The Joy Thief

He plays with light and dark, casting shadows of enormity, disguising himself as a towering monster. When really, behind the trick, lies something silly and small and inconsequential.

I call him the Joy Thief.

More popularly known as Worry or Inconvenience.

He likes to watch us, like some warped version of Santa Claus, waiting for that perfect moment. The moment we let our guards down so he can creep into our soul and feed. Feasting on our busyness. Our distraction. Our tiredness and irritability. Until he grows so big and bloated there’s no room for joy.

The Joy Thief is a monster we invite into our bellies. A monster that gives us wrinkles and ulcers and chest pains and quick tempers. A monster that doesn’t add a single day to our lives.

Our time on this earth is so fleeting. Like grass, we are here today and gone tomorrow. So why in the world do we let these silly, small, inconsequential things grow bigger than they are and steal our joy?

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Luke 12:25

Let’s Talk: Do you know the Joy Thief? How does he disguise himself in your life?removetweetmeme