Merry Christmas!

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. and he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God. Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  -Isaiah 9:6 

Be blessed as you celebrate this Christmas. This baby. This King. This God who put on flesh to rescue His beloved creation. Emmanuel. 

I’m taking a break next week to enjoy the holidays. See you in 2012!

Let’s Talk: How do you celebrate Christmas? Tell me about your traditions!  


16 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Merry Christmas, Katie, and a blessed New Year to you!

  2. Merry Christmas, Katie! I wish you and your fellows a joyous celebration of our Savior’s birth.

  3. My favorite Christmas tradition is something we did when I was a kid, and my husband and I have continued it. We drive around and look at Christmas lights, get a pizza, and watch A Christmas Story. That’s what we’re doing tonight!! Yay!

    Merry Christmas, Katie! 😛

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Linsday!!! we’re right there with you. Sans the pizza and movie. But the night before Christmas Eve, we get in our pajamas and drive around looking at Christmas lights. We stole the tradition from a family in our small group at church. It’s the BEST!

  4. Merry Christmas Katie!! I hope you have a fantastic week celebrating with your family 🙂

    We have a lot of traditions…dinner and opening gifts on Christmas Eve, my family heading to a party, opening gifts one at a time… 😀 Oh yes, eating lots of cookies and goodies!!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Merry Christmas, Bethany! Food and giving and family! That is a trio perfection!

  5. Merry Christmas to you, too!! Thanks for all you do for us writers.

    Like many of families, we have a few homes to visit due to broken marriages and remarriages in the past. So…we take my mother out to dinner on Christmas Eve, then head to church, then head to my husband’s father’s house for family fun and FOOD.

    Christmas Day we spend with my husband’s mother and her family for more fun and FOOD!

    On the day after Christmas, we head up north to visit my father and enjoy more FOOD!!

    Needless to say, our Christmas is spent with family and FOOD!!

    God bless and have a wonderful Christmas with your family!!


    1. Katie Ganshert

      I hear you on the FOOD, Ruth! We eat a lot too! Tis the season, right?

      Thanks for the thanks! (now that sounds weird….but you know what I mean!)

  6. Christmas pudding. Yep, when I married a Brit, that entered the family traditions. Only problem is, the hubs is the only one who likes it. However, it gets eaten by the kids. Why?

    Well, that’s where it gets fun. The tradition is to wrap coins (dimes, nickels, and a couple of quarters, in wax paper and from the bottom of the pudding (to the English, pudding is more of a cake. Think plum pudding) you shove them inside. THen when the kids eat a slice, they get money.

    So, now year the hubs got funny. He wrapped up a $100 bill, but instead of putting it in the pudding, he slipped it in his mouth, hiding it between the lip and gums.

    When he ate his piece, he suddenly make a big deal of pulling out what he “found” in his slice. The kids eyes about popped out of their heads.

    This went on for years, and the hits was always the “lucky” one to find it. The kids would try to get his piece, but of course, never won.

    It wasn’t until they were all grown that they discovered the truth of it. Now, they’re pulling it with their kids. And that’s how the tradition got out of whack.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      That is so fun! I love learning about the funny, quirky things families do together this time of year.

      The question begs to be asked….did the 100 dollar bill get all pudding-y?

  7. I did a whole interview here and they have a drawing for a book that will be chosen Christmas Eve. No sense writing the same thing twice…

    1. Actually, it’s more like my thoughts on my Christmas traditions, not an actual interview. Wrong wording. Sorry!

      1. Katie Ganshert

        I’ll pop on over and read it!

  8. Merry Christmas Katie!

    We make a pretty big deal over Christmas. Tonight we have dinner with my wife’s dad (her parents are separated). Christmas Eve we head into Dublin to wander around (I proposed to my wife on Christmas Eve in St Stephen’s Green park in the city).

    On the day itself we have breakfast with my parents and exchange gifts, then dinner with my wife’s mum. On St Stephen’s Day we have out own Christmas dinner together and spend the day watching movies.

    We also have an annual Christmas dinner party for friends, between Christmas and New Year’s. This year it’s on the 28th and has so many people coming I’ve had to change from a sit-down meal to buffet-style serving!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      That sounds amazing, Paul! Lots and lots of family and love there. Wishing you a VERY merry Christmas. And sending you and your wife extra warm thoughts and prayers this time of year. How romantic that you proposed on Christmas eve!

      1. Thank you Katie!


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