3 C’s – It’s Friday!


I’ve turned twitchy. My phone rings and my muscles spaz out. I check my email and I squeeze my eyelids shut, hoping not to see an email from my agent. Normally, I love getting emails from her. But an email could be a rejection from the publisher, and I’d really prefer not to get one of those.

To maintain my sanity, I’ve adopted a mantra: God is in control. If it’s His plan for me to get a book deal from this publishing house, then it’s going to happen. If that’s not His plan, then it’s not going to happen. Agonizing over it won’t change a thing. Only He can see the big picture. Only He can unfold the story of my life and make sense of it. My job is to do the best I can with what’s in my control and let Him take the rest.

In case you’re interested in how this whole publishing process works (from proposal to contract), literary agent Chip MacGregor has an amusing post about it here and my agent, Rachelle Gardner, has an informative post about it here. Both posts really helped me better understand all the steps involved.

Getting to know my new character is proving to be a very long, drawn-out process. It doesn’t help that she keeps changing her backstory on me.

It’s Friday – the end of a very hectic, busy week at school.

Jeff Stone, middle grade author of the Five Ancestor series, is coming to visit our school today for the annual author visit.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?removetweetmeme

28 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Rosslyn Elliott

    Ha ha! I was going to say exactly what Caroline said. Both of us have been there, so we know that all you can do is HANG IN THERE! πŸ™‚ I am sure that I developed at least two nervous tics during that period, which have now disappeared.

  2. patti

    Cares: Follow God's callings for my time
    Concerns: Ditto
    Celebrations: The Southern Kentucky Bookfest was a blast! Praise God for good sales and Godstops with great people.

  3. Lynn

    You are inspiring, Katie. Just being where you are, while you wait, is being in success, faithfully.
    Care: That I didn't say anything to managers at a recent trade show that will back-fire on me.
    Concerns: Same as above!
    Celebrations: I can't think of any right now (ohoh)but I am grateful for a my friends who help keep my concerns and cares in check.

  4. T. Anne

    I hope you get great news soon! I'm looking forward to hearing it!

    Care: That I'll do well with the contests I've entered.

    Concerns: That I will be able to deep clean this house before my sons birthday party;)

    Celebrations: I'm rejoicing everyday that summer is almost here!!!

  5. Maria I. Morgan

    Definitely a concept to cling to – God IS in control!! A bit more difficult to live out…

    Cares/concerns – my daughter graduates next month and is reconsidering her college choice! Help! But, God is in control!

    Celebrations – Home for the weekend with my amazing family!

  6. Janna Qualman

    You've got it right. Thanks for sharing the positive perspective!

    And I hope today went well. How neat!

  7. Kristin

    Oh, Katie, hang in there! He is always good. πŸ™‚

  8. Terri Tiffany

    Celebrating: Finished 4th novel today (rought draft)
    Concerns, waiting too for that email or phone call that they love or hate my full.
    Cares: need a job!
    You must relax–it's out of your hands–but I'm sure it will go through:))

  9. Shannon O'Donnell

    Cares: Still trying to sell our house and ride out the roller coaster of emotions that go along with it

    Concerns: potential buyers may be getting cold feet

    Celebrations: Baseball season!!!!! πŸ™‚

  10. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    I'm waiting to hear if I got a job I intereviewed for earlier today. As you said, it's in God's hands.

    Susan πŸ™‚

  11. Jennifer Shirk

    I spent all day on my concern: my hero. LOL
    And the stinker told me something out of left-field. But I think it works. (We'll see if Camy agrees) πŸ™‚

  12. Alison Eckel

    You have a good attitude about your book. I hope I am someday in your position, and that I can wait with your attitude!

    Long week here too – but just about every one is!

  13. Warren Baldwin

    I like your mantra. I have to use it alot, too!

    Concern – sermon not done for Sunday.
    Celebration – a book singing tomorrow.

    Good post.

  14. Julie Jarnagin

    That is nerve wracking. Good luck!

  15. Elana Johnson

    Oh, Katie I'm so feeling your twitchiness right now. It's one of my cares too. Time is another one. I seriously need more of it, and have things that must be done on a deadline and I don't know how I'm going to do it.

    Those are my cares and concerns.

    Celebrations? Well, I'm going out of town. That's always fun.

    Have a great weekend!

  16. Kristen Torres-Toro

    Hey, Katie!

    Bolivia is coming up for me. I'm excited and need to get ready… have a lot of work to do next week. So that's my big thing.

    Praying for you as you wait!

  17. Keli Gwyn

    I feel for you, Katie. Waiting can be sooo tough. Moving ahead to your next story is a great idea, but I think you're heroine is being rather a pest to keep changing things on you. Perhaps she's endeavoring to keep your focus on the new story instead of the one being considered, though, in which case I can cut her some slack. πŸ™‚

  18. Erica Vetsch

    That mantra works for so many things in life!

    I'm celebrating a new book signing opportunity with a friend. πŸ™‚

  19. Jody Hedlund

    I like your mantra! It's easy to think that in our heads, but for some reason it's harder to convince our hearts to go along with it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  20. TerryLynnJohnson

    An author visist sounds exciting!
    One concern I have – I've just sent my ms to a crit partner and waiting to hear back. Nail biter.

  21. Holly

    You forget to put "…and Holly will beat them up if they turn me down" into your mantra. Bwahahaha. I love you and know you'll find a publisher…whether it's this one or another!

    Cares: I didn't sleep well last night.
    Concerns: I'm having a bad hair day, which combined with my lack of sleep, is going to make for an interesting night at a friend's wedding…and even more interesting pictures.
    Celebrations: We get to spend some time in our new house today while it gets inspected!

  22. Ashley Weis

    Aw, sweetness! Don't be twitchy! What's meant to happen will happen. Look at Stephen King's story. So many rejections before someone took him on. I believe in you! It'll happen when it's meant to happen with who it's meant to happen. πŸ™‚ Love you!

  23. Heather Sunseri

    Celebration (of course) – April 15 has come and gone once again. Hello spring and more time to write!

    Concerns – there's a very dangerous federal convict on the run in our area causing all kinds of problems. Schools are locked down for the second day, helicopters kept us up some last night.

    Happy Friday! I hope you get GOOD news soon! But you're right, we have to release that kind of worry to God, while hoping for the best!

  24. Wendy Paine Miller

    First, it will happen!

    Second, you included some good links.

    Time is a funny thing, isn't it? Sending love.

    Cares: Novel number five is trying to sneak in before I'm even halfway through novel four. Man, I need to teach my novels patience.
    Concerns: I'm sad about not being at Calvin's Festival of Faith and Writing, but am saving up for ACFW. And I miss my dad. I think I was so attentive to my mom I hadn't done a lot of grieving and now it's hitting harder.
    Celebrations: Just got wind of another publishing opportunity. I'm loving the characters of novel four, but as I wrote I think the whole thing is mostly dialogue. I'll need to fix that, but ain't gonna worry 'bout that now.

    Have a weekend full of laughter. Tickle that boy of yours.
    ~ Wendy

  25. Caroline Starr Rose


  26. Slamdunk

    Great attitude. Focusing on the negative will only lead to frustrations.

  27. Jessica Nelson

    Eeek! I'd be twitchy too. Sounds like you're giving yourself wise advice though. πŸ™‚
    I hope you have a great day and a relaxing weekend!

  28. CJ

    Today's celebration: last day of school for The Young One and then a week of Spring vacation!


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