And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
I have to tell you, this verse used to confuse the crud out of me. I’d hear well-intentioned Christians quote it at each other and my forehead would go all wrinkly.
Because in reality, Christians suffer. They lose their jobs. Or get cancer. Or struggle through infertility. Or find out their child needs a new heart. Or (insert any number of bad things here).
And the whole idea of patting their shoulder and saying, “Don’t worry. God will work this out for your good” feels a little insensitive to me.
Especially since sometimes, another job doesn’t come and they have to foreclose on their house. Sometimes the cancer wins. Sometimes they’ll never get a positive pregnancy test. And sometimes the child doesn’t get a heart.
So how can we possibly say God’s working for their good? It doesn’t make any sense.
At least not by our definition of good.
And there’s the crux of the verse. That one simple word.
What is good?
We know the world’s definition. To the world, good equals comfort. Good equals prosperity and health and popularity and independence and getting what we want.
But maybe that’s not what good means to God.
Maybe to God, good means becoming more like Jesus. Relying more on Jesus.
And maybe that doesn’t happen during times of prosperity. Maybe it’s during those times of discomfort, or financial struggle, or failing health, or rejection, or grief, or unmet expectations, when we take our eyes off the temporary things this world has to offer and draw nearer to Him.
Let’s Talk:What do you think God means by “good”? Have you grown closer to the Lord because of hard times?