Heading Home

Wow. A whirlwind weekend followed by early morning driving. Back to Iowa. I cannot wait to see my family. Cannot wait to squeeze my boy. Cannot wait to smooch my hubby. That’s what I’m excited for. But everything else? The “back to life” part? That doesn’t excite me so much.

The only problem about going to an amazing conference like ACFW, is that for three glorious days, I’m surrounded by crazies who totally get me. Writers pursuing the same dream. Writers filled with the same passion. We get each other. The whole place buzzes with this uncontained excitement. This sense of hope and anticipation. Like for three amazing days, the publishing industry shifted out of neutral and into drive. For three amazing days, these dreams I’m chasing are possible and real and close. For three amazing days, I’m in it. Things are happening.

Then I go home. Back to life. Back to reality. (Who’s got the song in their head?) Back to work. Back to waiting. Which is a wonderful thing, because God is truly in the waiting. It’s just a hard transition.

I’ll post pictures on my Friday 3 C’s! I met SO many awesome people!

Question to Ponder: What transitions are hard for you?removetweetmeme

22 thoughts on “Heading Home

  1. Patti Lacy

    Oh, dear Katie, you are prettier in person than on this gorgeous blog photo! Hard to believe!

    I wish we could've chatted more, but at least I got to MEET you!

    Transitions? With TWO deadlines looming, EVERYTHING for me is writing related, so I'll say transitions from China to Fort Worth to Boston for Kai.

    Sigh. My 11/15 deadline has FORCED me to quit blog hopping until I pound out my first draft. Oh, dear one, if you have time, drop by and say hi at my place.
    Sob. No coffee dates. No nothing.
    Maybe walk the dog for a treat.

    Love you.

  2. Robyn Campbell

    I wondered if you had an awesome time, so I came by to see. Yup. You surely did. I know the hugs and smooches were nice, but that feeling. That being around all the writerly folk. Isn't it the coolest?

    I really hope to meet you someday soon. I'll squeeze you like I've known you forever. I can't wait to see the pics. Hugs to you my friend. πŸ™‚

    The song is in my head. GAH

  3. Elana Johnson

    First, cute picture! It's new, no? I like it.

    Second, most transitions are hard. A new school year. A new season. A new schedule. They all take getting used to. But I've learned that the only constant is change. And I'm okay with it.

  4. K.M. Weiland

    Everything I've been hearing makes it sound like this was one of the best ACFW conferences yet. I've been vicariously enjoying all the pix and stories!

  5. Kelly H-Y

    Sounds like a fabulous conference.
    Now I'm going to be humming that tune for the rest of the day! πŸ™‚

  6. Shannon O'Donnell

    I love the way you described it. I've been gone since last Thursday and had to go back to teaching this morning – ugh! Rough transition. πŸ™‚

  7. Jill Kemerer

    I hope your transition isn't too hard! It's difficult to be hyped up on adrenaline, happiness, and excitement and then return to the same old routine. But it's good too, I guess! I like my same old routine!

  8. Sarah Forgrave

    I felt like I lived in a parallel universe the whole weekend, and I got dumped back to reality pretty hard yesterday. I loved meeting you in person!

  9. Britt Mitchell

    The transition between sitting at my computer, lost in a manuscript, and then having to leave a world of my creation…to answer the phone or wash some dishes…or anything like that.

    Boo. Hiss.


  10. Carol J. Garvin

    Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time. I followed the LiveBlog last night… an appreciated opportunity, but not much of a substitute for being there in person. My time comes next month when I attend the SiWC. I've attended several other years and I always return home invigorated and impatient to put the renewed enthusiasm to work.

    The transition I find hardest isn't writing-related. It's when we've had visits from our children and grandchildren and they leave for their homes. Then I wander around listlessly, moaning about the emptiness of the house. That's when it's difficult to settle back into my usual routines.


    Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself!!!

  12. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    Coming home means I have to process all the knowledge poured into me by the experts. Ah, and let's not forget the "putting it into practice part."

    The real work starts when you get home.

    Susan πŸ™‚

  13. Jan Cline

    Yes, if only life could be one conference after another! Not really, but they are fun and exciting. It's the people connection that really gets me. I am happy you had so much fun.

  14. Heather Sunseri

    Oh, how I totally hear you! Reality is going to hit hard for me as well. It's amazing how one can really lose herself in a weekend like that. To be immersed into the literary world and surrounded by people as wacky as you are. I loved it!!!

  15. T. Anne

    Welcome back! I can't wait to hear ALL about it! Do spill… or email πŸ˜‰

  16. Wendy Paine Miller

    Wow, why does it feel like I've heard this before? πŸ˜€

    You know I get you. Get you. Get. You.

    This is me on four hours of sleep.
    You light up my life!
    ~ Wendy

  17. Julie Jarnagin

    It was so great to meet you. I flew in last night. My plane landed at midnight. I got home about 12:45am. Then, I had to get up and go to work this morning. It has been so hard to shift gears.

  18. Tamika:

    I am always challenged when it comes to embracing change, even something as simple as a change of pace.

    I know that God has a sense of humor for putting me on this writing journey~ the most unpredictable ride of all:)

  19. Patti

    I've never been a grass is greener person, so any change is hard for me. Although I love being on vacation and coming back to reality takes me a couple of weeks to accept.

  20. Diane

    HOpe you can ease back in to reality….. :O)

  21. Jeanette Levellie

    Ah, yes. I get this. And although it's anticlimactic to come home to reality after a conference, the momentum we gain for our careers is worth the let-down, don't you think?

    Like the day after Christmas: you feel kinda empty and flat, but you have all those wonderful gifts…

    I'm so glad you were able to attend, Katie dear. Wish I could've been there, but it was fun to read the winners of the awards on the live blog last night.

  22. Tabitha Bird

    ALL transitions are hard for me. All of them. I find it so hard to be in the betwixt and between. When one thing is no longer true but the next thing isn't true yet either. I heart you πŸ™‚


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