
Oh how I love a good book. To me, it doesn’t matter if it’s an actual book or an audio book or an ebook on my Kindle. I just want a good story. One that will sweep me up and make me forget that I’m sitting on my couch or walking my dog (yes, I read while I walk).

It’s always interesting to me how certain books end up in my hands. How some can languish in my to-be-read pile indefinitely and others come out of nowhere. Makes me wonder what will happen to my book when it hits the shelves.

So far this summer, I’ve enjoyed:

Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
My friend Wendy raved about this one so I had to check it out. I’m glad I did. The narrator’s voice is unbelievable and it’s got so much amazing symbolism. It’s a great book club book.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
I remember asking for book recommendations a long time ago on the ACFW loop and Jenny B. Jones highly recommended this one. A while later, Chip MacGregor recommended it too. It took me several months to finally pick it up and when I did, I couldn’t put it down. The entire narrative is beautifully told via letters.

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
Several of my girlfriends and I started a book club a few months ago. Talk about fun. Girl talk, treats, and books. Life doesn’t get much better. This was our July pick. It’s not something I would have read on my own (which is why I love book club), but the writing is amazing and the ending made me emotional. It’s a nontraditional story where the protagonist is actually an entire group of women.

Fairer than Morning by Rosslyn Elliott
Rosslyn is a writing friend of mine and ever since I heard she signed a three-book deal with Thomas Nelson, I was super excited to read her debut. This one was so good I finished in two days, reading well past midnight to see what would happen.

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
This was our June pick for book club. It’s very mysterious. The vibe reminded me of Jane Eyre.

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
This one took me a long time. I kept starting and stopping. But every time I stopped, I’d see a tweet or a hear somebody rave about it, so I’d give it another try. I’m glad I stuck with it, but some parts were really hard to read.

Oddly enough, I think all of these (except Rebecca) are debut novels. Right now I’m reading Heaven is for Real (our August book club pick) and Little Bee by Chris Cleave (which is also a debut novel). And a book on my to-be-read list that I can’t wait to read is The Language of Flowers.

Let’s Talk: What books have you read this summer? If you could recommend only one book to me, which book would it be?

Due to my obsession with my latest novel, I will be taking a blogging break next week. I want to give these revisions the attention they deserve and meet my self-imposed deadline! removetweetmeme

29 thoughts on “Books

  1. Steven E. Belanger

    After several stops and diversions over many years, I finally read The Fellowship of the Ring straight through. The Tom Bobadil part didn't stop me this time. Highly recommended. As are A Distant Mirror (about medieval Europe) and Schindler's List.

  2. Lola X

    Absolutely fantastic blog!!! Glad I found it! Love it!!!

    Lola x

  3. Jessica Nelson

    Oh dear. I don't remember now. There's been a few, but not as many as I used to read.

  4. K. Victoria Chase

    Rebecca is a great read! I remember reading it in seventh grade. Loved the (old)movie too.

  5. Beth K. Vogt

    I loved Peace Like a River. Same with the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society–my internal editor never turned on once. (But that is one hard to write book title!)
    Sorry, couldn't get through Water for Elephants. Just couldn't.
    I read "The Help" and couldn't put it down. Not sure I'll see the movie because the book enthralled me so.
    Now I'm reading Ann Voskamp's "A Thousand Gifts." Reading it slow and savoring her voice and her words of truth. This book is a life-changer.

  6. Jeannie Campbell, LMFT

    the latest book i read that i couldn't put down was laura frantz' latest, the colonel's lady. very good book. since i know you're not into thrillers with serial killers, i'll just stick to that example. πŸ™‚

    see you soon!!!

  7. Melodie

    Love, LOVE Peace Like a River – one of my all time favorite books! So glad you enjoyed it!

  8. Jeanette Levellie

    OH, I am reading THE most incredible book by Cec Murphy, Knowing God and Knowing Myself. It has changed the way I look at the Lord, my relatinships, even my prayer life. I love the ones that force me to think and grow. Don't you?

    Love the photo of you!

  9. Writer Pat Newcombe

    Yep! I guess we're all book lovers. I'm just about to start thE lANGUAGE OF fLOWERS. And I have it on my kindle. Good luck with your book when it comes out!

  10. Jessica R. Patch

    I've read a whopper amount of books this summer. Walking on Broken Glass by Christa Allan, Desert Gift by Sally John, Delivery by Diana Prusik. I liked all of them!

    I read Summer Island by Kristin Hannah in about 2 days. Couldn't. Put. It. Down.

    So many.

    I'm reading the Edge of Grace (Christa Allan)right now.

  11. Brandy Heineman

    The Sweetest Thing by Elizabeth Musser is one of the best books I've read in a very long time. It's absolutely wonderful.

    Nefertiti by Michelle Moran and Saving Cicadas by Nicole Seitz are two others I've really enjoyed this summer. πŸ™‚

  12. amycoadventures

    THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS by Vanessa Diffenbaugh – the storytelling and character developement was seriously amazing.

    SISTER by Rosamund Lupton – a perfect blend of beautiful writing, twisty-turny plotlines, and poignant relationships.

    For awarness, both have some "gritty" elements. πŸ™‚

  13. Wilma

    My list is very long so won't try to put it all on here..Delivery by Diana Prusik…..The Deepest Waters by Dan Walsh…..Book of Days by James L. Rubart…..Reinventing Leona by Lynn Gentry….Ransome Trilogy by Kaye Dacus….I could go on for ever. It's been a hot, rainy summer so I've read alot.

  14. Keli Gwyn

    Pick one book as my favorite summer read? Katie, that would be torture. I've read so many good ones.

    I have to admit that of all those I've savored I'm partial to The Doctor's Lady by Jody Hedlund. I'm reading it in print now, but as Jody's CP I was privileged to read it twice in manuscript form. I've watched it go from good to great, from great to stellar, and fully expect to see it go from stellar to best seller.

    I'm eagerly awaiting another book, which Amazon tells me might even show up in my post office box today: A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas by Erica Vetsch. When Amazon enabled the "Look Inside" feature on Erica's book, I read those far-too-few pages and was hooked. Can't wait to read the rest of the story.

    Sorry about the long comment, but I love reading books, talking about books, telling others about great books. . .

  15. Nisa

    Oh, I love Rebecca! I'm glad you enjoyed it, too. There are others on there I want to read, but haven't yet. My favorite books of the summer have been Lisa Mangum's Hourglass Door series and Entwined by Heather Dixon. But I loved Mary Higgins Clark's latest and the second in Lindsey Leavitt's Princess for Hire series. Oh, and Beware, Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer, and Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker. Okay, I've read a lot of good ones this summer… I better quit while I'm ahead.

  16. Marji Laine

    I read a ton this summer! Just a few of my favorites: PREACHER'S BRIDE by Jody Hedlund, MY FOOLISH HEART by Susan May Warren. Just finished Camy Tang's DEADLY INTENT last night and THE CAMERA NEVER LIES by Elizabeth Goddard last weekend. It's been a FUN summer!

  17. Katie Ganshert

    Hey Katie – I actually did listen to it. Still had a rough time with parts. But really liked it! And I agree, listening adds a new dimension to the story, especially when there's a good reader!

  18. Katie

    I highly recommend listening to Water For Elephants. The voice actors are fantastic and really add to the story. I don't think I would have enjoyed reading it.

  19. Jennifer K. Hale

    40 Days Without Food by Russ Masterson. I'm almost done with it. It's packed full of nuggets of truth that reminded me of shortcomings, refocusing, and God's amazing grace.

  20. Erica Vetsch

    I just finished re-reading Rebecca. For new books, I read Gamble, Felix Francis's first solo attempt after writing for a few years with his father, the late Dick Francis. I also read Cold Vengeance by Preston and Child, another in their long series of Agent Pendergast novels.

  21. Kristy K

    I read a lot of non-fiction this summer – biographies and memoirs. But my favorite (and one I think everyone in the world has read) was A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Don Miller. My husband and I are talking about how we can write a better story for our family because of that book. πŸ™‚

  22. Katie Ganshert

    Jennie – I'm still on the look out for a writing hole. I'd absolutely love to find one. As far as reading and writing at the same time – I find that it fuels me when I'm feeling stuck.

    Lacie – it's a talent I've honed after many trials and errors. I've run into a few branches. Now I'm so used to it, I can push a strolled at the same time too. πŸ™‚

  23. Lacie Nezbeth

    Oh, how I love books too! Yesterday I stopped by my local bookstore to see if Jody Hedlund's book was on the shelves (it was!) and I ended up leaving with 11 books! As if my to-be-read pile wasn't big enough already! πŸ™‚

    I've heard really wonderful things about Words by Ginny Yttrup. So that's next on my reading list.

    How in the world do you read while you walk your dog? I'm almost positive I would trip and fall on my face! πŸ™‚

  24. Jennie Allen

    Girl, I wrote all summer, I have the hardest time reading and writing at the same time. I want to do both- since this is my new job. I am now craving a lot of books. Edits turned in this week. Do you go in a writing hole? Or how do you pull up and chift gears to another book?

  25. Olivia Newport

    Cutting for Stone may scare you off because it's long, but my goodness, talk about being immersed in another time and place. Strong character arcs. Also, if you have not read the Hunger Games trilogy, I recommend them. Our book group decided to read the first one to see what the fuss was about, and nearly everyone had read all three by the time we met to discuss. Yes, they are that good.

  26. Wendy Paine Miller

    Yeah for Peace Like a River & Little Bee & Water for Elephants & Fairer Than Morning…I'll stop here. I'm so thankful for Goodreads b/c I didn't used to keep track of what I've read. Still have trouble remembering it all. I'm reading Cutting for Stone and These is My Words. Think you'd like These. Read The Outside Boy. I loved that book!

    Such a fun barefoot pic. of you. πŸ˜€
    ~ Wendy

  27. Laura Pauling

    Since I don't think you read a lot of YA, I'll say Revolution by Jennifer Donelly b/c it has great crossover! I loved it.

  28. Eileen Astels Watson

    A lot of non-fiction. When I'm heavy into editing I tend not to read as much, as I know they'll distract me from my writing duty. So, Sadly, this summer hasn't seen many fiction getting opened by my hands. I am accumulating them for the fall, once this rewrite is done. The Colonel's Lady is first on my list to delve into.

    Got your comment on my post, Katie. I do believe our name is our brand, and we need to get it out there first and foremost. But a tagline can be very useful to introduce newbies to what we write. For me, it helps me to define what kind of stories I want to write. I think in a perfect, patient world, our readers will come up with the perfect tagline for us. I just like jumping the gun! Hee Hee.

  29. Julie Jarnagin

    Fun. I need to add some of those to my Amazon list. I really enjoyed Quitter by Jon Acuff (the guy who writes the blog Stuff Christians Like).


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