3 C’s – It’s Friday!

Celebrating eight years of marriage!

I loved getting a little glimpse into your lives last week and enjoyed responding to your 3 C’s. I hope you’ll share again today! 


I love book clubs. I love being a part of one. And I love when book clubs read Wildflowers from Winter. I think it stimulates some interesting conversation because people have such diverse and strong reactions to my protagonist, Bethany Quinn (evidenced by these reviews on Amazon).

If you are part of a book club, did you know about my book club page? You will find discussion questions, in-depth conversation topics, a yummy book-related recipe, and an offer to Skype. Faith Readers recently read Wildflowers and here’s what they have to say about the experience


A few days ago, 23 kids were rescued from an orphanage in Haiti that was involved in human trafficking. These children have been abused and neglected. All are severely malnourished. God tells us to look after widows and orphans in their distress. Here is a tangible way we can be the hands and feet of Christ to these precious little ones.  


This past Tuesday, Ryan and I celebrated our anniversary. There is something very special about sharing so many days with my best friend. For the record, I have no idea why he’s carrying a baseball bat.

I found my book at Sam’s Club this week! If you’re looking for cheap birthday gifts, hightail thee to Sam’s. It’s only $6!

Wildflowers from Winter won the fiction book of the month at The Book Club Network. Thanks so much for the votes!

Let’s Talk: What are your 3 C’s this week?

Jessica Patch is playing Would You Rather with my characters today!

37 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. I’m running late …
    and that would be my first C:
    How to juggle this life of mine, which is full of good things and, at times, too many things. How do I take CARE of it all?
    My daughter, Amy, is getting married in six weeks. I want to keep an eye on her and make sure she walks out the next six weeks well — rested and enjoying all of this, because, ya know, planning a wedding can be crazy-making.
    My daughter Christa had her dance performance last night, which is a huge reason to celebrate! The performance is the culmination of a year’s worth of hard work. (She did great, by the way!)

  2. You come up w/the best bloggy ideas!

    CARES: Book still out on submission. Which means I’m still trying to stay calm and have faith…meanwhile, going stir crazy till I know what book I need to work on next.

    CONCERNS: Moved b/c we knew God wanted us to, but hubby still hasn’t locked in a job. PRAYING nonstop on that one, too.

    and CELEBRATIONS! We’ve moved back near my parents. I’ve missed living near family, in the country. Trying to relax and enjoy.

    Great post and how great to share each others’ concerns and joys!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Hey Heather! So glad you’re sharing!

      Being out on submission is such a nail-biting, maddening time! I feel for you, sister. Your hubby’s job search, I’m sure, only compounds the feelings.

      Yay for being near your parents. I live near both of mine and it is awesome to have their support/help.

  3. Hey , the bat is to fend off the females who want to meet your hubs! Or the guys who want to meet his wife.

    Cares-that I actually care that the laundry is piling up. I don’t.

    Concerns-the daughter, as always. I’m speaking at a mission/church service Sunday night on Bolivia. Pray for an intelligent , coherant thought process.

    Celebrations- My 4 1/2 pound baby boy just had his last day of high school. Wahahahaha!!! My itty bitty buhbuh is now 6’2 and 200 pounds of “Athlete of Distinction” at his school.

    Yes, I was a mother at the tender age of 9. Yeah, and a child bride. Uh huh. Yup. No one here is 49…

    1. Katie Ganshert

      You crack me up, Jennifer.

      How did the speaking go?

      Congrats to you and your baby boy on the graduation. Julie’s doing through the same thing. I imagine that has to be so strange to see our “babies” graduate!

  4. Happy Anniversary again!! Love the picture!

    Cares: June is turning out to be a busy month, and although it’s all good, I’m already tired and it’s only June 8th. Praying for an extra shot of energy and focus.

    Concerns: Friends of ours lost their 17 yr. old son a couple weeks ago in a tragic accident. Their loss and sorrow is weighing heavy on my heart.

    Celebration: My husband is a bi-vocational pastor, and he started a new part-time job this week that he loves. God has provided in such an awesome way!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      So so sorry about your friend’s loss. I can’t even imagine, Teri. Praying for them and for you.

      Happy for you and your hubs and his job!

  5. Congratulations, Katie!

    Cares: Already beginning lesson plans for next year. I know it sounds crazy, but I have a lot of preparation ahead of me.

    Concerns: My church is holding it’s Vacation Bible Time this next week. We’re expecting over 150 kids (and that’s more than the number of people in our Sunday morning services). Excited about the great opportunity. Nervous about how it’s going to come together.

    Celebrations: It’s been a productive week for me and the weather is beautiful here.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      you must be a phenomenal teacher, Laura! Lesson planning in the summer ought to buy you major brownie points!

      Just said a prayer that God’s hand would be all over your VBS and your nerves would settle.

  6. Holly Hassenzahl

    Congrats on the BCN award!! So proud 🙂 And you and totally follow the same orphanage in Haiti…weird. I’ve been thinking about those 23 kids all week. Sweet little darlings who’ve been through so much already.

    Cares: I’m supposed to be in a meeting in 4 minutes to interview a potential new hire. Nobody can make it but ME. Sigh. So now I have to magically come up with an hour’s worth of questions?? hahaha.

    Concerns: Joel’s dad is in the hospital again. And Joel is in Kenya. Not a good combo.

    Celebrations: Madison baby shower this weekend…woot woot!! So wish you could be here. You did get the invite back in May, right? I knew ahead of time that making the trip wouldn’t really be a possibility since you were just here last week, and will be back in July, but wanted to be sure you knew about it anyways 🙂

    Love you!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      How’d the interview go? You should ask them very important questions – like do they like Sonic and are they fans of puppy chow? If they say no to either, they’re out.

      I did get the invite and feel like a shmuck b/c I’m just realizing I never RSVPed! Can’t make it, but I’ll be thinking about you and baby girl Hassenzahl. Can’t wait to meet her!

      So sorry about Joel’s dad. 🙁 Are you freaking out about him being in Kenya, or are you remaining calm?

  7. Congratulations Katie on your anniversary and for your book!!

    Cares: Am preparing for my mission trip to Slovakia! Lesson plans…

    Concerns: My mom fell in her home. Am concerned she may not be able to live alone anymore…what to do, what to do.

    Celebrations: Got a new job as a writing teacher at a school I love; was told a local teacher wants to read my book to her class this fall; and got some AWESOME feedback from judges about my writing contest entry. Woo hoo!

    God is so good!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Love all those celebrations, Ruth! And how amazing that you are going to Slovakia! What brings you there? Do you have a heart for the country or do you have a heart for missions in general?

  8. Happy anniversary! Yay!

    Cares: I am singing offertory next Sunday and need to find a good song for Father’s Day.

    Concerns: Just found out my job location is moving some 45 minutes away. Which means my commute will get bad (right now it’s 10 minutes each way). Which means less writing time. So I’m praying about finding another job or for the ability to telecommute a few days a week.

    Celebrations: Only three weeks until my cruise!! (Got lots to do in the meantime)

    And got some good brainstorming done (with a writing buddy’s help!) on my book last night!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Brainstorming is so fun, especially when it’s good brainstorming! Will you take me on your cruise, please?

      1. Now isn’t that shamefully selfish Katie….Lindsay is taking ME. Hello?

  9. Tracy Moore

    First of all, you two are so cute! Congrats on eight years of marriage – this September will be our 8th anniversary as well.

    Cares: Hubs and I are still working together on our issues and are taking teeny, tiny baby steps (that could be a Celebration, but I don’t want to jinx myself).

    Concerns: My grandpa is in hospice. He is 96 years old and the best person I have ever known. When told he was going to hospice he said, “Well, the Lord has a plan. It’s OK…I’ve lived a good life.” If only I could have one ounce of his faith and courage…

    Celebrations: I’m alive. I have a sweet little boy that keeps me laughing. I have family that helps me when I’m down. Oh…and our vegetable garden is thriving!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Woohoo for eight years for you too. So happy you are taking those baby steps, no matter how teeny tiny. Sorry to hear about your grandpa, Tracy. He sounds like an amazing man.

      I love your celebrations! I’m totally jealous that you have a green thumb!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS Katie to you and your husband celebrating 8 years of married bliss! 🙂 You two look beautiful together and even more importantly, HAPPY! 🙂

    My 3C’s? Wow, let me think…

    Cares: My church is doing community outreach this Sabbath and I’m excited about it! 🙂 Hope we will, as the song by Babbie Mason goes, “Each one, Reach one” for the kingdom of Jesus Christ! 🙂

    Concerns: Weight! I have a great fitness coach but I’m still struggling with breaking up with SUGAR!!!! 🙁 Letting go of sugar means letting go of unwanted pounds. Pray for me!

    Celebrations: One of my friends is getting married this weekend and I’m going to be a part of the celebration! 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend with your family, Katie! You are blessed! 🙂 *Jeremiah 29:11*

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Loved reading this, Alexis. I can’t imagine breaking up with sugar, but I’ve heard that once you get past that first excrutiating week, the cravings go away and the energy shoots through the roof!

      Have fun at the wedding!

  11. Congratulations! Y’all are so cute together! May you have a lifetime of memories. 🙂

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Thanks Ane!

  12. Love the baseball bat! 😀

    Yeah for mawwage.

    Cares: My house needs a major clean up before company comes tonight.
    Concerns: My mom’s inner ear disease is flaring up, had to pick up my daughter from school yesterday b/c she banged her knee up good, & my dog has tapeworms to boot. Good times around here.
    Celebrations: I’m alive. It’s sunny. Company is coming. We’re visiting with dear friends this weekend. God is teaching me & I’m actually listening…

    ~ Wendy

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Boo for tapeworms and inner ear problems! My g-man has the inner ear thing and it does a number on her at times. Hoping your mom gets better soon, the tape worms disappear, and you have a wonderful time tonight with friends!

  13. CONGRATS!!! Happy Anniversary, Friend!!!

    Yeah for bookclubs!

    Prayers for the Orphans… so so so sad:-(

    Cares: I’ve finally gotten to the point where I’m working on my next book! Editing a finished one anyway to be able to send to my agent. *gulp*

    Concerns: Annabelle has surgery on the 18th. I’m trying to not think about it.

    Celebrations: Annabelle is WALKING!!!! And my Gabby turned 6 this week. And my kiddos (except for Annabelle of course) are in NC with my inlaws for the next 10 days… will miss them like crazy but excited to have some rare extra time in my day to catch up!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      That is so awesome that little Annabelle is walking, Krista! Don’t you love amazing, supportive in-laws who love on your kids? Ryan and I have quite a few of those!

  14. Happy Anniversary, Katie!
    Cares: VBS finishing strong with a shortage of teachers
    Concerns: Being prepared for my son’s graduation party in a week–and keeping my priorities in order while I do it.
    Celebrations: Celebrating my wonderful family who holds everything together while I attend a convention.
    Enjoy a blessed weekend!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Congrats to your son, Julie! Is he your oldest?

      1. Thanks, Katie. Yes, he is my oldest. I’m struggling with this stage of my life (letting go), but excited for Daniel as well. He will be going to college 7 to 8 hours away in August–we will miss him terribly!

  15. Carrie Fanderclai

    Congratulations, Katie and Ryan! What a blessing!

    Cares: Our family is starting a new adventure as God grows us. Praying for HIS will to be done and that we are obedient to His call.

    Concerns: We are financially supporting one of the Haitian children. Praying they get all the funding they need to be safe, healthy and happy. I pray that each of the children finds a home with loving, Christian parents.

    Celebrations: God woke us up and gave us another beautiful day.

    Have a truly blessed day, Katie. You are loved by the Fanderclai’s!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      New adventures are always exciting! You’ll have to let me know how it goes. 🙂

      I love your celebration. Love, love, love.

  16. We loved Skyping with you, Katie! Happy Anniversary! We celebrated 17 years last month!

    Cares: My Bibles for the new class I’m about to teach came in. That might be a celebration though.

    Concerns: Praying for those Haitian children. We have mission team over there right now.

    Celebrations: My son turns 8 next weekend. He’s having a HULK birthday party! 🙂

    1. Katie Ganshert

      My husband and your son must have lots in common, b/c Ryan loves the Hulk. Happy b-day to your boy!

  17. Congratulations on your anniversary!!

    I’m celebrating all the way this week–I bought a new car. And it was the shortest, easiest car shopping process ever. I never even had to visit the dealership. Yay!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Woohoo for new cars and avoiding the dealership!

  18. Congratulations!!!! LOVE the bat. Very manly.

    Cares: Starting a new season in our lives with new projects and new direction but still have lots of the old stuff to wrap up. Always an adventure with God. Always.

    Concerns: I need to choose to spend more time with Jesus. First. Then fit everything else in if there’s room. Not the other way around.

    Celebrations: Our youngest daughter turned 10 yesterday and our Nigerian Dwarf goat gave birth to triplets on her birthday! What a great gift from God!

    Have a lovely weekend – happy Friday!

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Hi Becky! I absolutely love your honesty and your heart behind your concern. That is something I’m always working on! Congrats on the triplets! Is that normal for a goat to have triplets?


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