I care about ice cream. Deeply. Especially the chocolate kind. And most especially the chocolate kind with caramel swirls.
I care about ice cream. Deeply. Especially the chocolate kind. And most especially the chocolate kind with caramel swirls.
Actors have to be very deliberate in their movement, tone, and expression. They must choose carefully if they want to give the best portrayal of their character. This is the same for writers. My last blog from Getting Into Character by Brandilyn Collins is taken from Secret # 6, Restraint and Control. She discusses many things in this chapter, but for the sake of being…well, compressed… I’m just going to focus on compression.
What is compression? In Brandilyn’s own words, “compression means finding verbs, adjectives and nouns that are packed with meaning.” Brandilyn says that when you compress your writing, two things happen:
1. Your writing will be more vivid
2. your writing will be tighter
When you write, you want to write tight. Writers hear this a lot. We don’t want superflous words and phrases muddying up our stories. So compression is vital. The key to compression is effective word choice, eliminating excess words, and ruthless editing.
Here’s a very short example of before (compression) and after (compression):
Today was, well, amazing. Why, do you ask, was it amazing? Because I had some major breakthroughs.
First, I completed one-sheets for all three of my stories. And the super good news is that I actually like them.
Second, I created my first ever proposal. The only part I’m not finished with is the comparables. If anybody has a good way of coming up with comparables, please share, because wow, they aren’t easy. The proposal was this ominous thing hanging over my head. The idea of putting one together sort of scared the jeebers out of me. But after writing one up for Beneath a Velvet Sky, I’m actually looking forward to writing the other two for As High as the Heavens and Through the Storm.
Third (and this is the most exciting), as I wrote the proposal, under the section “Series Development”, I pulled two KILLER ideas right out of my bum! Okay, so I shouldn’t take the credit… nor should my bum. God deserves the glory. But wow, I love it when that happens! One of the ideas was something I’d planned on writing anyway, but I was stuck with my MC’s GMCs (how’s that for some acronyms). It was actually one of my concerns on Friday. I tweaked a few things, made it so this idea could fit within this particular series, and voila! Everything just sort of fell into place. I’m really, really psyched, if you can’t tell.
So basically, this post is just one giant celebration. I feel like I’ve jumped a hurdle and wanted to share the good news with all my cyber buddies.
Question to Ponder: What recent hurdles have you jumped recently? Please share your celebrations.