Would You Rather…

When you don’t know what to post, a game of Would You Rather is a good fall back.

So, tell me.

When it comes to sharing an evening with the one you like…

Would you rather cook an intimate meal at home or go out to a restaurant?Β 

And for extra credit, what’s your idea of the perfect date?

22 thoughts on “Would You Rather…

  1. Katie, most definitely go out to a restaurant! We dont get sitters often so its a romantic date night. Love to go to dinner in a little town at this wonderful old Inn and to music next door in an intimate oldfashioned theater. perfect! And what a fun question.

    BTW, LOVE LOVE LOVE your new website! Kudos!

  2. This is easy for me to answer because I don’t like to cook. I’d go out to eat. If I were rich, I’d hire a cook. That way I would have great meals and wouldn’t have to go anywhere.

  3. You know what the nicest part of reading this was, Katie? Seeing how many people love to spend time with their spouses no matter how long they’ve been married. So refreshing to read. No wonder we love romance.

    For us – typical dates are Barnes & Noble each week, but since we got a dog 4 years ago, we have wonderful long walks with him all the time. Makes for great conversation time.

  4. Katie Ganshert

    You are all making me want to go out on a date!!

    I definitely agree that if we’re going to stay in, there needs to be a baby sitter. We like both – staying in and cooking dinner AND going out. But if I had to pick, it would probably be going out. To The River House. And ordering their fried pickles. Yummmmmm!

  5. Loree Huebner

    Go out! then a romantic sunset walk on the beach.

  6. Mmmm, dinner out, movie, then a stop at Starbucks to visit at the end. I will say that once the kids all leave the house, it might be nice to cook a meal together. πŸ™‚

  7. Um … I really, really going like going out to dinner with my hubby. No hassles. No stress.Me, him, the menu. And lots of time to talk. Works for us.

  8. Oh! I go for a little of both–take out Chinese food in my home when the kids are elsewhere! And about the time my youngests (twins) hit 11, we actually got to do that every once in a great while!

  9. I’m thinking anything that doesn’t involve french fries and chicken nuggets would be divine! Probably eating out would be my choice, and then anything like seeing a show, taking walk around the block, or even cleaning out the garage would be fun. We’re just both usually so busy that grown-up time together is a rare breath of fresh air.

  10. We prefer to go out to a restaurant on Friday nights! Ever since we were dating, we always loved to try new places or find a place and make it “ours”. But I love to stay home on Saturday nights. That’s my night to crash and do nothing.

    My favorite date is to eat out then walk aroud a park or a resort and talk about our son and dream and laugh together….good times.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Jeanne T

    That was one seriously long, run-on sentence. Sorry! πŸ™‚ I guess I had a little too much fun thinking about the perfect date. πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Run on sentences are VERY welcome here, Jeanne! I love the sound of your perfect date!

  12. Jeanne T

    Although one of our all time most romantic evenings was spent doing a progressive dinner in our home (before kids), I think now I love going out to a romantic restaurant, enjoying conversation with candlelight illuminating my man’s face just-so and then walking hand in hand and talking some more. Or, there’s always hiking up rocks together, doing something challenging and fun. Okay, these are extremes, but these are fun to me. πŸ™‚

  13. It really just depends on my mood. Usually I like to stay in, but that’s because we’re so busy during the week that it’s great to stay home and relax on a Friday. Saturdays I’m usually more up for going out. One of my favorite dates was a gondola ride at a resort here. We ate at a cute Italian restaurant and then took the ride, serenaded by the gondolier. ‘Twas magical. πŸ™‚

  14. Hmm, if HE cooks, then the answer is stay home. If it’s up to me: go out! I see I’m not alone with this answer. πŸ™‚

    A perfect date is definitely sans kids… and… man, I’m going to show how boring I am, but I can’t think of anything other than take a walk together and/or spend time downtown Chicago… going to a museum or just people-watching.

    Snooze, right?

    1. Jeanne T

      It’s the time spent connecting that makes a date perfect, not what you do, right? πŸ™‚

      1. That’s right! Thanks Jeanne!

  15. Ha, I fall back every Fri.! πŸ˜€

    Go out. No dishes. No kids. Ambiance besides a big screaming mess. πŸ˜‰

    Ideal date…wow, this could get lengthy. Boat ride. Candlelit dinner on the beach. Visit to a tree house. Climb a mountain. Running with the bulls (just seeing if you’re paying attention). I just like laughing w/ my man.
    ~ Wendy

  16. CJ

    An opportunity not to cook is always welcome.

  17. Stay in and cook. But only if the kids aren’t here. If they’re home, then we have a cozy little place that’s not loud we go to. And then it usually leads you know where…the bookstore! Seems like I buy a book on every date we have. LOL
    And yep, Would You Rather is a great fall back!

  18. Oh I would love to go out, especially if a babysitter is tucking in my little ones at home. My hubby and I hardly ever get to eat out by ourselves these days, so a fancy dinner without crayons and a kids’ menu sounds awesome! πŸ™‚

  19. cooking anything does not fall into my idea of an intimate evening. that sounds like work.

    and not sure how to stay at home and have a nice evening when you have a 3-year-old.

    so i vote for going out. every time.


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