I’m convinced hypocrisy is the most damaging thing a believer can do when it comes to the glory of God. When we call ourselves Christians, we’re proclaiming our allegiance to Team Jesus. The world sees us and they think they see Him. The smallest action–a snide remark, an unnecessary comment, spreading gossip–can ripple into a tidal wave of damaging confusion. Where fellow believers deflate and the outside world looks on and thinks, “What a messed up Jesus they follow.” The thing is, we’re not looking at Jesus when we look at Christians. We’re looking at a bunch of redeemed sinners. Most believers know that. But who’s going to set the outside world straight? I long to keep my eyes focused on the real deal – my Yahweh, my Creator, my Savior.
Not sure where to put this one. Little Man tells us when he has to go to the bathroom now. So what does this mean? We should start potty training him? This all started happening this week. I thought we wouldn’t venture down that road until next summer!
Still waiting. It truly never ends, does it?
I officially finished my 5th novel and sent it off to my critique partners. I’m not even going to think about a future project until after the ACFW conference.
I finished my synopsis!
Celebrating for two blogging friends and fellow WordServe Clients, Jody Hedlund and Richard Mabry, who both received 4.5 reviews (the highest rating) for their books (The Preacher’s Bride and Medical Error) from the Romantic Times.
Three day weekend here I come!
Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?
*I’m taking a blogging hiatus next week. See you on the thirteenth.*