was your first book!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Susan! Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Katie Ganshert

    Thanks for all the encouraging words on the cover everyone!

    Kathleen – good catch!

  5. Lie on my back in our yard and look up at the stars. Catch fireflies in a jar and release them after watching their little lights. Dress up our patient cat in doll clothes and take her for a ride in my doll buggy. Her tail looked so funny slowly going back and forth beneath the skirt she was sporting. I would talk to her in a small little soothing voice and try to hold back my giggle.
    Your cover would be magnanimously favorite whatever it would be! I want to get inside. I like how her hair is blowing in the wind. Oh Oh! Typo, typo. “Aither” at the bottom instead of “Author.”
    How soon do we get to hold Robin’s story in our hands??
    Happy day! Kathleen

  6. Katie, just lovely! I want to walk right into the picture. Congratulations on you second “baby”!

  7. Oh, my!!! that cover is gorgeous!!! Congrats, Katie!

    I am so sorry to hear of your brother-in-law’s trouble. And I’m beginning my daily prayers now for your husband and his brother. The associate minister (and dear friend) at my church just donated one of his kidney’s to his father this past winter. They are both doing wonderfully. Your husband is one very brave man – what a gift.

    Congrats again on the beautiful cover! Can’t wait to get my hands on that book!!

  8. It’s lovely, Katie – can’t wait to read Robin’s story 🙂 Hugs xo xo

  9. Celebrating with you, Katie, about your lovely cover for book #2!!! So, so happy for you!

  10. Oh, Katie, that cover is beautiful! Congratulations!

  11. My favorite part of this book cover is the last two lines: Katie Ganshert Author of Wildflowers from Winter. You have arrived! You are multi-published (or almost). 🙂 I read a couple more chapters of WFW last night – “wow” is all I can say! The first POV scene with Robin is incredibly powerful. Great job! *Side note, I almost never read modern fiction and was a little unsure if I’d enjoy it (I’m historical fiction all the way) – Katie, I can’t tell you how much I am loving your story – it captured me from the beginning.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      YAY! So excited you’re enjoying it Gabrielle!

  12. karenk

    hi katie…i love the cover of your ‘second baby’…karenk

  13. Melissa Isaksen

    Hi Katie! Great cover, how exciting! I meant to message you and tell you I received my copy of your book that I won from Tagglines Melissa Tagg’s blog! I’ve started it but I’m only a few chapters in. (So far it’s sad 🙁 but your writing is beautiful) Thank you! Oh, I also received the welcome envelope you sent me, thanks! Very sweet. 🙂 Take care!

  14. Oooh, that’s such a pretty cover! There’s something very whimsical about it.
    I hope you enjoy your summer. Here in FL we’re all ready hitting one hundred degrees. lol We’ve been barefoot for about two months now too.
    Praying for your fam and hubs and hope for awesome future updates!

  15. Susan Mason

    WOW! Hard to top your first, but this is even more beautiful! Congrats!

    What a selfless thing for your husband to do! Will pray all goes well for both of them.


  16. It’s love at first site!!! Congratulations on another spectacular cover, Katie!

  17. Oooh, I just noticed that our view of Robin is from inside a willow. Cool.

  18. Lindy Enlow

    I love the cover. It envokes the feeling that I have when I read a good book…. Relaxing, trees gently swaying in the springtime breeze, and peaceful! Great job by the designer and all involved.

    Your husbands story reminds me of another author Amy Clipston. She gave her kidney to her husband. The gift of life is a beautiful gift! Your husband will be blessed for his gift I’m sure! I’ll pray for both families.

  19. Beautiful cover! And can’t wait to read the book! I’m not sure what makes me fall in love with a cover, I just know when I do.

    My favorite summer activity as a kid was playing outside with my friends until the lightning bugs came out and my mother made me come in. 🙂

    Will be praying for your husband and his brother. Have a good friend who gave a kidney to her son-in-law three or four months ago. Both are doing well.

  20. Love it, katie! I love willows and she looks just like I pictured her!

  21. Love!! It’s beautiful. I love the purple/lavender. That’s my fave.

  22. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that cover. It’s beautiful. It gives me a sense of what the book is, and I don’t know…it just depicts Robin perfectly, as I’d imagine her. Bea-u-ti-ful, dah-ling!!

    No surprise, since I live in Phoenix…as a kid, I loved swimming in the summer. And watching TV. Lots of it. Ha.

    Is it bad that I wish I was a teacher JUST so I could still get summer vacation? Probably.

  23. I have a thing for willows. Ever since I was a little girl and read “The Strawberry Girl” I started collecting blue willow dishes for my hope chest. I’ve been married 13 years and we still use my blue willow dishes every day. 🙂
    I also planted a weeping willow tree in our front yard.
    You had me at Willow!

  24. Katie, I LOVE the new cover!! And I also love your plans for the summer: laid back, taking care of the hubs, enjoying your life and summer breezes. Praying all goes well with their surgeries!

  25. Oh. My. Goodness.

    Katie, I love. L.O.V.E it! What an absolutely STUNNING cover and perfect to follow up the more gloomy/wintery feel of WfW, gives hope and promise to Robin’s new life in this story.

    Wow, wow, wow.

    Kudos to your designer!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Gorgeous! Congrats!

  27. This looks AWESOME! Congrats Katie. 🙂

  28. Wonderful cover, Katie! Bummer that we have to wait until next year to read it!
    There are so many favorites from long-ago summers: wandering carefree through the woods; wading in streams in the mid-summer heat; Mom’s strawberry shakes; the smell of fresh-cut hay and those long, hot, glorious days working alongside family putting it up; lightening bugs; and just being home!
    Will be praying for the surgery and carefree summer days for your sweet family.

  29. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amazing, Katie!!! SO SO SO excited for you:-)

    That your husband was willing to give up a kidney is WONDERFUL! What a GOOD man you have!!! Will be praying praying praying!

  30. Carol Moncado

    Love it!!!! Looking forward to this one!!!


  31. Oohhhh, I love the cover!!! And wow, that IS a busy summer you’ve got ahead. I’ll be praying for you, especially with your husband’s surgery. Those can be testing times but some of the sweetest times too.

  32. I can feel the wind blowing! 🙂 Fabulous!

  33. Looks great!

  34. Your new cover is beeeeautiful. And Ryan’s heart is beautiful, too. So awesome that surgery is an option for your brother-in-law’s healing.

    Woo hoo for bare feet all summer long! 🙂 We saw our first lightning bug here a couple nights ago—a bit earlier than usual. And tomorrow my daughter graduates Jr. High… eek! when did she grow up?

    One of my favorite things to do in the summer was to sit on my screened in back porch and watch the thunderstorms roll in.

  35. Oh, that cover is so beautiful…whimsical…I love it!!

    My favorite thing to do in the summer as a kid…sit in the treehouse and read. Yes, I was that girl. 🙂

  36. SO pretty! I love willow trees, they’re like green clouds and they sound lovely when the wind is billowing through them.
    But the biggest impact today was not about the the cover, it’s that Ryan is giving his kidney to his brother. That’s love, right there. “Cut me open, take what you need.”

  37. Gorgeous cover Katie – so excited for you! 🙂


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