3 C’s – It’s Friday!

The bad news – I need to rewrite the last one hundred pages of my WIP. The good news – when I finish, the story will be one hundred times better than it is now.

Lots of headaches and shoulder/neck aches lately. I think I carry all my stress in the upper third of my body. Didn’t have a single shoulder/neck ache ALL summer.

Right now, as I type this, I’m eating a Milky Way candy bar. None of that fun-sized business either. It tastes like heaven.

Nothing’s happened yet as far as Pub Board, but the editor emailed my agent to say they are hoping to get it there soon.

Either my students and I are still honeymooning, or they are a really well-behaved class.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?removetweetmeme

22 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Jessica Nelson

    Hopefully a well-behaved class.
    πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing about pub. I carry my stress like that too. I hope things smooth out for you…

    Okay, so my cares center around my middle left finger which got jammed last Sunday and is atill in a splint. It's seriously messing with my writing. heh.

  2. Kelly Freestone

    Cares: My son is starting Kindergarten on Monday…:(
    Concernes: My son is starting Kindergarten on Monday…:l
    Celebrations: My son is starting Kindergarten on Monday…:)

    Sorry, Kinda in a silly mood.
    Okay for real?
    Cares: Mommy on Monday. lol.
    Concerns: My characters in this WIP. I'm trying a new software that will help organize cause I lost my original character worksheets.
    Celebrations: I'm excited to start character journaling. I love to journal, and walking with my Characters through their own journal will be fun!

    That's really sad about your last pages, but I know it willb e much beter!

    Still praying about the pub board.

    And I'm officially jealous about the Milky Way.

    HAve a good week,gal.

  3. Robyn Campbell

    Katie, I bet your students KNOW how blessed they are to have you for a teach. I hope they are well-behaved. For your sake. Or it will be a LONG year.

    I have neck and head pain stress, too. UGH

    Mmmm, Milky Way. Even though I'm a type 1 diabetic, I sneak one or two or three every now and then. πŸ™‚

    My cares are my Christopher. He's my concerns and my CELEBRATIONS, too. I love ya, Katie. πŸ™‚

  4. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Cares – Driving long distance today.

    Concerns – Traffic

    Celebrations – Getting to see my best friend and her family.

    Susan πŸ™‚

  5. Sandra Heska King

    I have neck issues. Do those upper back and arm exercises!

    Cares: I need to prepare to teach Hosea this fall. I've been procrastinating.

    Concerns: We lost my husband's cousin to cancer this week. It was sudden. Also just heard that my daughter's junior high basketball coach had a stroke and died. Both were only a year older than my husband. My uncle is in the hospital. It's not looking good.

    Celebrations: I was told today it seemed like my writing had turned a corner. πŸ™‚ And my husband and I are getting away to Lake Michigan for the weekend. Can't remember when we last lot away alone.

  6. Mary Aalgaard

    Cares: Getting my crew of four boys ready for the routine of school.

    Concerns: Keeping my cool until school starts!

    Celebrations: I had a guilt-free rootbeer float this afternoon. It's a hot day. It tasted good.

    Maybe you could get a massage this weekend?

  7. Cindy R. Wilson

    THAT'S what I need–chocolate!

    Cares: It's been one of those days. Need I say more?

    Concerns: Some editing to be done on my WIP and I really hope it's going to go smoothly.

    Celebrations: School starts soon and I'm making progress on my preparations for the ACFW conference.

  8. Jill Kemerer

    I suffer from migraines all the time so I know what holding stress in your neck, shoulders, and upper body is like. A simple thing that's helped me a lot is a heatable wrap. Kohl's has them for 15-20 dollars. You just pop it into the microwave for a few minutes and wrap it around your neck. You'd be surprised at what a difference it makes, and the wrap can be used over and over.

    I hope you hear some good news soon from the pub board. This waiting must be excruciating!

    Cares: Another migraine today.
    Concerns: Haven't visited my folks all summer and I miss them. It's really hard to find time to travel up there.
    Celebrations: School starts in one week!

  9. Amie B

    thanks for sharing! sorry about your neck ache – i'm very familiar with that – had neck surgery in feb of 2008. not fun.

    cares: my kids go back to school on monday.

    concerns: my kids go back to school on monday.

    celebrations: my kids go back to school on monday.


  10. patti

    Okay. I liked you a lot before but now I love you.

    To rewrite a hundred pages and be saying it'll be a hundred times better JUST FLAT OUT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't even think about anything but snoopy dancing.

    Oh, I am celebrating because I get to spend a week with my dear friend Julie and writer soulmates and pretend that I'm teaching. AND GET PAID!!!!!!!!


  11. Keli Gwyn

    Katie, I'm glad things are going well with your class. May this be the beginning of an amazing year.

    I'm excited to hear the encouraging news regarding the pub board. I want so much to happy dance with you soon.

    I feel for you in the rewrite. I've rewritten my story twice and am in the midst of revisions now. I know your story will be better than ever as a result of your hard work.

  12. Heidi

    Cares: My WIP is overwhelming, and I've hardly even started.

    Concerns: Similar neck/shoulder pains.

    Celebrations: It's my mom's birthday tomorrow! University is almost back in gear! And I'm going on an end-the-summer-with-a-bang roadtrip!

    By the way, I love that "none of this fun-sized business" line. So true. Why do they think less chocolate is fun for anyone? πŸ™‚

  13. T. Anne

    I'm 'write' there with you in the revisions cave. I'm loving it though. ANd good for you enjoying the Milky way. Sometimes you need a full size bar. I think you've earned it!

    Care;Summer is melting faster than I can handle.

    Concern; I need to tent my house before the termites have it for breakfast.

    Celebrations; God is good. He will not let me fall.

  14. Sarah Forgrave

    Ooohh, I'll live vicariously through you…I'm tasting that Milky Way bar right now. πŸ™‚

    Hmmm, My main concern today involves a procedure I'm having done this afternoon. Nothing serious, just a "routine" procedure that I've heard can hurt like crazy.

    Celebrations – Said procedure gives me the option to be pregnancy-free for 10 years. πŸ™‚ That's a huge celebration since my body has been through the gauntlet for the past 3 years. I'm finally feeling like a healthy human being again!

  15. Ralene

    I agree with most of the commenters, I carry all my stress in my neck and shoulders as well. Or that could be carrying a baby around all day too. lol…

    Cares: The girls and I will be starting homeschool next week. Yay! Still got some stuff to do to get ready, though.

    Concerns: My diabetes has been out of control since the end of my pregnancy. I need to get it under control–have an appt with doc this week.

    Celebrations: Fall kick off for our Bible Study group is tomorrow!

  16. Erica Vetsch

    Yay for well-behaved classes!

    I carry a lot of stress in my hands. πŸ™ They ache when I'm under pressure.

    Cares – today's a big day for our family.
    Concerns – my content editor is working on Before the Dawn right now.
    Celebrations – Tomorrow is a book signing with Mary Connealy! SQUEE!

  17. Laura Marcella

    Good luck rewriting. It'll be even better than before! I don't care much for that fun-sized business either. I never thought micro candy bars were much fun, lol.

    My cares: Working on a new writing project. It's something totally different and out of my comfort zone, so it's really exciting.
    Concerns: I haven't slept well the last couple nights. What's up with that?
    Celebrations: I have 2 today! I went to the dentist for the first time in 3.5 years, and my teeth and gums are still cavity-free, strong and healthy. Brushing & flossing after every meal is so worth it! And one of my nieces turns 1 today. They grow so fast!

    Have a great weekend, Katie!

  18. Janna Qualman

    Excited about your class! Not so much your pains. πŸ™ Hope it gets better.

    This was our first week of school, and so it's both concern and celebration for me. My youngest is in kindy this year, and I pray everything goes well. But then I'm excited about all this means for both my girls, and me! πŸ™‚

  19. Jody Hedlund

    Glad you had a great week of school. Hopefully as you get back into the swing of the school year routine, you'll lose some of the stress. I know I'm always exhausted after the first couple weeks of school.

    I'm sorry you have to rewrite the last 100 pages of you MS. I'm curious to know how you came to that conclusion?

    And as you know, I'm in the middle of grueling rewrites. It's a slow process of combing through each and every line, cutting out threads and sewing in new ones. In fact, I've had to delete entire paragraphs and scenes and rewrite them.

    Keep persevering, my dear!! πŸ™‚

  20. Kelly Lyman

    I carry all my stress in my upper body too! I feel your pain. Good luck with the rewriting.

    For me (pertaining to writing) is that my MS is wit my CPs right now and I scared to death that they'll hate it and tell me they think I need to rewrite it. Again.

    I'm also worried that our house won't sell…ugh. I know it's all in God's hands and out of my control but still I worry.

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Wendy Paine Miller

    Glad your class is going smoothly. I took care of a huge chuck of a chocolate bar the other night.

    Cares: Only one more week with the kids before school.
    Concerns: Need more time w/ and for God.
    Celebrations: The writing workshop went great. The kids came up with such creative stories. I liked teaching more than I thought I would & plan to hold another one in the fall.

    Can't wait to see you in less than a month.
    ~ Wendy

  22. Diane

    I think us women do carry it all up there. I need to go for adjustments occasionally. :O)


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