3 C’s – It’s Friday!

Will I be able to improve my manuscript? I’m working on the suggested changes, but right now, it feels a little like trying to get my 17-month old to tell me why he’s crying. The manuscript is leaking tears, and I’m trying to figure out what hurts.

Brogan has a mysterious fever. I’m staying home with him this morning, then my dad is coming to pick him up at noon so I can go to work. As a teacher, missing work ends up being more work than if I’d just gone.

I’m celebrating you! I’ve felt so supported and encouraged this week as I’ve read through the wonderful comments on Monday’s post. Each and every one blessed my heart.

I just started reading the Harry Potter books to my students. They are captivated. As a teacher, I can’t help but love this series. It’s helped millions of kids around the world fall in love with reading. There’s something so mesmerizing about the story. A neglected boy discovers he’s someone special. The world he knows isn’t as it seems. And he spends seven books fighting evil. As a Christian, I can’t help but make the analogy. Christ finds us and tells us we’re special – that we’re made in His image. We discover the world isn’t just physical, but spiritual. And an epic battle between good and evil rages every day, in every village, classroom, neighborhood, city street. As a Christ-follower, I know who wins the battle. As a Harry Potter fan, I know who wins the battle there too.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?removetweetmeme

A Taste of Life on Submission

I got my fabulous agent in November. At that point, we submitted my proposal to one particular publishing house. The acquisitions editor was interested in my work and would speak with the editorial team about it. But life happens. Unexpected things occur. Time goes on. And writers learn that waiting is an integral part of this process. If waiting drives you mad, I’d seriously consider a different career.

Two and a half months passed. The editor is still interested, but hasn’t had the opportunity to discuss my work with her editorial team. My agent submits my proposal to eight other publishing houses. I finish revisions on my fourth novel, brainstorm some ideas for my fifth with my agent, who provides excellent guidance, and I get to work on research.

On Marh 7th, my agent calls to tell me she had lunch with the editor, who’s still interested, but has been waiting to take it to committee until the timing is right. What we writers sometimes don’t realize, in our lonesome little worlds with our laptops, is that so much is happening behind the scenes. This editor may like my stuff, but there are other books being submitted and considered. Some might be similar to mine. If she wants my work to pass through editorial committee and pub board, timing is key.

She and Rachelle decide that bringing a two-book proposal to committee will strengthen my chances. So I hurry up, write a hook, back-cover blurb, and synopsis for the fourth book I finished. Rachelle creates a two-book proposal and quickly gets it to the editor.

I try to contain my excitement and distract myself with this new story, which, thankfully, is wonderfully distracting.

I get an email on March 18th. Editorial team is enthusiastic about my stuff. They are taking it to Pub Board in mid-April. Hopefully….but you never know. Sometimes pub board meetings get cancelled, or sometimes not all the manuscripts on the agenda get discussed, so you can get pushed back. Lots of stuff can happen.

The editors made a helpful observation/critique, and since my book’s not going to Pub Board until mid-April, this lovely editor has given me the opportunity to work on the suggestion and resubmit before Good Friday. Note, I don’t have to. They will take the book to committee either way. But why wouldn’t I? These editors are professionals who know so much more than I do. It is my dream to work with an editor and glean as much knowledge as possible so I can continue to improve and grow as a writer. I also want to make this story as strong as it can be. So that’s what I’m doing. Trying to improve the manuscript.

In the midst of all this, my stomach has accomplished some pretty applaudable acrobatics. Odd, impossible things – like simultaneously dancing for joy and flopping to my knees. Pub Board is the big one. This is where most manuscripts get rejected. But if it passes Pub Board, I get a contract. A real, live publishing contract. See, my stomach’s doing it again.

Jody Hedlund wrote a post last week about facing disapointment. She said, “The higher we reach for our dreams, the more crashes we’ll likely have.” This is so true. I’m elated up here, so high. I mean, come on, how cool is it that a bunch of editors were sitting around a few Tuesdays ago discussing my book? That’s crazy to me! And incredibly exciting. But I’m up so high! If I fall, I know it’s going to hurt. Yet, this is the risk we take when we dive into the publishing industry. This is the risk I’m taking now. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Question to Ponder: When you’re taking a risk, are you more of a “think positive” person, or more of a “stay realistic” person?removetweetmeme

3 C’s – It’s Friday!

A dear friend is saying goodbye to her father. Please pray for her and her family.

Another hurdle jumped. The editorial team (of a publishing house that I would LOVE to write for) is officially taking my proposal to Pub Board in mid April. The editors made a suggestion regarding the manuscript that I’d love to work on before it goes. I have two weeks to get cracking. Prayers are appreciated!

I’m diving into research for my next story and listening carefully as my main character reveals bits and pieces of herself at random hours of the day. I’m super pumped about this story. The industry I’m researching is incredibly fascinating.

School resumes on Monday. Back to life. Back to reality. (You know you’re singing it.)

Only in Iowa would it be 68 degrees and sunny one day and snowing the next.

I received a message on facebook from a gal who lives exactly where I live and she’s also a Christian writer. She’s just beginning her journey. After some emails back and forth, we found out we go to the same church. I’m so excited to have a writing friend close by and even more excited to meet her in person.

I’ve had such a fabulous week with my little man. Sunny days outside. Play dates with friends (he’s kissed a few little girls this week…shame, shame). Relaxing time all around. Now I just have two and a half more months until summer break!

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?

FYI: If you ever have any questions about what it’s like to be a yet-to-be-published, agented writer, feel free to ask! I’m not shy about answering questions.removetweetmeme