Friday 3 C’s


I can exhibit sustained periods of patient behavior. But then, for reasons unknown, my nerves snap and I go from “this is okay” to “I’m going to crawl out of my skin”. This past week, my nerves crept upon their breaking point and have since gathered into a giant, impatient leg jiggling inside my body. The waiting never ends, does it? I think I’m just starting to wrap my mind around this.


Every time I open up a document titled Rough Draft, I’m bothered. I need a title. So last night, this one popped into my head:

For So Long.
Be honest. Horrible? Awesome? Meh? I can’t tell if I like it or hate it.


It feels good to be immersed in a story, especially this one.

Something in my personal, non-writing life didn’t go as planned, but I am surprisingly at peace. God is good!

Let’s Talk: It feels like it’s been forever! What’s going on? Please, tell me! Any celebrations over the past couple weeks? Any cares or concerns weighing on your heart? Please share!


26 thoughts on “Friday 3 C’s

  1. Jennifer Hillier

    I like the title! It makes me feel kinda achy inside… in a good way. πŸ™‚

  2. Patti Lacy

    Katie, thanks for expressing the time bombs ticking inside of all of us:)

    It's totally part of this profession AT EVERY LEVEL.

    I LOVE your attitude and ability to redirect that stuff.

    Great post.

  3. Jeanette Levellie

    Ah, yes. The waiting room. God seems unbothered by it, but we mortals…

    I am celebrating the resurrection of a greeting card verse I'd had published 13 years ago, which was out of print. Leanin' Tree decided to bring it back with a new outside–dancing kitty angels and glitter!

    My concern this week is for my mom. My brother died unexpectedly Friday, and she was the one who found him. We are all in shock. He was only 59. I loved that guy.

  4. Terri Tiffany

    Like you, I haven't had a title and the rough draft is done. Today one came to me plus a redo of my ending and I am thrilled:)
    I pray you hear great news really soon!!

  5. Carol J. Garvin

    Your title can always change later, but I like it. I hope it gives you the impetus to bury yourself in your writing, and try to forget about the waiting as much as you can. There's a lot of truth in that 'watched pot' saying. πŸ˜‰

    Cares: not being able to query my agent of choice this week as I had planned, because she's not accepting submissions for a few months. That was a big disappointment. Now I'm not sure if I should query elsewhere or wait patiently. Decisions, decisions!

    Concerns: our 2-1/2 year old granddaughter had reconstructive surgery on one hand two weeks ago and has a cast to her shoulder. It's a challenge to keep her from pulling out the gauze and padding from its edges.

    Celebrations: a safe, albeit snowy, 500 mile drive back home through the mountains yesterday. And a wonderful Christmas visit with children and grandchildren. Family are so precious!

  6. T. Anne

    FOR SO LONG is good because it makes me ask, For so long what? It would make me pick up the book and that's a great marketing strategy. I always have a working title, for me it's part of the fun.

    My celebrations are still in progress. I feel GREAT!

    Concerns I need to remove the T. from T. Anne and I don't think I'll use Anne because there already are so many.

    Cares (I'm out of order) I really hope I can take down my Christmas lights tomorrow, so please Lord no rain. πŸ˜‰

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Jill Kemerer

    I like the title–short and intriguing! Yay!

    The kids have their first basketball game tonight. I'm not sure if I should list this under care or celebration! Ha!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Holly

    Hello love! I feel your pain with waiting…sheesh. I think we need to catch up BEFORE our girls weekend in February. I simply can't wait that long. I miss you!!

    Cares: We either need a whopper of a winter storm, or winter just needs to end. I don't do stagnation very well. Oh and Taylor gained 6 lbs since her last vet visit. Oops.
    Concerns: Joel's in a bad way these days. Super bummed about life, etc.
    Celebrations: I'm getting new glasses soon and I'm so excited! Plus, my Seattle trip is coming up in T minus two weeks. Yeeeessss.


  9. Sarah Forgrave

    I'm feeling very bleh with the waiting too. God's been doing some great things in my life, though, drawing me back to Him and giving me a yearning to listen to Him moment-by-moment.

  10. Heidi

    Story immersion is excellent! As for the title, personally, it doesn't evoke much emotion in me, and I can't get a sense of story or theme from it.

    Cares: The whole nerves thing is getting me, too.

    Concerns: Some of the people in my life.

    Celebrations: I'm making a lot of progress with my WIP! And I start school next week! (I think those two celebrations might conflict once I actually start school… we'll see). Also, God is great πŸ™‚

  11. Keli Gwyn

    Oops. I meant to say either leg-jiggling or knee-bouncing. Kinda combined them, didn't I? =)

  12. Keli Gwyn

    Katie, I feel for you on the knee-jiggling waiting. It's gotta be tough when you have something you really want to do and can't.

    Your possible title takes me back in time to my teens when the Bee Gees were huge. I was in high school in the 70s and remember singing along to their songs while on my long school bus rides. One of their hits, "I Just Want to Be Your Everything," begins with the words, "for so long." It's a love song, so your title makes me think of romance. Nice!

  13. Erica Vetsch

    Katie! It's been forever, it seems!

    One giant inner leg-jiggling describes it beautifully!

    Cares: Getting this WIP finished. I'm finally done doing surgery and edits on the first 90% so I can finish the final 10%.

    Concerns: Control issues…I have them.

    Celebrations: I survived end-of-year bookkeeping stress!

  14. Patti

    I know that feeling of just finally losing all patience. Unfortunately so do my kids.

  15. Diane

    I also have something personal going on that I had not anticipated but am at peace over. God is good the way He inches us into something, right there with us. :O)

  16. Bonnie R. Paulson

    Lisa, It's like we are on the same page with concerns. Job for hubs and books for me oh wait and work for me and kids too.

    I have to say, another concern… yesterday was a birthday for me which i guess is a celebration too, but a huge care. I don't want to get older. More to the point, I don't want my kids to get older.

    Thanks for this post. It's nice to hear what everyone else is up to and not feel so alone.

    LOVE THE TITLE!!! totally want to read it. Do you have a critique partner?

  17. Wendy Paine Miller

    Like the title. Have you Googled it?

    Katie, You know I'm with you on the waiting. I fight blech thoughts a lot. I'm thankful for my Savior to flatten those thoughts.

    Let's talk talk soon.

    Cares: Birthday central at my house this month. Much to do. Lots of desserts to make!!!

    Concerns: My own thoughts. Winter gunk. My husband has a big deal going on at work on Mon.

    Celebrations: I smile for a friend. Heck, I leap for her. I'm also grateful to another friend for something.

    Lots of love to you this day!
    ~ Wendy

  18. CJ

    Intriguing title.

    I'm hoping to get through today with my sanity intact.


    I like the title. It makes me wonder. And it holds a bit of romantic mystery.

  20. Heather Sunseri

    I've been waiting on something for a while, and I've been perfectly okay with it. Great, actually, until the new year started. Now? I'm a litttle bit of a nervous mess. I can't get focused. I start back into a more than full-time tax season schedule on Monday. Maybe that will take my mind off the waiting. Or, maybe I need to remember last year's theme and surrender.

    I'm glad you found peace in your personal life. Praying for you, dear friend!

  21. Janna Qualman

    At first glance, I really like it! It's a title that would have me picking up the book.

    I'm excited about a weekend trip and my older daughter's birthday.

    Happy weekend, Katie!

  22. Julie Jarnagin

    Great title! I'm concerned I'm not making enough progress on my WIP with an upcoming deadline. I'm praying you hear something soon!

  23. Lisa Jordan

    Waiting sucks. Sorry, that's how I see it, but I completely know how necessary it is. I'm waiting right now–waiting to hear about the status of my novel, waiting to hear about a job for hubby.

    My concern is a job for hubby. Not just for the income, but to bolster his self-esteem. Men are inbred bread winners. Sigh, more waiting.

    Celebration–it's Friday!! It's a new year with fresh opportunities. I am taking on a larger role in one aspect of my writing, so I'm happy dancing about that.

    Your title is great! It could have so many different meanings. Hope your mind frees to allow your muse to flow now. πŸ™‚

  24. Misha

    I love the title!

    Me, started my rewrite, but still being sent around by my characters.


  25. Robyn Campbell

    Katie, the waiting is horrible. I kinda let it get to me yesterday. My nerves bottled up, then EXPLODED. But it felt OH SO good to get it out. Then I had to ask God and DH to forgive me. YIKES. And to think it never ends, really. UGH

    As for the title, I love it. It makes me very curious. If I saw a book on the shelf with that title, I'd have to pick it up. I'd have to.

    Celebrations: My Christopher's birthday is coming up. So thankful, Katie. So thankful.

    Cares: You know. The waiting!

    Concerns: Christopher and that I'm not good enough to become a published writer. That all this will amount to nothing.

    I love you, girl. πŸ™‚

  26. Tabitha Bird

    No, the waiting never ends. I did a post on it once called… Waiting ( I know, so creative)

    As you can tell titles are not my thing. sigh. I have to live and breathe a book before something worthy occurs to me. And even then…. sigh.

    Hey I was wondering, are you still up for a read through of a memoir? πŸ™‚


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