3 C’s – It’s Friday!

Almost finished with the first read-through of my rough draft. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Fellow writer and blogger, Krista, had her baby Annabelle. Annabelle has a heart condition that requires open-heart surgery. According to Krista’s blog comments, Annabelle will either have surgery today or Monday. Please cover that little precious baby in your prayers and Krista too.

Still waiting on Pub Board, if you can believe it. While waiting, an editor with another Pub House took the series my agent is currently pitching to editorial. The editors didn’t feel drawn to Beneath a Velvet Sky, the first book in the series, but all expressed intrigue over Wishing on Willows, the second book. The editor asked to look at this book as a potential stand-alone. I’ll let you know if anything happens.

I’m not sure I’m going to continue 3 C’s. Trying to work some things out in my brain as far as blogging goes.

The second half of my manuscript is drivel. Utter drivel. I kept rolling my eyes as I read it. I have a lot of revising to do. Sort of overwhelmed by the changes. Not so sure where to start. My husband reminded me that I said the same things about my last book. Thinking about digging into James Scott Bell’s Revision & Self-Editing for a refresher.

The first half of my manuscript is decent as far as rough drafts go.

I’m getting another short story published in Christian Fiction Online Magazine in October.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?removetweetmeme

24 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Shmologna

    I care about your book. I keep checking back, waiting to see if today will be the day you write, "I'm getting a book contract!"

    I'm concerned for my Papaw. He has lung cancer. This is cancer # 3 (he's had prostate, pancreas cancers.)

    I'm celebrating getting out of my writing funk.

    ~Britt Mitchell

  2. T. Anne

    WOW, congrats on your novels and your short story!!!! My three C's? Care; I'm trying to round out the first draft of my first draft sometime in the next week or two.

    Concern; I'm hoping I get the call one day soon and wonder if it'll ever come.

    Celebrations; I am happily enjoying all that summer has to offer!! And, I just got my critique back from one of my MS's and the editor (Tiffany Colter) was very kind! So I'm pretty happy about that!

  3. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    I'm continuing to pray for Krista and Baby Annabelle. Does anyone know if she had the surgery today?

    Cares – Migraine at the moment
    Concerns – How do I get to the next level in my writing? At the moment it looks like a cliff with no handholds.
    Celebrations – We'll be seeing family next weekend.

    Susan πŸ™‚


    Great post. I will definitely keep Krista and her baby in my prayers.

    Cares- My younger sister
    concerns- Tropical storm
    celebration- My brother retuning home soon

  5. Erica Vetsch

    Praying hard for Annabelle and Krista and Scott!

    Congrats on finishing the first draft, and don't be daunted by the edits. You can do it, one bite at a time. πŸ™‚

  6. Wendy Delfosse

    Congrats on many levels, Katie! Seeing the problems in your rough draft is a good thing – I mean, imagine if you thought that draft was amazing enough to send out… Editing is daunting, but be bold!

    Of course… kinda preaching the same to myself right now πŸ™‚

  7. Terri Tiffany

    I love hearing your good news:) I pray you hear something definite soon.
    I am happy to be closing in on being done with my current book and sending it to an editor once one more person reads it and gives me the go-ahead:)

  8. Lisa Jordan

    Great news about the additional interest in your books! I'll be praying for God's will and new opportunities for you.

    You may think your manuscript is drivel, but drivel can be replaced with dynamic. And you can do it!

    I have a lot to celebrate this week as God answered many prayers. I'm thankful for his faithfulness and putting people in my path who have helped me out so much this week!

    I posted on Krista's blog that I'm praying for her.

  9. HeatherWriting

    My cares that have been taking up a lot of my brain space lately seem pretty small when compared to a baby's illness…thanks for thr perspective check!! I will definitely be adding Annabelle and Krista to my prayers!!

    My concerns are also very humdrum…my children, my characters, my ability to balance them all…just living this life.

    My celebrations? My baby is 3 months old and hasn't had so much as a fever; she seems to be blessed with the same immune systen as her big brother and sister. Also, my WIP is progressing nicely after a week of crippling self-doubt and stagnation.

    I love this idea…3c's to share the pain, the trials, and the blessings with others at different places on the same path!

  10. Keli Gwyn

    Katie, congratulations on your books being considered by two houses!! It will be exciting to see which one snaps you up first.

    Thanks for the update on Annabelle. My prayers are with Krista, her family, and that precious little girl.

  11. Kelly Freestone

    I'm sorry about Krista and Annabell. πŸ™ sad.
    Will be praying for them.

    About 3c's…no biggie.
    I've been thinking about DOING something like them.
    I love visiting you're 3c's friday, and a few other Friday fun stuff from people I follow.

    We'd understand it for your schedule.:D

    current WIP
    current WIP
    current WIP, and I'm getting in a few hours tomorrow on it (Lord willing).

  12. CJ

    Congrats on editors taking an interest and a look see. Very exciting.

    Today, I hope I don't have to take percussive maintenance to the computer. Response times are slow and I'm losing my patience fast.

  13. Cindy R. Wilson

    Congratulations on the short story and the editors interest in Wishing on Willows.

    I'll definitely be praying for Annabelle and Krista!

    I'm celebrating progress on my WIP. Almost finished! Concerns–ugh, my body is so sore. 7.5 mile climb up the side of a 14'er yesterday–but it was beautiful! Cares–we're celebrating my daughter's b-day in a kind of unconventional way tomorrow so I hope she has fun πŸ™‚

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Tamika:

    Praying for Annabelle and Krista now!

    It's great to hear the God is still opening doors with your writing! Isn't He amazing:)

  15. Laura Marcella

    Sending lots of warm thoughts and prayers to baby Annabelle and wishing Krista many blessings and courage.

    Congrats on your short story publication!

  16. Rosslyn Elliott

    Remember, it's never as bad as we think it is on first read-through. πŸ™‚

    I also just realized last night that there is a missing element to one of my characters in my WIP, and I'm going to have to go back and write it in. Part of me is annoyed at myself for not coming to grips with it sooner, but oh well!

  17. Jill Domschot aka Arabella

    Great new on publishing a short story!

    Celebration: I finished the first draft of my WIP (and I'm sure it's utter drivel, too, and just second half).

    I've been following Krista's story for a while now and will be praying for her little one.

  18. Julie Jarnagin

    Congrats on the short story. I'll be praying for Annabelle and for your book at the pub board.

  19. patti

    Cares/concerns–my many friends/friends of friends that have serious health issues. The plague of our time=cancer

    Celebration: Good news from agent! Great "visit" on Jennifer's blog!

  20. Jeanette Levellie

    I will pray for Annabelle and Krista, and the whole fam.

    Congrats on your story, and the interest in the stand-alone! Yaaaay for you, and God.

    Cares and concerns: My mom and bro.

    Celebrations: got all my files transferred from totes to a real file cabinet, and a story published in Birds and Blooms magazine.

    Happy Weekend,

  21. Jessica Nelson

    I've been thinking about blogging too, and how to better fit it in my schedule.
    Woohoo on that other editorial board! Very exciting. πŸ™‚
    So, since the first half is good, you must've took a wrong turn somewhere. If you can find that, maybe you can salvage some stuff. πŸ™‚ Have fun with it!

  22. Janna Qualman

    I'm sure many would miss the three C's, but you do what you have to (and feel led to) do. We'll understand.

    Thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. Have a great weekend, Katie!

  23. Slamdunk

    Congrats on the new publication–that is fantastic.

    I'll pray for Krista and Annabelle.

    Have a good weekend.

  24. Tabitha Bird

    Congrats on the short story πŸ™‚

    3 C's? Hmmm… not sure. Get better, get better, get better. I have had a cold πŸ™ YUCK!


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