The Secret of Being Content

The other day, I came across these words from Paul:

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  -Philippians 4:11-12


Talk about challenging.

Because seriously, content whatever the circumstances?

You mean as writers, we’re to practice contentment whether we have an agent or not? Whether we have a book deal or not? Whether we’re having a good experience with our publisher or not? Whether we have good sales or poor sales? Whether we’re writing in obscurity or writing in the spotlight?

You mean as adoptive parents, we’re to practice contentment whether we are happy with our agency or not? Whether we get a referral when we’re supposed to or not? Whether we bring our child home as scheduled or not? Whether our little ones adjust well to their new lives or struggle to bond?


God’s word says yes.

He wants us to learn contentment in every circumstance.

Because He knows something that tends to go right over our heads. At least mine.

Circumstances don’t bring contentment.

They might bring temporary excitement or happiness, but those feelings quickly fade. If we hinge our contentment on the hope of better things to come, we’ll never be content. 

We’ll forever live under the assumption that if we could just get an agent, or just get a book deal, or just earn out our advance, or just win an award….

We’ll forever live under the assumption that if we could just get that referral, or just get our travel plans, or just hold our child, or just help them adjust… 

Here’s the thing.

There will always be one more “just”.

Which is why these verses are worth remembering.

For writers. For adoptive parents. For pretty much anyone who lives and breathes and strives.

The source of our contentment is not our circumstances.

Does this mean we’re supposed to put on a happy face and smile when times are crummy? Does this mean that we’re not allowed to vent or cry or struggle?

Of course not. Even Jesus wept when his friend Lazarus died.

It just means that at the end of the day, God wants us to rely on His strength. To rest in His grace. To trust in His goodness. To put our hope in His promises.

Through every situation. Through every season of life. Whether good or bad. 

Let’s Talk: What area of your life do you struggle with the most in regards to contentment?

22 thoughts on “The Secret of Being Content

  1. I’m so glad I clicked thru to your post, Katie. It’s exactly what I needed to hear today. I too am not content in my writing or my house (I feel for you Ruth! We just moved from WI to OH for a job move and we cannot sell the WI home to save our lives…it’s a pain and feels like such a waste). Anyway, learning to be content when things aren’t going the way I think they should, is so hard, but I’m grateful for the chance to learn the lesson. Things always go better His way:) (Too bad it takes me so long to figure that out each time:D)

  2. Yes, yes and yes to all of the above. I am definitely NOT content in my writing life (which plays over into everyday life) unless ‘something is happening’. Which means a lot of the time I’m waiting, anxious, and basically not having any fun. Which is definitely no way to live. I’m trying. Trying to learn how to deal with things that are out of my control. Trying to learn how to fuly rely on God. It’s an ongoing process.

  3. Katie Ganshert

    I love the wisdom in these comments!! I love the honesty, too. I basically just love my blog readers! You all enrich my life!

  4. What a great post, katie. I used to be extremely discontent with our money situation. I knew marrying a preacher would never bring me wealth, but the constant struggling would get me down and get me frustrated. It was only after losing almost everything after stepping out in faith to start a church that I truly learned to be content…no matter what. We are now starting over in life…middle aged…but it’s okay. We have Jesus-we have EVERYTHING!

  5. Linda Connelly

    This is so true Katie, as i have let go of things & learned to be content in my present circumstances the Lord has sent blessings beyond anything i could ever imagine!

  6. Maria

    I so needed that verse today and Paul really isn’t one of my favs, but this particular verse has made me rethink that. Thank you for being the reminder for me of God’s will. “I am content.”

  7. My house. Ugh!

    We used to live in a modest home with a gorgeous park-like backyard that I just LOVED! It was my happy place. But, due to credit card debt, we had to sell the house.

    Now we live in a modest mobile home with rocks in the front and backyard. Sigh.

    But we have no debt!

    So….I have to be content with what the Lord has given me. We planted some grass last summer and now I have flowers out back too. It isn’t “park-like” but it is a home filled with love and warmth.

    I am learning to be content!


  8. Beautiful and inspiring post today, Katie! In my journey, I’ve had some major “crummy times” as you say, but the joy has been found when God niggles at my heart days, months, sometimes even years later, and lets me know why he led me down that particular path—and how he worked it all for His good, and how much I’ve grown in my faith and trust because of it.

  9. This is great! What a wonderful verse.

  10. Loree Huebner

    The older I get, the more content I am. I still have moments, but I know where to go during those moments.

  11. That is such a great scripture and a great lesson. It’s so easy to get caught up in the things that we don’t have or things that aren’t working for us. We need to feel content no matter what.

  12. I love, love, love that verse…and this post.

    It’s hard to be content when your world is falling apart. But I don’t think it’s the same as being happy, that’s for sure. Contentment comes from this deep knowing that we are in the palm of God and that’s the best place to be, no matter what storm rages around us.

    Thanks for the reminder, Katie. I really need posts like this to remind me that no matter where I am in this publication/writing journey, it is enough. Because HE is enough.

  13. One of the things I’m wrestling with is learning to be content (which I believe I’ve come a looong way in) and yet not being satisfied…or in other words being content but also longing for more…in a healthy way. It’s hard to explain because I’m still thinking on this, but I’m learning to be content with what I have in life in general with longing for more of what I know God has for me which includes more of him…more joy, like Beth said…not settling for less than God’s best, but being content where I’m at is a challenge…but exciting place to be.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I think that makes total sense. I often say, I want to be content, but never complacent. Sounds like that’s what you are saying here. 🙂

      1. Yes, that’s the word…complacency!

  14. I’m certain I had to get a hold on this before God blessed me with an agent. I’m grateful I understood it (at least to some small degree) then b/c it has made me get it in other circumstances as well.

    A work in progress, but grounding in this bit by bit.

    It’s most difficult for me to remain content about things that are seemingly hopeless.
    ~ Wendy

  15. I LOVE that verse. I also love “contentment with godliness is great gain”

    Sometimes it’s hard to find contentment in the daily grind of cooking. Heh. That’s definitely my trial.

  16. In my early twenties, I’m not sure I was ever content and it really messed with my life on so many levels.

    As I grow in the Lord and spend daily time with Him, I find as long as He’s near, I’m content.

    Do I still have moments? Yes. But practice makes progress. And that’s what I’m aiming for.

  17. A long time ago I decided I wasn’t going for happiness, I was going for joy. Why? Because happiness is tissue-paper thin & it’s based on circumstances. Joy, however, is more abiding, found outside of the day-to-day. It’s an eternal perspective that I can’t conjure up … but that I learn as I focus on God and who he is and who he promises to be in all life’s ups and downs.
    Am I content all the time?
    Am I learning to be content?

  18. I confess, I’m a Pollyanna. It takes a lot to bring me down, but as an artistic temperament, when I go – whooboy do I go! My sweet kids don’t let me stay there for long, though.

    But you’re so right, Katie. Zig Ziglar stated decades ago that life was 10% circumstances and 90% attitude. We can’t manufacture joy in times of pain, but we can focus on finding it and praying for the peace the Lord promises to give.

    I love your post and I’m lifting you up.

  19. i think i fret the most over where our family is going to put down roots. since i love my job so much, it’s difficult for me to even think about branching out….but both my husband and i know that we’re not supposed to stay long-term here. so that’s scary. so while i’m content with my job and family, i’m not content being so far away from my aging parents or wanting to bring my daughter up in this culture. i struggle daily with that one…and she’s just about to turn 4! we’re praying, though, and asking not only for guidance, but for contentment no matter the circumstances.

  20. Contentment is something I’ve been working to embrace as I’ve matured. I made a conscious decision a few years back to look at what I have rather than what I don’t, and that really helped shift my outlook.

    Do I still fret at times? Yup. There are days I want something and have a hard time thinking about anything else. At those times I stop, reflect on my wonderful life, and refocus. Prayer helps a lot with the process. It’s hard to remain discontent when I’m talking to the One who knows what’s best for me and has blessed me beyond belief.


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