Alien Love

It’s been a crazy busy coupla weeks.

So how about something easy and fun for a Friday?


An extraterrestrial being knocks on your front door. This being comes from a planet where love does not exist.

The being asks, “What is love?”

Let’s Talk: How would you answer?


I found out my novel was nominated for Book of the Month over at The Book Club Network. If you read and enjoyed Wildflowers, hop on over to vote! 

The lovely Caroline Starr Rose asks me some fun questions on her blog today. Hop on over for a chance to win a free copy of my book!

If you’re currently reading my book or have read my book and would like to discuss your thoughts/feelings (like whether you love or hate Bethany) with others, check out Christian Fiction Book Club.  

17 thoughts on “Alien Love

  1. The home loans seem to be very useful for guys, which are willing to organize their own career. As a fact, this is easy to receive a student loan.

  2. Is it just moi, or did anyone else notice that the aliens colour coordinate perfectly with Mizz Ganshert’s scarf, eyes, vest, shirt and back ground? Way to work it Katie!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Totally planned, Jennifer. Totally planned. 😉

  3. You ask such a serious question … and then put that photo to the column?!

    OK: serious answer —

    Love is sacrifice.

  4. I’m gonna go with the typical Sunday School answer: Jesus!

    And this time, it actually works! 🙂

  5. I thought I knew what love was when I stood at the altar beside my groom,but nearly 18 years later, I’m still figuring it out! Congratulations on “Wildflowers” pick as the book of the month!

  6. Aliens, you say? I don’t think I’d be able to say much of anything (by the way, I don’t open my door to strangers in the first place…) 🙂

    Love, what a huge, powerful word. I don’t think love is something you can tell people, it’s something they see in action. I’d invite the alien into my home (after much interviewing and background checks) and I’d let them what love unfold in my home. Awww…that sounds so corny. 🙂 But it’s true!

  7. I think I could sum it up in a word: Christ. 🙂

  8. I’d read them 1 Corinthians 13, then show them a picture of my husband. 😀

  9. First, I’d have to be picked up off the floor after someone stuck smelling salts under my nose. Preferably not the the aliens.

    Then I’d holler for my husband, he’s the marriage counselor! LOL

  10. I got deep and serious over at Gabrielle’s…hence….

  11. I *want* to be all spiritual and set an example for everyone …to compare themselves to, fail, get discouraged and eat too much chocolate.
    More likely though, because I am painfully self absorbed, I’d tell the alien from the planet “We All Look Like Daniel Craig” that I was the queen of my planet and I needed them to take Jillian Michaels hostage and not let her go until I was buff.
    Okay. FINE…What. Ever.
    I may as well leave it to the others to leave uplifting comments….
    Yes, I took my meds, why do you ask?

  12. Surely I’d start bobbing my head all crazy to the side and say, “Baby don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me no more.”

    But if I were in a more serious mood, I’d say, “It’s belonging, acceptance, sincerity at its best, and the closest thing we get to God.

    Da claw!
    ~ Wendy

    1. I think Mizz Miller is my long lost sister.

    2. Katie Ganshert

      This literally made me laugh out loud.

      1. ME TOO! Then I got that song stuck in my head all morning. Thanks, Wendy! Hee.

    3. ALL DAY Wendy, ALL DAY….”baby don’t hurt me….”
      I’m sure people thought I was unable to hold my head up on my own.


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