B-man’s first time wading in the creek
Our adoption agency hosted a webinar last night after their most recent trip to the Congo.
One of our biggest concerns about adoption has been corruption, which sadly, is a very real problem in the international adoption world. Especially Africa. We’ve been on our knees about it. We’ve researched like crazy. We even swallowed a $500 application fee early in the process when we started feeling uneasy about the first agency we pursued.
We already felt confident in our agency, but last night’s webinar gave us even more peace and confidence. They are committed to the children and they are committed to the country. Their first priority is not the families who are adopting, it’s the orphans in the DRC. This is a great thing.
But with the greatness brings an expanding time frame. Due diligence takes time. Investigating each orphanage and ensuring that each child is, in fact, a true orphan, takes time. So while I’m ready to be a mother to one of these precious little ones RIGHT NOW, we’re still looking at a year and a half.
Hopefully, we’ll get a referral sometime this fall. From there, it’ll be about ten months before court. And another 3-4 until travel.
Waiting is not easy. But it’s worth it.
The conditions in these orphanages are heartbreaking. It’s not because the caretakers don’t care. It’s simply because the resources aren’t there. Kids are starving and kids are sick and kids are dying.
Which makes me think of this video (Warning….don’t watch unless you’re prepared to be very convicted. The hard stuff starts at the 1:40 mark. My husband agrees. He would claw through a brick wall with his bare hands too).
It’s Friday. Jesus is my savior. He’s set me free. I love writing. I’m almost done with my revisions on Wishing on Willows. I love my family and my son and my dog. God is holding our hands as we travel this adoption journey.
I received some very fun emails this week from readers. Thank you, dear readers! For taking the time to brighten my day in such an encouraging way.
Let’s Talk: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations this week?