Winter Olympics: Name that Event

1685272210_1391911148Okay, I admit.

I don’t typically get into the Olympics.

I’m not sure why. 

But for some reason, I’m into them this year.

Maybe because I finished my rough draft for novel #4 (releasing February, 2015) and since I’m wanting to take a week long break before diving into edits, the Olympics are the perfect creative break. Maybe this frigidly cold winter has me in hibernation-TV-watching mode. Or maybe because Brogan’s old enough to enjoy some of the events.

Either way, I’ve been watching them with my hubby, and occasionally the B-man.

Here are some things I’ve said as I watch. Can you guess which events I was watching when the words were said?

  • How do these guys keep track of where their bodies are?
  • Is it possible for any man to look masculine while doing this?
  • Do you think someone would they die if they fell?
  • She looks like she’s twelve.
  • I don’t get why this is exciting to watch.
  • Whoa, look at his face!
  • How fast do you think they’re going?

Let’s Talk: Any guesses? What thoughts have gone through your head while watching?

Ode to A Flip Phone

phoneYour pictures were roughly the size of a nail.

I could send texts with the speed of a snail.

T9-Word, you treated me well.

Our time together was really quite swell.

I’ll ever forget the sound of your snap,

When I closed you up, put you down for a nap.

You didn’t have internet, your battery was dying.

If I said that I missed you, I’d probably be lying.

Half of the time, I didn’t know where you were.

Which made my dear hubby growl with a Grrrrr.

You know nothing of Instagram, or any apps really.

But don’t feel bad. That’s not your fault, silly.

You’re a nod to the past, of simpler times.

I’ll never forget you, old friend of mine.

If you’ve noticed an increase of picture posting on my Twitter or Facebook, it’s because I finally succumbed to the hype and got an iPhone. Interesting fact: iPhones are cheaper than flip phones. Who woulda thunk. I think it’s because flip phones are something of a dying breed, a few years short of becoming antiques. Hey – find me on Instagram! I’m officially a part of the 21st century.

Let’s Talk: Phones these days – do you love them or hate them?

Thanks so much for the amazing response to my Broken Kind of Beautiful launch team invitation! I was absolutely, one hundred percent encouraged. I believe I have responded to everyone who sent me an email. If I somehow missed you, please let me know. All of the spots have been filled. The good news is, I will be giving a few advanced copies away leading up to the release here on this blog, and on my Facebook Author Page. So keep your eyes peeled!

Also, I apologize for subjecting you to the horrendously bad poetry. Billy Collins, I am not.