Your Desk


If a stranger went through your desk, what would he or she learn about you?

In other news, one of my short stories was published in this month’s issue of CFOM. It’s a quick, lighthearted romance about a girl, a guy, a candy store, and some flirtatious eye contact, titled Hubba Bubba and Redhots. Hope you enjoy!

You can read more of my short stories on my Free Reads page. 

25 thoughts on “Your Desk

  1. Congrats on the story, Katie!

    People viewing my desk would figure out that:

    1) I love to read.
    2) I am a couponista.
    3) I have many interests.

    Susan 🙂

  2. Katie, I just read your story. Loved it!

  3. They’d find that I’m a cheater–I keep things organized on the surface, and everything in the drawers is a mess! Oh, and they’d discover that I home-school because I do keep my kids’ work and grades organized in folders, as well as keeping packs of pencils and pens and glue, etc.

  4. Congrats on your story!!

    They would learn I tend to keep receipts for years…decades, even. And that I am a wanna-be writer because my desk drawer has my writing folder in it.

  5. That while I like organization, I lack it. And I have entirely too many post-its (why can’t I find one when I need it?) and a ridiculous amount of staples.

  6. Katie Ganshert

    After reading all of your responses, I can’t help but think what a great exercise this would be if we gave our characters a desk. You can tell a lot by what a person has in their desk, don’t ya think? Maybe not all of it would lead to accurate conclusions….but it’s still an interesting exercise.

  7. They would find that I have a strange fascination with paper. And combs. 🙂

    Congrats regarding the short!

  8. Provocative question!
    People will likely be scared away if they look at my desk, Katie. I am! But if they conquer their fear and look closely, they would discover I fail miserably at organization but am passionate about the Lord, my children,and writing. They would also likely discern I am either a stickler for grammar and style or work as an editor (both are true).
    Congrats on the publication of your short story!

  9. i combine an air of donald draper like confidence with my 1940’s style behemouth with the delicate counterbalance of 200 white rose petals, the straggly scraps of THE BEST IDEA EVER for chapter 4 or whatever that I had while in the grocery store aisle and had to write on an airline ticket stub I found in the bottom of my purse

  10. Aww, loved the story. And if someone were to dig through my desk, they wouldn’t have to look hard to recognize my caffeine issues. There’s always a mug and a Diet Coke with Lime can. They’d also realize I have a slightly unhealthy love for Post-its of all colors, shapes and sizes. 🙂

  11. Woo-hoo! Congrats on your story!!

    They would think I’m on my way to diabetes with all the candy. They would also be impressed with my organizational skills. Seriously. I like a tidy desk!

  12. Hmmm…they’d find out that I’m not as organized as I seem… 😛

    And yay on your story! I’ll have to pop by and read it.

  13. I’ll have to go by and read it! I love Red Hots and Hubba Bubba! Congrats!

    People would see I love hot pink Post its, Dove dark chocolate, and book marks! I have a drawer full of them!

  14. First, they’d find that I like to be organized.

    Second? That I can’t stay that way. ROFLOL

  15. Katie Ganshert

    I am totally loving these responses! I feel like I’m getting to know you all a little better!

  16. They’d find out I have to have eyedrops and coffee when I get up at 5am to write. 🙂

    1. Katie Ganshert

      This made me chuckle, Julie.

  17. Congratulations on your short story, Katie!!

    If someone went through my desk they’d find out I’m super organized, that I probably have too many pencils and pens, that I’m a writer who loves encouraging quotes, and have an obsession with notebooks, zebras and the color orange. Actually people would find out the zebra and orange thing once they stepped into my home, but it’s also on my desk too. 🙂

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I have to know….is there a story behind the orange and the zebra? Or do you just like the color and the animal?

  18. Katie, congratulations on your short story!

    If someone went through my desk, that person would learn I like to learn, love the Lord, try to be organized, love Post-it Notes, and surround myself with things I enjoy or spark sentimentality–pictures, notes of encouragement, favorite trinkets.

  19. Yeah for your story(ies). Now, that word just looks ugly. You know what I was going for.

    Someone would learn that because I have no drawers I stuff all the good info. in my dozens of journals I’m addicted to buying from TJ Maxx.

    ~ Wendy

  20. Hhmmm, that I love my family because of the pictures. That I love good, cool pens and writing journals.

    Hope your day is a good one! 🙂

  21. No one could go through my desk, because I don’t have a desk, per say. I set my laptop up at the kitchen table as well as my books, my binder, and usually my two Bibles (one NIV one Septuagint), and when I’m done writing and/or studying for the day, I move everything back to a cabinet and close up shop. I’ve learned to be a mobile writer, lol. The office supplies in our house have somehow become community office supplies—as in, the kids are always using them for homework, projects, etc., no matter how many times I’ve tried to keep a section for myself. Maybe one of these days I’ll hide my own secret stash…

    Congrats on the story! I’ll have to check it out.

  22. Congratulations on another of your short stories getting published, Katie!

    If someone went through my desk, they’d find out that I’m a sentimental person. I have two files filled with the encouraging cards and notes I’ve received the past few years from dear friends. A person exploring the contents of my desk would also find out that I have a thing for pretty return address labels. =)

  23. Congratulations on the short story being published in CFOM! Looking forward to reading it!
    If a stranger went through my desk, he or she would learn that I love funky, fun paper clips, that I have way-too many Post-It Notes, that I could supply a small third world nation with pens — and that I keep my stash of jelly beans in the lower left drawer.


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