Brogan’s Glasses

I was going to write a post about incidents and happenings according to Dwight Swain, but it’s really not very interesting. So instead, I thought I’d write about Brogan’s glasses, which he got this afternoon.

Ummm….yeah, he’s not a huge fan. He’ll wear them as long as he’s distracted. But as soon as he remembers they’re on his face, he tears them off. And since he’s nine months old and likes to rub his face against my chest, the floor, Bubba, blankets, you name it, he’s sort of tearing them off every two minutes.

Here’s my concern: He doesn’t have bifocals. So aren’t the lenses blurring things that are far away? When I look through a pair of reading glasses, everything far away looks blurry. Wouldn’t that be the same for Brogan? I need to get a hold of the eye doctor tomorrow and find out.

Enough chit chat, I know some of you wanted some pictures. So without further ado, here’s my little poindexter.

First, you have to see my guy before glasses.

Notice, he was not blessed with his father’s tan skin. The pastiness comes from me, I’m afraid.

My little man with glasses:

My little man with glasses and his mama:

And the grand finale: My lil’ red-headed, gap-toothed, four-eyed hamball (this is very typical Brogan, in case you don’t already know)

Question to Ponder: How do I keep these things on my son’s head?removetweetmeme

Story Structure: Scene and Sequel

Let’s say we write words that elicit vivid imagery and dig deep into the heart and soul of humanity. Let’s say we string enough of them together that we end up with a beautifully rendered, novel-length creation. Is this creation a story? Not necessarily.

I think one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned this summer is the importance of studying story structure. In order to create a story, one that brings our readers through an experience from beginning to end, we must understand story structure.

Dwight Swain offers one way to structure a story: scenes and sequels. Have you heard of them?

What is a scene?
Dwight’s definition: A blow-by-blow account of a character’s time-infused effort to attain an immediate goal despite face-to-face opposition.

What is the function of a scene?
To propel the story forward, so it moves from beginning to end.

What element unifies a scene?

What is the structure of a scene?
Goal. Conflict. Disaster.

The focal character has a goal, something he wants to accomplish. Enter in conflict. Some opposing force that prevents character from reaching his goal. End with disaster. The character is worse off than before.

In a nutshell, that is a scene, according to Dwight Swain.

What is a sequel?
Dwight’s definition: the bridge from one scene to another, decision-making time.

What is the function of a sequel?
Turn the disaster into a new goal

Establish character’s motivation, which is a key component to suspending disbelief

Control pacing: scenes are units of conflict, and too many strung together can exhaust your reader and leave them feeling a little dizzy. A sequel gives your reader time to breathe.

What element unifies a sequel?

Let’s say we write a scene where Sally tries to run away from home. It ends with Sally’s abusive father catching her and locking her in the basement (disaster). A potential topic for the following sequel: How is Sally going to escape?

Since the unifying force of sequel is not time, as much or as little time can pass during the sequel. Maybe an entire summer slips by while Sally contemplates how she might escape. Time isn’t the issue. Topic is.

What is the structure of a sequel?
Reaction. Dilemma. Decision.

The focal character reacts to the disaster and thinks about the dilemma he is now facing. The sequel does not end until the character makes a decision as far as what he’s going to do now.

In a nutshell, that is a sequel.

Put enough of them together, all working toward your character’s story objective (see GMC: Looking at the G), then you’ve got a strongly structured, well-paced novel. Congrats!

Of course, there are some reasons for including things in a story that are neither scene nor sequel. I will discuss this on Wednesday.

Questions to Ponder: How well do you think you understand story structure? What methods or tools do you use to structure your stories?

Helpful links to learn more about scene and sequel:
Writing the Perfect Scene, by Randy Ingermanson
Scene and Sequel: The Ebb and Flow of Fiction, by Mike Klassan
Scene and Sequel: Scene, by Camy Tang (I highly recommend!)
Scene and Sequel: Sequel, by Camy Tang (I highly recommend!)removetweetmeme

3 C’s – It’s Friday!

These are coming much too fast. Summer needs to SLOW down!

Brogan gets his glasses on Tuesday. He looks ridiculously cute in them.

Brogan has his nine-month check up today.

I started writing my fourth book yesterday, Wishing on Willows.

Keeping Brogan’s glasses on his face. Seriously, how is that going to happen?

Speaking of Brogan, the boy climbs on everything. He gets angry when we prevent him from climbing. He gets ecstatic when he reaches the top of something (stairs, sofa, end tables, you name it). He’s like a miniature Rocky Balboa, doing a little dance on top of the Philadelphia Art Museum steps.

I started writing my fourth book yesterday, Wishing on Willows.

I have accomplished all of my summer goals except one, and that one won’t be accomplished for awhile. Two of my three stories are ready for submission. I created proposals and one-sheets for all three. I have business cards and a website. I’m on my 4th craft book and 4th fiction book this summer (my goal was two of each). And my outline for Wishing on Willows is pretty solid (though it still needs some work). While As High as the Heavens isn’t ready for submission, my lovely crit partner, Jeannie Campbell, is working her way through it. I feel a very wonderful sense of accomplishment.

I started writing my fourth book yesterday, Wishing on Willows.

Question to Ponder: What are you cares, concerns, and celebrations on this Friday morning?removetweetmeme