
This question comes from Ms. Sherrinda. And it involves chocolate!

If you have a question you’d like me to answer via vlog, please send them my way (either in the comments section or in an email). If you missed my previous vlogs and want to take a look, you can find them on myΒ youtube channel.

Let’s Talk: Tell me about your writing habits. If you’re not a writer, tell me about your reading habits.

21 thoughts on “Habits

  1. Just chiming in that your new site is AMAZING. I know it’s a lot of work to revamp a site – how exciting for you!

    Loved hearing about your writing habits – always fun to get a sneak peek into the author’s life. πŸ™‚

  2. I have been so out of the loop lately. I haven’t blogged or been to blogs in almost a month. Sad, huh? But I am working on editing and struggling with it, so I’ve tried to just quit everything else to focus on it. πŸ™‚

    Love that you eat frozen chocolate chips! I used to get a spoon of peanut butter and dip it in chocolate chips. Yum!!!

  3. I love chocolate chips too! But I can’t do them frozen–my teeth hurt if I do. πŸ™

    It’s fun peeking into your life, Katie!

  4. My writing habits have become more strict than ever as I’m facing a deadline. Right now, I spend an hour or so after work interviewing specific people on my topic, then race home to dump them into my WIP. The “dump” ends Thanksgiving weekend, where more focused writing and story crafting begins. I’m so enjoying this process!!

  5. My laptop and I are most often found on the couch in our family room, but I’ll take it anywhere I feel like writing. I’m not much for coffee shops, however … need a bit of peace and quiet to be creative. πŸ˜‰ While I write at various times of the day, my most productive time is late evening. I crank out the majority of my words in the last hour or two before going to bed.

    I love your new look here, Katie. Very professional!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Thank you Carol!!

  6. I do most of my writing on my netbook on my read couch in my office, especially now that my big lap top died! Sniff! It was much easier to crank out the words on the big screen and do social media and edit on the little screen. When I’m especially tired, i write in bed as well@ Today I need a change of scenery so I’m getting off my couch and going to a coffee shop. Hopefully I’ll get more done that way!

  7. I’m mourning the loss of my son’s naps too. He’s officially done. πŸ™ Now I resort to “rest time” in front of the TV, but I can’t focus quite as well. There’s always a challenge, isn’t there?

    Love the idea of frozen chocolate chips, btw. Never thought to try that.

  8. Did somebody say chocolate???? Super fun! :O)

  9. Yay for goldfish crackers! Love ’em.

    Right now I’m teaching community college, so between classes I’ll write on my couch or on the bed in my guest room (sitting up, not lying down), or I’ll go to the library.

    Once I start working full time again in January, things might get a bit trickier…I have an iPhone now, so I’ll be able to keep up with social media that way, but the actual writing will have to wait until my lunch break or the evening, and I’ll likely go to the library, coffee shop, or Barnes and Noble.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Yay for iPhones! Sounds like you’re going to be one busy bee in January, Lindsay!

  10. I used to do all my writing at my desk on my desktop computer. However, I recently got my first laptop, so I’m going to experiment with writing in different places. Since I tend to act out my scenes, complete with sound effects, I’m thinking the library or McD’s might not work too well, though. =)

    1. Katie Ganshert

      That is awesome that act out your scenes with sound effects. Now THAT you should vlog!!

  11. Hmm. Frozen choc. chips. I’ll have to try that. And lying down? Uh-huh. Berry interesting. I’ll give you my psychoanalysis here soon.

    Iowa…do people there all make however sound like hover? πŸ˜€

    Love you. High five!
    ~ Wendy

    1. Katie Ganshert

      A psychoanalysis from Wendy! I want it!

      Did I really say hover?? HA!

  12. I loved that you commented on the goldfish crackers. Man, those things are addictive! πŸ˜‰

    Like you, I also like to write lying down but, for me, it’s on the couch. Other than that it’s at my ‘desk’ (Ha…that’s my dining room table… I kind of took over the dining room as my office), in the library at work, or on the front porch in my Adirondack chair. I love the portability of my laptop!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Glad I’m not the only one who lies down! And loves goldfish crackers!

  13. Too funny… I’m glad you mentioned the writing on the bed thing… I don’t understand the point of a laptop if you’re not going to take it everywhere to write. So yeah, I hear ya on the writing on the bed thing. I do it too.

    What is a stand up desk?

    1. Katie Ganshert

      A stand up desk is an amazing invention in which they lengthen the legs so you can stand and work on your computer at the same time. It’s wonderful in preventing a syndrome I like to refer to as “Writer’s Butt”

  14. I’m going to start calling you the Goldfish Vlogging Lady. Loved that!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Go right ahead, Heather!


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