Standing on the Balance Ball

I used to go to this workout class at my mom’s gym. Three times a week, from 5:00 – 6:00 AM, I got my butt handed to me on a platter in the best possible way.

One of the stations was the exercise/stability ball. The purpose was to work on balance by sitting or kneeling on the ball for as long as the interval allowed. One morning, I saw this guy go from kneeling to standing on the ball. Being the competitive gal that I am, I thought, “I have to learn how to do that.” So when my turn rolled around, I decided to try. I mean, how hard could it be, right? HA! I couldn’t even comprehend how to maneuver my body anywhere near a standing position. And that guy made it look so easy!

Over the next couple months, every time I went to the class, I continued my standing pursuit. Ever so slowly, I got closer. Closer. Closer. Until for the first time, I took my hands off the ball and actually crouched into a very wobbly standing/squatting position and straightened my legs.

The instructor, who’d been watching me attempt this for the past several weeks, slapped me a high five. This wasn’t smart. It interrupted my concentration and I fell. Nevertheless, I kept trying. Now I can stand on the ball, no problem. I got so comfortable up there that the instructor would toss me a light weight medicine ball as I stood on my rounded perch. Either that, or I’d do squats.

What once felt impossible – absolutely, utterly impossible – somehow became totally doable. Easy, even. Second nature. To the point that I almost forgot it was hard in the first place. After class, somebody would come up to me and say, “How in the heck do you stand on that thing?” I’d say, “I practiced. A lot.” And then the next day, I’d see that person wobbling on the ball, trying to stand too.

Isn’t this such a good analogy for life? Ever hear a talented pianist play something fancy, like Rachmaninov’s Concertos? Or watched Shaun White snowboard? Or admired a painting in an art museum? Do you think the pianist woke up as a young child and started playing Chopin with ease? Or Shaun White hopped on a snowboard one day and started doing 360s off the half pipe? Or the painter picked up a brush for the first time and painted the next Monet?

Of course not. We all start off wobbly. The pianist started with chopsticks. Shaun White caught his edges and fell on his face. The painter had to learn how to hold a brush before he could weild it with any finesse. Often times, I see somebody doing something difficult and disregard all the hard work it took to get there. They make it look so easy. Like Bob Ross and his happy little trees.

The truth is, if we want to learn something, or be good at something, we have to practice. We have to give it time. There’s no getting around it. Sure, some might possess a natural gift, an inclination toward a certain talent, but we still start raw. If we want to hone that talent and make it blossom, then practice we must. Wobble, we must. Fall, we must.

If I’d been afraid of getting hurt, afraid of making a fool of myself, I never would have stood on that ball.

Same goes for writing. I mess up every day. I read a book by somebody like Mary DeMuth or Christa Parrish (the list goes on) and I think….How in the heck did she do that? Then I remind myself that the answer isn’t magic. They practiced. They learned. They took the time to hone their craft. They wobbled. They fell. They got back up and kept trying. When you’re in the midst of the wobbling-stage, it’s a good thing to keep in mind.

Question to Ponder: What ball are you trying to stand on these days?removetweetmeme

42 thoughts on “Standing on the Balance Ball

  1. Concord Carpenter

    Great post, cool analogy. And great balance!!!

  2. Carol J. Garvin

    Learning to move out of my comfort zone is a biggie for me — having the confidence to know when it's time to tackle standing up.

  3. Keli Gwyn

    I'm learning how to stand on a ball labeled Empty Nest. Each time I think I'm getting the hang of it, there's a shift and I'm sent sprawling. Thought I had things down pretty well, and then the Fashion Queen came home for Christmas break. I enjoyed having her here, but vacations don't last forever. Gwynly and I dropped her off at her dorm two days ago, and I've felt unbalanced ever since. Gotta climb back on the ball and start where I'd left off, I guess.

  4. Shelli

    a hope and a dream

  5. Catherine West

    I think I prefer kicking the ball around to trying to stand on it! But I get the analogy. I guess I'm juggling balancing life in general with finding time to write, as well as dealing with a sixteen year old son…you will know what I mean in several years! But life is good and I'm really going to try to live it to the fullest!

  6. Shelby

    too manay balls for me.. just trying to gather them all up. busy. standing on the busy ball I guess. maybe I should just poke 'em with a needle and deflate them.

    cheers πŸ™‚

  7. Terri Tiffany

    You really encouraged me with this post! Awesome! First, I am sooooo impressed you were able to stand up! That is such a good example. I know with writing I am trying hard to improve my style and not make the same mistakes in each new work. Also trying hard in life to follow God's leading and put my fears aside. That's a tough ball to balance on.

  8. Walt M

    I'm a day late to this, but the analogy still works. I feel like life is something I'mtrying to balance on a ball.

  9. Patti Lacy

    Great analogy–and photo! Hmmm, just that daily-letting-the-Spirit-guide-me ball when I want to careen off the walls like one of those old blue racquetballs!!


  10. destrella

    I am trying to get to that stage of self-discipline and self-control. Thanks for the encouragement! :O)

  11. Lisa Jordan

    Great post, Katie!

    I have a stability ball but I haven't considered standing on it…something new to try.

    This isn't writing-related directly, but I taught myself how to knit around Thanksgiving. I kept ripping out stitches until I got them right. Finally I got it and managed to make at least half a dozen or so scarves for Christmas. Persistence paid off.

    When you said your instructor gave you a high five and you lost your concentration and fell, that reminded me of Peter walking on water. He did the impossible as long as his eyes were focused on Jesus. But as soon as he took his eyes off Him, Peter started to sink.

    When we're writing with our eyes on the prize, whether it be scoring an agent or a publishing deal, if we don't have our eyes fixed on Jesus, we may sink.

  12. Gwen Stewart

    Writing. Sigh. Whine. Moan. Cry.

    'Nough said. LOL

  13. Gina Conroy

    Way too many to count! But I'm trying! Good for you, you just might inspire me to try the ball thing one day!

  14. Jill Kemerer

    I love this post! I'm always thinking the same thing, like those Olympic contenders work at their craft 8-12 hours a day every day of the year, but we only see them once every 4 yrs! It looks easy, but it isn't.

  15. Erica Vetsch

    So true! And don't sell yourself short. When I read your stuff I have a few "How did she stand on THAT ball?" moments myself! And I go back and practice some more! πŸ™‚

  16. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    I don't think I'll try standing on an exercise ball. Broken bones are quite painful.

    Thanks for the reminder to keep on practicing, and congratulations on your success.

    Susan πŸ™‚

  17. ElanaJ

    This is beyond wise. I'm just starting up an exercise routine and I just want it to be easy. Effortless. I want the weight to melt off.

    Yeah, it's not going to happen. I'm going to remember you trying to stand on your ball while I'm about to die because I'm so out of shape.


  18. Eileen Astels Watson

    Katie, this really struck a cord with me today. Thanks so much for encouraging me to keep struggling to get that balance and practice too.

  19. Nisa

    Oh gosh, I so needed the reminder. Thank you! I'm standing on the revision ball at the moment and my first ever round of critiques. Whew!

  20. Jessica

    First, YIKES! You're such a morning person. LOL But also, too cool that you were able to stand on that ball! I'm reading some awesome analogies today and this one is up there! Very, very true.

    I'm attempting to balance still on the writing ball. Sometimes I stand, sometimes I fall. But nothing happens if we don't try, right?

  21. Cindy

    I love this analogy. Standing on that ball sounds hard but I'm sort of intrigued πŸ™‚ Not too long ago I was thinking there was no way I could play an F#m on my guitar but it's getting easier and easier now. It's definitely the same with writing. It definitely takes practice but with writing, practice is fun. I'm still learning how to write a successful query but I'm working on that, too.

  22. Shannon O'Donnell

    This is a fabulous analogy! Balance has never been an easy thing for me. I am good at perseverance, though, so maybe one day I'll be as successful at writing as you are at your ball! πŸ™‚

  23. CKHB

    Excellent post! I think standing on a real ball might be very good for me in addition to everything else I'm trying to do this year…

  24. T. Anne

    Great post! I love that you have a competitive nature. I do too. My ball? Landing a Christian literary agent. I'm so afraid I'll stray and look for a secular one. But really there is too much of the Lord in my work, they wouldn't want me lol.

  25. Bethany Wiggins

    I stand on two balance balls, stacked upon each other. The top? My family. The bottom, my writing. I hope I learn to balance so well this year that I don't fall once!

  26. Candee Fick

    Thanks for the encouraging analogy. It's nice to know that with continued practice, I WILL get better. And that writing/rewriting will get easier. Eventually.

    I also agree with Krista. I'm only willing to give that much time and effort to something I'm passionate about doing. Guess that's a good sign that writing is in my blood.

    Hmm. Maybe I need to go dust off my ball, pump it up a bit more and … never mind.

  27. Kristen Torres-Toro

    What an incredible post, Katie! I love it!

    I started working out last week (it had nothing to do with the New Year, believe it or not, and everything to do with the fact that I'm ready to get in shape. The workout I'm doing–p90x–is kicking my butt and I'm loving it. So that's probably my ball for now. :0)

  28. V. S

    This is so very true! You always seem to inspire me through your post, Katie!

  29. Patti

    Practice makes perfect or at least better. That was a great analogy.

  30. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought

    I had to laugh at my spelling popped w/ three p's. (and of course, I had to come write about it)…

    It's going to be one of those days.

  31. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought

    That slippery ball you see in front of zoos with water running down it. Editing. Hey, we sort of poppped off on the same theme today…you standing on a ball on your blog and Jackie Chan doing the flexibend on mine. πŸ˜‰

    You guys have the moves!
    ~ Wendy

  32. Jeanette Levellie

    Oooh, I love this post, Katie. We are all wobbly at first…

    I heard Mary DeMuth speak about her journey to publication. She wrote in obscurity for ten years. That encourages me not to be in a hurry to be perfect overnight.

    I am so impressed that you can stand on a ball. When I meet you, will you demonstrate?

    Audience of ONE

  33. Tamika:

    Perfect analogy for me Katie! I'm not even sure if I can stand up yet!

    I'm writing and reading everyday. That I believe is the beginning of becoming strong. Blogging has also taught me a great deal, I appreciate all the writers who share their knowledge.

  34. sherrinda

    Excellent!!!!! Diligence, perserverence…it's the stuff that makes mankind great! I'm so impressed with your skills, girl!

  35. Sandra Heska King

    So glad Jody tweeted this. Love it. Never give up. Never, never, never give up. I'm going to go see if I can stand on my ball. If you don't hear from me in a few days . . .

  36. Janna Qualman

    Excellent post, Katie, love the analogy! Thanks for spinning the encouragement in such a relatable way.

  37. Jody Hedlund

    LOVE this post, Katie!! It's so true! When someone makes something look effortless, usually they've spent hundreds of hours getting to that point. We can't give up too early or we'll miss out on so much!

  38. Marybeth Poppins

    I'd fall flat on my face on one of those things. Granted I'm pretty much the least coordinated person alive!

    But yes to the writing ball. I'm working hard trying to stand on it…and I WILL get there one day. I'm sure of it. I'm too stubborn to give up!

  39. Sarah Forgrave

    Oh wow, I didn't even know you could stand on one of those things. Props to you for your perseverance…I'm so impressed!

    Lately, I feel like I'm trying to stand on the ball of juggling all my balls (stolen analogy from One Fine Day). My life has been hectic and exhausting in the past couple months, and I'm ready to find some balance.

  40. Krista Phillips

    See, the key I think is to practice something you WANT to do. It makes the fall worth it.

    Me… I have ZERO desire to stand on a ball. LOL. The pain would NOT be worth it.

    Same with painting. I'd laugh at my fumbling attempts, then throw away the canvas.

    BUt writing… so very much worth enduring the failures to get the reward in the end.

  41. Heather Sunseri

    So, what you're telling us is that you're an over-achiever, huh? I should have known.

    I love this analogy, Katie. I sometimes I'm trying to stand on that ball while keeping five smaller balls in the air.

  42. Robyn Campbell

    I've finally learned to balance on that dang ball Katie. But I begin the querying agents thang next Monday. I put it off a week to make sure I had a synopsis ready. So it goes…

    Thank you for reminding me that it is all about the balance. Amen to that. :0)


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