An Explanation Might be in Order…

My first adventure into blogging and the question begs to be asked….why blog?

Allow me to explain.

The reason I’m going to start blogging is two-fold.

First, it’s time to come out of the closet. Not in the sense you might think (I am happily married after all). For the past few years, I’ve always been afraid to come right out and say it. But I’m ready now. So here goes. I’m a writer.

Why might this simple statement make my stomach clench together in a giant, unsettled knot? Because now that I’ve said it, I know I will get lots of friends and family asking, “How cool! Where can I buy your book?!” and I’ll have to say, “Well, I’m not actually published” and then I will feel the need to plunge into a lengthy explanation about how hard it is to get into the industry and all the arduous steps it takes to even get my foot in the door as if I need to defend my writing. I’ve hidden this part of myself from people because I don’t want to expose myself to public failure. There is a very real possibility that I will never get published. And now everybody will know if this precious dream of mine doesn’t come true. I’m feeling very vulnerable right now.

Second, I want to share my journey. I’ll be journaling about it anyway, so I might as well send it out into cyberspace.

So the basics: I write romance and women’s fiction of the inspirational variety, which means my faith is woven into every story. I hope my stories will uplift and encourage others in their own faith. I am choosing to believe that God has given me these words, these stories, for a purpose.

How big the purpose… well, I’m not quite sure yet.

4 thoughts on “An Explanation Might be in Order…

  1. Anonymous

    You have a true talent with words, Katie. I had no idea! Your writing is excellent. I’m so excited for you and wish you the best with this. Lindsay

    1. Katie

      Thanks Lindsay! We’re in the same boat (with the whole new mommy/working thing) and I know how little time we both have. But if you ever want to read my books (I’ve written two) – like perhaps in the summer – I’d be more than happy to share them!

  2. SeanF

    Congratulations on your first Blog, I hope and pray that many of your family and friends discover this website and many more people will find out what I’ve always known, and that is that you’ve been a writer since you were a little girl. I used to love to read the stories you wrote when you were young and always wondered why you never finished them. Now I’m happy to see that you are at a point in your life where you ready to put an ending to some of those stories and of course create new ones that will make us laugh, cry, and praise God for all the blessings he provides. Here’s to a long and successful writing career. Love you more, Dad

    1. Katie

      Thanks Dad! You always were one of my best fans! I remember reading my stories to you and mom in the van when we’d go on road trips and you two were my best listeners and supporters. And right when I’d get you hooked into one story, I’d start another one. Yet you always listened. It meant the world to my little-girl self and still means the world to me as an adult.


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