My Writing Ambition

It’s hard to dig deep and get a clear picture of what rests inside my heart. My prayer is that my ambition as a writer would never be personal glory. However, searching my motivations is a tricky and many-layered thing. Mainly because I am the type of person who seeks and covets words of affirmation.

Excuse the cliche, but I hoard praise like a miser hoards pennies. And when the praise flows, I feel very confident in my ability, my future, and my direction as a writer. I have to make sure my desire for publication isn’t about searching for some trophy I can show others as proof that I’m a good writer. And anyway, relying on humanly praise is about as steady as balancing on an IndoBoard. It’s impossible to please everyone.

With that said, I do want to be published. And lately, the reason boils down to something very basic. I work a full time job as a 5thgrade teacher, I’m a wife, a mother of a 6 month old boy, and a Christian writer. I wear a lot of hats and feel very stretched. I want more time. If I could make a little money in my writing endeavors – even just a little – I could quit my job. I have no delusions that staying home with Brogan would give me copious amounts of free time (or even small amounts of free time), but there is no refuting the fact that I could be with my son for nine hours of the day that would otherwise be spent at work. There is no refuting the fact that I’d have more time to cook for my family, spend time with my husband, and play with my son, thus taking away the niggling guilt that often accompanies my writing time these days… because the time I spend writing could be spent cooking, or playing, or spending time with hubby.
So basically, I want to be published so I can have more guilt-free time doing what I love – which is writing. A cycle that would feed itself.
Question to ponder: What are your motivations for publication?
Random question: Does anybody know any good books on characterization? If so, please share!


I just finished reading chapter 22 in Genesis. I think we all know this story: God tested Abraham and asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It struck such a chord with me this morning. For a number of reasons.

One, the author does not touch Abraham’s emotions. He leaves it completely up to the reader’s imagination. As I read through it, I could only imagine what Abraham must have felt. Here God was asking him to sacrifice his son. The son he and his wife had waited and waited for. The son God had promised him great blessings through. Can you imagine how he felt, walking up that mountain?

Two, Abraham’s response. He’s walking up the mountain, and Isaac asks him, “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” We don’t know how Abraham is feeling at this point. As a mother, I imagine he is terrified. I imagine he is filled with agony and desperation. But how does he respond? He responds with complete faith. “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

I don’t know about you, but Abraham’s response convicts me.

I started thinking this morning. Besides the obvious (my family), what would be the hardest thing for me to sacrifice? And the answer always came back the same: my writing. If God asked me to bring my writing up on that mountain and sacrifice it, would I do it? I’m praying I would. I’m praying I would respond with faith – just like Abraham. And I think, when I reach that point – the point where I completely trust in God’s provision as a writer just like Abraham completely trusted in God’s provision as a father – that’s when God will pour down His blessings.

Just in case you don’t know the rest of the story… God did provide the lamb. And because Abraham didn’t withold his son, God blessed Abraham’s socks off.

Question to ponder: Is there anything in your life God wants you to bring up to the mountain? How would your life look if you did?removetweetmeme

Duck Update

For all you romance writers out there, there was officially a duck love triangle this morning. My husband spotted Mr. and Mrs. Duck in the neighbor’s yard. Only there was a usurper in their midst. Another male duck – competition! The two males had a sort of face-off and flew away, leaving Mrs. Duck alone to contemplate her options. We were very sad about this until Mr. Duck (I don’t think its the usurper) came back. The two are now reunited. He fought for her!

No writing this morning. I have to go clean my atrocious house and I am dreading every minute of it. Why do I let it get so out of hand?
Question to ponder: What’s the best love triangle you’ve ever read or written about?
