Friday 3 C’s!

B-man loves his new sprinkler. It’s been a fun start to the summer! 


Wildflowers from Winter was one of three novels nominated for the fiction book of the month over at The Book Club Network. This month’s vote was the largest ever and the race is really close, so they are extending the vote until Saturday. If you enjoyed my debut, I’d love your vote!

We got a phone for our land line last night. The dial tone made us laugh. Maybe we need to get out more.


I may or may not have single-handedly polished off an entire pan of brownies over the past four days. 

I left my cell in Madison, which means my poor little flip phone is far away from home.


Girls’ night out with friends in Mad-town on Wednesday night was way too much fun. I discovered a wine I actually like. The Greek pizza and lemon gelato were off the hook. And the laughter was in abundance. 

Fellow debut author and friend, Dani Pettrey, not only celebrated her birthday yesterday (she claims she’s forty, but I’m not entirely sure I believe her), she also celebrated making LifeWay Fiction’s best seller list for the month of May! She writes romantic suspense. Word on the street is she’s the next Dee Henderson.

Let’s Talk: What were your 3 C’s this week? I’d love to read them!

I’m talking about what’s surprised me and what hasn’t surprised me on this side of publication over at Cathy West’s blog today.

35 thoughts on “Friday 3 C’s!

  1. Thanks for celebrating with me, Katie! And, yes, I’m REALLY 40, but I don’t mind at all if you don’t think I look it 🙂

    Cares: Line edits on book 2 and writing book 3. Praying God fills my tank and keeps the focus where it needs to be–on Him.

    Concern: Keeping my heart tuned to God’s heartbeat, come what may. (I may have stolen this from Beth Vogt but she always hits the heart of it).

    Celebrations: My daughters both had great school years (one in college and one in HS). My oldest is home from college for the summer. Yay! Celebrating making the bestseller list. Still humbly amazed. God is so gracious.

  2. Awe, love those 3 C’s. B-Man’s sprinkler looks like perfect little kid (and little kid at heart) fun!

    CARES: the new story I’m plotting is coming together so nicely–maybe a wee bit too nicely. But this panster is moving more into the dark side of plotting. 😉

    CONCERNS: finding too many mistakes in my none-finaling Genesis entry–the day before finalists were announced. Now that’s just brutal!

    CELEBRATIONS: Your book cover this week! YAY! And celebrating with fellow Alley Cat Cindy Wilson who finaled in the Genesis!!

    (and there is no way Dani Pettrey is 40. No. Way.)

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I’m totally with you Casey. I think Dani’s fibbing. Yay for stories that come together well! And boo for finding mistakes when it’s too late. 🙁

  3. Concern-I have HUGE fundraiser for my mission trip on Sunday night (pot luck then a hymn sing) and I am trying NOT to worry.
    Care-somebody needs to drop 40 to 50 lbs this summer. GAH! SO HARD!!
    Celebration-School is almost done!!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I totally understand the stress that comes with a fundraiser! We’re organizing one for the 23rd and it’s NUTTY stressful!

      As far as the weight loss – you can do it, you can do it! I’ll be your cheerleader, if you want one. 🙂

  4. BTW, that doesn’t mean I’ll quit stalking you now. I just saw the cover of your next book and I’m drooling already. Besides, I kinda like Robin. A lot.

  5. Katie,

    Great new posting plan – gives us a chance to evaluate where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going all in just a few words.

    Cares: Working through Michael Hyatt’s new PLATFORM book – hoping for miraculous results.

    Concerns: So Cal Summer heat and no air-conditioner. Goat kids due in a week which means I have to start milking Patchouli 2x/day and my schedule is already too full. Even though fresh goat’s milk is NOTHING like the stuff in the stores (ew!), I’m still trying to determine if it’s worth my time and effort.

    Celebrations: I WON YOUR BOOK FROM LINDSAY BELL! YIPPEE-KI-YAY! WOO-HOO! Is there an emoticon for balloons and streamers?

    Happy June and have a lovely weekend!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I just sent it out in the mail!!! Hope you like it. And so glad this win will not affect your stalking. I love reading your comments on my blog and Facebook page!

      So sorry you have no air conditioner in the heat. That is miserable!

      Hey – would you recommend the book? Is it a lot of the same stuff we already know? Or do you feel like you’re learning a ton?

      1. First – YES. I’d recommend it.

        Second – Just because we already KNOW something doesn’t mean we already PRACTICE something. That being said, one of the things that I was reminded of in Wildflowers from Winter is that sometimes SOLUTIONS aren’t possible, but RESOLUTIONS are. Does that make sense? Don’t want to say too much because I’m actually writing a review for the book and I want you to be surprised. And happy.

  6. Cares: My 17 yr old son needs to get a job this summer. He needs to make better use of his time!

    Concerns: I leave for a 2 week mission trip overseas in June and when I return I will have 2 weeks to prep for my new job as a Writing Teacher. Yipes!

    Celebrations: After much prayer and patience, the Lord blessed me with a new job as a Writing Teacher for 7th & 8th graders! VBS starts soon! And I have an awesome son and husband!! Much to celebrate!

    Congrats, Katie!! Enjoy your moment!!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Ruth – that is an AMAZING job!! Especially since that’s the age you write for, right? Amazing!

  7. Ooo, which wine was it? I have never liked any but my husband would die if I found one I liked…I’ll take recommendations…

    Care: Hopefully finishing up the first read through of my third revision of my current WIP (did you follow?).

    Concern: Having a bit of dissatisfaction with my job…because I really want to be home writing with a baby. ;P

    Celebration: Um, I guess that I don’t have that many plans this weekend, so I will have time to read and relax!

    Happy Friday!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      It was moscato d’asti and it was fizzy and super sweet and trust me, if I liked it, you’ll like it. Because I generally think all wine and beer is DISGUSTING! My husband is always having me try different beer and he usually says, “You’ll like it. It doesn’t even taste like beer.” Inevitably, I make the “beer” face. But this was like candy in a glass!

      1. Me too!! That’s what my husband does with wine. Oh, it doesn’t taste like wine. Uh, yeah, it does. Completely.

        Hmmm, I’ll have to try this biscotti of which you speak…

    2. Katie Ganshert

      Oh – and girl, I empathize with wanting to be home and feeling dissatisfied at work. I enjoyed teaching and the kids, but my heart was at home. Hopefully your dreams will come true and you’ll be able to have more time to write!

  8. Cares: totally geeking out on 18th century fashion paper dolls as research references. And I have 15 days until my first manuscript deadline. Reading aloud for hours at a time in Scottish, Irish, and Mohawk accents is a work-out for the mouth muscles, but fun.

    Concerns: I have 15 days until my first manuscript deadline. And two of my closest friends are moving away this summer.

    Celebrations: I have 15 days until my first manuscript deadline!!! And I just found out the National Sheep Dog Trials will be held locally again this year and I think we might have a girls’ DAY out to go see them. This is so cool.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Hey Lori – we both read our stories out loud! I don’t use accents, but still. I think it is SO helpful when editing!!

      I love that we share the same publisher! So fun!

      1. Me too! And the same editor, I think. When they asked about covers I like and why I like them I used yours as one of my examples.

    2. One of my very best friends is Mohawk/Oneida/Tuscarora. I even have a Native American name!!
      “Gaweiskay git git”.
      It means “white chick(en)”.

      1. LOL Jennifer. Great name! Does she speak either of her native languages? I am learning to have such respect and affection for the Mohawk and Oneida peoples as I research stories set in their homeland during the 18th century.

        And hey, both your names mean “white.” 🙂

      2. Hi Lori, I think she speaks some of each. Do you need help in your research? Did you want a Mowhak name too? I can arrange that. 😉
        Her family were Evangelical missionaries to Native peoples all across North Amercia. She has an amazing story. Her family even helped bring the isolated Kickapoo tribe to the attention of the State of Oklahoma. (There was a white woman who masqueraded as a Kickapoo and wrote a book about her life as a Kickapoo, until someone found out she was white and outed her. She even used brown face paint!)
        My WIP features the Navajo.

  9. Care: Getting ready to start the last round of edits on my WIP so I can send it to my critters!

    Concerns: My daughter is going in 8th grade and is in the HS marching band. 13 year old….17 year olds…Gulp!

    Celebrations: I’m almost finished with a curriculum for our church and I’m going to start teaching it to our new and growing believers in July! Very excited about that!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I love your celebration, Jessica! Especially after reading your post the other week about God giving you opportunities and this being one of them!

      Two teenagers – gulp indeed!

  10. Yay, the three Cs are back! 🙂

    Care: Starting my new WIP today! Yay!

    Concern: I’m upping my healthy eating and exercise goals this summer. Starting today. Which means I don’t get my usual Friday night pizza. Yes, this concerns me.

    Celebration: Finished plotting a new WIP this week, going car shopping this weekend, and Hy-Vee had four 12-packs of pop for $10 this week. (Please don’t tell me my pop-drinking habits contradict my healthy eating goals…please!)

    1. Katie Ganshert

      So glad you’re happy that 3 C’s are back!

      Yay for starting a new WIP! That’s awesome! I need to follow in your footsteps.

      Yay for healthy eating and exercise, but boo for no pizza. Please tell me you’re not giving up Diet Coke.

      LOL! I literally wrote my paragraph above before reading your celebrations. NOPE! Diet Coke is really healthy. I’m convinced it is.

  11. You so did write off the hook, didn’t you?

    Must know more about that wine!
    Cares: Last day of preschool for wee one.
    Concerns: Computer fix thyself.
    Celebrations: Last day of preschool for wee one & my mindset about computer. And our God.

    ~ Wendy

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Amen, Wendy! Our God! Love that.

      Boo for stupid computers. Love your attitude about it.

      Will your wee one be in kindergarten next year?? How do you feel about that?

      “write off the hook”? Am I being silly for not knowing what you’re talking about?

      1. I do believe you’re cool for writing “off the hook”.

  12. Cares: My house is a bit topsy-turvey, what with deadlines meaning I’ve ignored the inside and and new siding going up meaning things look rough on the outside.

    Concern: Keeping my heart tuned to God’s heartbeat, come what may.

    Celebrations: My friend, Jeanne, finished her first manuscript! And several friends finaled in Genesis. And my daughter is out for summer vacation! Lots to celebrate.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Were Genesis finalists announced?? On the loop? I haven’t checked yet!

      I love your concern and want to make that the prayers of my heart, Beth. Your heart for God is so incredibly encouraging and inspiring.

  13. Ashley Ludwig

    Great way to start the day, Katie!!

    CARES: Turning Pinterest addiction into summer of fun for my daughters…and loving how cool they think I am!

    Won a contest and have a free book on its way!! BE STILL MY SOUL by Joanne Bischof! Better finish WILDFLOWERS IN WINTER before it gets here!

    CONCERNS: Proposal being reviewed by agent. How many times can I refresh my email? Carrying on with a graceful smile to hide nail biting going on, inside!!!!

    CELEBRATIONS: my 12th anniversary to the best guy in the universe is Sunday. LA Kings in the Stanley Cup Finals! And Temecula’s Balloon and Wine festival all in the same weekend. Thanking heaven for my parents, come to babysit while we play!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Woohoo from winning a contest and free books! I can’t wait to read Joanne’s book! I hope you’re enjoying Wildflowers.

      I totally know all about the tendency to refresh email every two seconds. I’d love to say it gets better….but really, it doesn’t. Hope the agent LOVES your stuff!!

      Have fun on your anniversary! Congrats on 12 years!

      1. Ashley

        Thanks, so very much! Keep telling myself it’s all in God’s hands… So, why do I keep dragging it back?!

        Loving WILDFLOWERS… You have such a lovely way with words.

        Have a great weekend!

  14. Care – Working hard on my manuscript. Have other ideas starting to brew, but need to finish this current WIP first.

    Concern – I have two library books that I really wanted to read, they were due at the library yesterday, and I haven’t read them. And others are waiting on them. Hmmmm.

    Celebrations – My sweet kiddos had amazing school years. I’m so proud of them.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I totally hear you on the concern, Heather! That always happens to me. I have no idea why I feel the need to check out 10 library books at once, as if I might read them all. Should just check out 2, read return, then check out two more. But I never learn…

      Hope you have a great summer with your kiddos!


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