Battle Five Results: Family Feet (Sort of)

feet pinterest challengeOkay, so our dog didn’t exactly cooperate.

We tried several times to get him to lay on his back and put his hind paws up on the couch, but he was having absolutely none of it.

Hence, our photo.

Perhaps not the next framer, but definitely laughter inducing.

Let it be known, we have a bigger, harder to handle dog than the Wades. Just sayin’.

Becky and I give it a B+ for kid fun (there was giggling involved).

A B for easiness.

And a B- for beauty/resemblance to the original.

Join us next week for our 6th Pinterest Battle! It’s Becky’s turn to throw down a challenge. I’m ready!

Let’s Talk: Would you ever hang a picture of feet in your house?

Join the Wishing on Willows Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a bundle of FREE books from my publisher. All you have to do is find Wishing on Willows on a shelf in a store (if you’re in Walmart, you might just find it there), snap a picture, and post on your blog (email me the link), Facebook (tag me in the picture), or Twitter (tag me in the tweet), and you’re entered to win!

Are you on Twitter? Join the #WillowTalk Twitter Event. The last week of April, tweet a review or tweet your favorite lines from Wishing on Willows, make sure to use the #WillowTalk hashtag, and you could win three books from my publisher, plus a $5 gift card to Starbucks. There will be 25 winners! Please RSVP here!

These are the Days….

003These are the days I will reflect on when I’m old.

These are the days I will wish I had back.

This time when it was just us, our small little family, waiting for another a half a world away.

My four-year old bundle of sweet chaos, with sticky fingers that touch everything.

A dirt-lover who scoops it up by the fistful, rubs it all over his bare belly, and declares, “I’m the sandman, Mommy!”

An adventurer with an imagination as tall as the sky, pointing at the cute old couple walking down the sidewalk and exclaiming very, very loudly, “Look! It’s two T-Rexes! Run before they eat us!”

My four-eyed monster with crooked, smudged glasses that slide down his nose so it is perpetually scrunched.

My shameless exhibitionist, who not only pees in our backyard, but our neighbor’s too. Seriously. Boys.

A young Picasso, who hasn’t quite figured out that marking up our walls with Sharpie and crayon does not make Mommy happy.

A fearless daredevil, who jumps from heights he should not jump from and is never ever without scrapped knees or bruised shins.

My little man, who wants to know when we get to put the heart on our Adoption Map so we can bring home his brother and sister. (He thinks he’s getting both.)

The giggles and the after-dinner wrestling matches in our living room. The ones I think are far too rough, but Daddy knows his boy’s love language best.

He is the Hulk who will smash you.

The puppy who will nuzzle you.

The Veliciraptor who will hunt you.

The tornado who can destroy an entire room in 2 seconds flat.

“Will you cuddle with me, Mommy?” he asks before bedtime.

I wish I could say my answer was always yes.

Because someday, he will stop asking.

And I will want to go back to these days.

When he was four and crazy and wild and innocent and so unbelievably, unintentionally funny.

I will want to crawl into his bed and listen as he talks us both to sleep.

Let’s Talk: What days do you wish you could go back to?

Join the Wishing on Willows Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a bundle of FREE books from my publisher. All you have to do is find Wishing on Willows on a shelf in a store (if you’re in Walmart, you might just find it there), snap a picture, and post on your blog (email me the link), Facebook (tag me in the picture), or Twitter (tag me in the tweet), and you’re entered to win!

Are you on Twitter? Join the #WillowTalk Twitter Event. The last week of April, tweet a review or tweet your favorite lines from Wishing on Willows, make sure to use the #WillowTalk hashtag, and you could win three books from my publisher, plus a $5 gift card to Starbucks. There will be 25 winners! Please RSVP here!

Battle Five: A Feet Photo


It’s my turn to throw down a challenge. So for this week’s battle, I’m making feet the name of the game, found on this blog.

This should be interesting, folks. But if we can pull it off, I think it would make for a really cute family photo.

The questions is, who’s going to participate with us?

Even if it’s just you and your four-legged furry friend – all you need are some feet (or paws) and a camera.

Let it be known that my son is a 4-year old wiggle worm and our dog will not be amused. So I think it’s only fair that I get some sort of handicap going into this battle. And I’m not saying this because Becky Wade is currently smoking me in this Pinterest war. Nope. Not one bit. 😉

Let’s Talk: Seen any cute family photo ideas lately?