3 C’s – It’s Friday!


I care about ice cream. Deeply. Especially the chocolate kind. And most especially the chocolate kind with caramel swirls.

This summer has made me realize, more than anything, how much I want to stay home with Brogan and write. I’ve been discussing this with God lately.
Brogan has eczema. Not a big deal, but I feel so bad when I see the cracked, red skin in his elbow creases. Poor fella.
I made stuffed peppers for dinner last night and they were the epitome of bland. Does anybody have a yummy stuffed pepper recipe? Because the one I have is no good.
Through the Storm, my second book, is officially ready for submission. Thanks to my lovely critique partner, the final stage of revision is finished. I’m thinking I won’t start submitting until after the ACFW conference though… what do you think?
I just looked at the July issue of Christian Fiction Online Magazine, and Michelle Sutton’s sneak peak for the August issue mentions my short story. And my blogging friend, Wendy Miller’s too! I got this burst of excitment about being published…even if it is only a short story.
Happy Independence Day! Enjoy the fireworks!
Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations on this fine Friday morning?


11 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Katie Ganshert

    Bonnie… I hope your cable guy (or gal) shows up on time and you get the problem fixed! Hmmm…some kind of food with red, white, and blue. If you wanted to get really crazy, you could make red velvet cupcakes with white frosting and blue sprinkles!

    Thanks for the encouragement Jill. Very true. I've never been very good about patience though. Thankfully, God's been helping me out with this. I hope you find some good ice cream! Just do a little bit of yoga after, and there's really no reason to feel guilty. πŸ™‚

    Hey Diane…you know, I've never been a huge fan of lemon stuff. I always give the lemon in my water to my hubby. But maybe raspberry ice!

    Thanks for celebrating with me, Erica! I'm excited to read your post on Seekers! That's a great blog, always informative and fun. πŸ™‚ Hope you date night is fun!! And I could agree more, God IS good!

  2. Erica Vetsch

    Woohoo on the crits being done for your second book, and yeehaw on the short story! πŸ™‚

    Cares – I think I'm caring way too much for ice cream right now. I need to care more about walking off the ice cream I already ate. πŸ™‚

    Concerns – I need to get my curvy tush into the office chair and pick up the threads of my WIP!

    Celebrations – got a guest post written today for one of my favorite blogs, and got all my emails answered. Whew.

    now off to date night with my handsome and charming husband, and to celebrate Independence Day with the family tomorrow. God is GOOD!

  3. Diane

    Very exciting on your second book! For me, the hottest of days calls for Lemon Ice!

  4. Jill Kemerer

    You're doing everything possible to make your dreams come true! I'm so happy for you. God hears our prayers, we just have to be patient. Easy for me to say, right?

    And now I'm hungry for ice cream. Chocolate, with caramel swirls. Ha!
    Have a happy 4th of July!!

  5. Bonnie Doran

    My concern writing wise is just to open that laptop every day. Now that I've solved by cursor-jumping problem (turn off the pointer!), writing's easier.

    The morning of the Fourth will be spent waiting for the DirecTV technicians to come and fix our reception. No kidding.

    A friend has planned an imprompteau pot luck at his place on Saturday night. What can I take that's red, white, and blue?

    We might even watch fireworks from our third floor deck.

  6. Katie Ganshert

    Jody – you will for sure be in my prayers, girl. And I know I would LOVE for you to blog about this journey – the ups and the downs – because I enjoy living vicariously through people. Even if it is a time of uncertainty. I know it's hard when you're in the midst of something…it's hard to see clearly. But for whatever it's worth, from an outsider's perspective, not one part of me doubts that your books will be published. πŸ™‚

    Eileen – I actually have my proposals finished! YAY! And my one sheets. I just have comparables to do for Beneath a Velvet Sky. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the well-wishes as far as my dream for staying home. I appreciate them!!

    Thanks for getting excited with me Sherrinda! Your awesome, girl! How's sleep been going? Are you still feeling tired?

    Wendy – cheese! I left out the cheese! I had the worcestershire saucse though…maybe not enough. Gaining weight is never fun… but most especially if you don't know why!! I'll pray you get that figured out. And happy 4th – I hope your party rocks! I LOVED your question on your blog today. Your Friday questions are really cool.

    Jeannie…see, this is why I love you. πŸ™‚ And you're in my prayers every morning! I hope you get the job!! We'll both work at schools. πŸ™‚

  7. Jeannie Campbell, LMFT

    don't even write, "even if it's only a short story" and downplay the importance of a byline publishing credit! that's AWESOME!!

    right now, i'm caring and concerned and celebrating about my job. i've got a second interview thursday…and it sounds like it's mainly a technicality…but you can never be sure! please everyone….be praying for me!

    happy 4th!

  8. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought

    As far as your care is concerned…God has been listening, of that I'm certain. Your concern: have you tried lots of woostershire and extra cheese? Your celebration: I think Rachelle posted something about querying before a conference several days ago…might be worth a look & I will have to go check out the issue in greater detail of CFOM! How cool is that!
    Cares: Pouring into my kids more
    Concerns: I'm gaining a little bit of weight for no reason (not thinking I'm pregnant, but my thyroid might be out of whack again, ugh!)
    Celebrations: We are having a party tomorrow! πŸ˜€

    You are a light to me, Katie!
    ~ Wendy

  9. sherrinda

    Yeaaaa, Katie on getting that second book ready AND having a short published! How wonderful! I am sure the ACFW will be a fabulous place to get your baby ready to fly! (see Jody's blog!)
    Sorry about Brogan's problem…I'll be praying!

  10. Eileen Astels Watson

    Congratulations on your second book, Katie. I'd take the ACFW opportunity to pitch and get requests, then send out to them immediately after the conference. Get to work on the proposal now, girl.

    I know what you mean about watching your little ones in discomfort. It's so hard as a mother to not be able to fix everything. Blessings prayed for your whole family, and may your dream of being a stay-at-home mom come sooner than you think it will.

  11. Jody Hedlund

    How exciting, Katie! Lots of great stuff going on for you!!

    I have a lot of writing concerns and stresses right now regarding the selling of my books. I'll maybe try to do a blog post about it soon. But this weekend and next week, I'll be writing a synopsis, proposal, first few pages for another book that might, maybe help in the efforts to sell the others. I'd appreciate your prayers!

    Have a happy Fourth!


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