3 C’s – It’s Friday!

My baby boy is one today. I’m feeling all nostalgic, thinking how this time last year I was in school, having contractions. Hubby came home at 5 pm, we got to the hospital at 6 pm. Brogan entered the world at 8:23 pm. All we knew about him was that he was a healthy baby boy, 18.5 inches long at 6 lb, 12 oz. He was a stranger, straight from my womb. Now, 365 days later, this little guy owns my heart. With his goofy, dimpled smile. The way he laughs through his teeth when I tickle his belly. The daredevil look in his eye when he finds something to climb. The soft warmness of his palm when his hand brushes over mine. The way he blows bubbles in his food, or lays his head on my shoulder. I knew none of these things one year ago. And yet they define my world today. Happy birthday to my one year old!

In the spirit of Follow Friday, I wish I could recommend everybody’s blog. There are so many great ones. However, since I can’t link to everybody’s blog, I pick Gwen Stewart, Singer Scribe. She’s so honest about the joys and challenges of writing and has a way with words. Plus, she’s a working mom like myself. Not just any working mom, either. But a teacher! Gotta love those teachers.

It’s been raining for two days straight here in Iowa. Boo!

I’m feeling a bit angsty. I always get this way when I start writing the rough draft of a new story. It’s hard to let go of the old one and really immerse myself in the new. And plus, I tend to glorify memories. Does anybody else do this? Does anybody else remember things as better than what they actually were? I remember all the good and forget the bad. So when I “remember” writing my previous book, I remember how awesome it was to write it, and forget all the struggles. So, logically, when I pass through current struggles, I freak out. My mind thinks things like, “Writing was NOT this hard last time.” Really, it was, I just conveniently forgot.

I’ve established a routine I’m very happy with, and it includes exercise (something I’ve had very little of lately). It’s working for me at the moment.

I sent a query to one of my dream agents on Sunday (when I think of my dream agent, three people come to mind) and she requested a proposal on Monday. No guarantees, of course, but still encouraging! Her email was so personable. I really like her style.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations this rainy Friday morning?

Thanks for all the comments in my previous post! I’m glad you got a kick out of my students’ imaginative story. We’re currently writing the rough draft together. It’s a doozie!removetweetmeme

20 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Shmologna

    I found your blog on ACFW forums and I'm enjoying it. This entry puts me in mind of the children of Egypt. They had their freedom but in light of some of their wilderness struggles, they kept complaining that life in Egypt had been easier, making up foods they had NEVER eaten while there. We still do the same thing. God brings us to where we are yet we wish for the past. I do this ALL the time 🙂

  2. careann

    A happy, happy birthday to your little guy, Katie, and congratulations on the request for a proposal. That's always an exciting (and breath-holding) time. Sending good vibes…..


  3. Lighthouse Prayer Line

    Dear Katie,

    On behalf of Lighthouse Prayer Line, I invite you to visit http://www.LighthousePrayerLine.org .

    The main purpose of this site is to generate interdenominational prayer on behalf of all prayer requests. There are no forms to fill-out, or membership dues (fees), or personal information requested. Our simple plea is that you may say a prayer on behalf of those listed on our main page each week (posted on Mondays). That's it!

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    And one more thing …your email address (only) was shared with us as someone who may have a serving heart (prayer warrior). This is a one time mailing; you will not hear back from unless it is your desire.

    Remember, whether you decide to pray for the least of these, that is confidentially between just you and the Lord. I hope to hear from you soon!

    Be blessed and be a blessing.

    In Jesus Christ,

    Lighthouse Prayer Line
    105 Quincy Drive
    Greer, SC 29650

    "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35 – NKJV).

    **Be sure to turn your volume up and enjoy some of today's top Christian songs at

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  4. Tara

    Happy birthday to Brogan. I'm glad you've got a good routine going. Good luck with the new story, and have a great weekend.

    My celebration: We leave for vacation tomorrow. Very excited.

  5. Ava Walker Jenkins

    So happy for your agent's woarm response! Go get 'em, girl!
    Didn't that first year fly by? First born's birth stories are so special and rarely dim with time. Happy 1st birthday, Brogan.

    Cares: my 17 year old "baby" is driving around town on his own, now. Tonight he is attending his high school football game and drove himself for the first time I am praying often and loudly!

    Concerns: See above!

    Celebrations: I did not have to drive my son anywhere today! Hooray!

  6. Katie Ganshert

    Love reading everybody's 3 C's on Fridays! I wish we could all just sit down around a pan of fresh-out-of-the-oven brownies, forks in hand, eat straight out of the pan while talking about our dreams. You are all such a blessing!

    Krista – thanks for making me smile. I totally hear ya with the waffling back and forth between wanting to know NOW, but not wanting to know at the same time. You are not alone in your pathetic-ness. 🙂

    Jess – the agent who requested a partial does not start with an R. Although that agent (the one whose name starts with an R) has my full in her Kindle (I think she has yours too!)

    Jody – we are having a party. 🙂 At my aunt's house. Just pizza and cake. I'm excited to see what he does with his cake. I'll take pictures and probably post them.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. As soon as he's old enough to understand, I'll pass them along.

    Blessings to all of you! Have super fantabulous weekends!


  7. Krista Phillips

    YEAH!!!! SO excited about your request:-)

    Cares: I have my full out with 2 agents… and I've been more patient that I thought I'd be. But lately I can't stop thinking about it… part of me wants an answer NOW… but the another part of me knows… as long as I have no answer, I don't have a "no" answer. Pathetic, I know!

    Concerns: Trying to get my book done by November 1st… it'd be an act of God if it happened. (NOt that he couldn't do it, mind you…) Also, that everyone stays HEALTHY at my house, and everyone elses house! The flu STINKS!

    Celebrations: KATIE GOT A REQUEST FROM AN AGENT! Today, I celebrate with you, girl! EEE!

  8. Terri Tiffany

    Congrats on the feedback and request from an agent!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!

  9. Jill Kemerer

    Happy Birthday Brogan!! How fun! Congrats on the first year and the partial request!

    I can only focus on the celebration today. We're going to our church's Harvest Party and it's going to be such a great time. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Jody Hedlund

    Oh, Happy Birthday to little man!! Are you having a special party or anything? (Not that they really care much at that age! But still makes for great pictures!)

    And congrats on another request!! Is this from the other agent you met with at ACFW (the spur of the moment appointment?) You must tell me!! 🙂 I'm so nosey!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Katie!

  11. Erica Vetsch

    Happy birthday, baby boy! Woohoo!

    And Yay to you for a requested proposal from a dream agent! That's so cool!

  12. T. Anne

    Happy first birthday baby Brogan!!!! How wonderful!!!!! I remember my oldest son's first b-day. It's one of those memories that sticks with you forever. Yum. 😉

    Care, I sent out a partial to my dream agent and I want her to at least like it.

    Concern, I really need the Holy Spirit to lead me in the direction he wants me to go. I'd love more insight.

    Celebrations, DD and I are baking cookies for a party. Today should be a blast.

  13. Kristen Torres-Toro

    Congrats to the interest on your story! That's awesome! And happy birthday to your boy!

    I've started re-editing/re-writing my manuscript and it's very daunting. There are some big (time consuming, energy draining) changes that might need to be made. I'm in the beginning stage of thinking it through to see if it's necessary. Eish!

    Celebrations: the weather warmed back up a little here! Now it doesn't feel like winter. Praise God–it was WAY too early for that down here!

  14. CKHB

    Happy Mama-versary!

  15. Jessica

    Oooh, does the agent's name start with an R? I have three or four dream agents too. 🙂 I hope things go well with your proposal!

    Happy Birthday to Brogan!!! I love remembering the births of my kids. Thanks for sharing about his. 🙂

    I wish I had your tendency to only remember the good. Unfortunately I tend to remember bad memories really well. Blech. Gotta work on that. But I forget some bad stuff too. I call it blocking things out. LOL Maybe that's what you do? 🙂

    Have a wonderful Friday! Gwen has a great blog. Good choice!

  16. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought

    Happy Birthday to Brogan! Gwen's posts are so calming to read. I love her blog. And, yes, I also glorify memories.

    Cares: Trying to decide whether I should coach my daughter for spring soccer.
    Concerns: Some deep family unspokens. I need to spend time with God to sift through all my feelings about it all.
    Celebrations: Continue to publish articles and stories. I took some beautiful pictures of the sky, shooting up through the yellow leaves yesterday. We are going to dinner with some fun couples tonight.

    Have a wonderful celebration, Katie. Life is something to celebrate.
    ~ Wendy

  17. Tamika:

    Happy Birthday Brogan!

    My Cares: Still searching for the right balance with family and writing. Hubby and I are riding the roller coaster with varying reactions. Please pray.

    My Concerns: NaNo coming in one week! I have struggled in the past silencing my internal editor in my first draft. Praying that I can get it on paper before I agonize about making it sing.

    My Celebrations: I have officially been blogging for one solid month. Yay! This has been more fun than I could have ever expected. I thank God for each one of you.

    Happy Friday…

  18. Eileen Astels Watson

    Happy 1st Birthday, Brogan!!!!

    It's raining here today again, at least we had a few days of sunshine in between. I hope your celebration with Brogan is rain free!

  19. Tabitha Bird

    Oh wow Katie. TWO great things to celebrate… firstly, happy Birthday to your little boy 🙂 Oh, they grow… who said they could grow???

    And CONGRATS on the request from the agent. I know it is just a request, but still…. WOW! That is an achievement in itself:)

  20. Heather Sunseri

    Oooh, it's rainy here, too! Happy Birthday to your sweet baby boy!


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