Culvers caramel cashew sundae.
With chocolate custard instead of vanilla.
‘Nuff said.
Let’s Talk: What’s your favorite sweet treat?
My pastor tweeted something once that went something like this…
“Worry is temporary atheism. An absence of trust in God and His timing.”
And I was like, “Whoa, now there’s some conviction.”
I wouldn’t describe myself as a worry wart, but I do obsess over things.
I find myself hitting refresh on my email or a certain private Facebook group, fretting over something that is absolutely beyond my control.
Here’s the thing.
My worry does not help.
My obsessing doesn’t serve to speed up the process.
All it does is drive me insane.
Worry begets worry. Obsession begets obsession.
There are times when I just need to step away. Get out of my own head. Play with my son. Hug my husband.
Shift my focus away from all these things I cannot control to the One who controls all things.
The One who holds the entire universe in His hand.
Do I trust in that God?
Do I trust in His timing?
Do I trust that He is good, no matter what?
Do I trust that He has me on the journeys He has me on for a reason?
Can I let the rest go?
What would life be like – for real – if we did not waste our energy and our emotions on things we cannot control? What would life be like – for real – if we trusted Him at all times? Through every hiccup. Through every setback. Through every unknown. Through every agonizing wait. Through every heartbreak. Believing with confidence that His plan is best and through all things (from the small and annoying to the huge and all-encompassing), He is working.
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. ~Isaiah 26:3
Let’s Talk: Why do you think it’s so easy to obsess over things we ultimately have no control over? What would it be like if we didn’t?
A review, an interview (including what Bible story most inspires me), and a giveaway of Wishing on Willows! Check out Lisa Bartelt’s blog!
Welcome to the Easter Egg Blog Hop! Today I am hosting the seventh stop along this ten-stop-hop.
What’s the Easter Egg Blog Hop? Learn more about it here, and join the fun!
Today’s stop is all about Easter Trivia! It’s amazing what you can find out about Easter with a simple internet search. For example, did you know the largest chocolate rabbit was created in South Africa in 2010 by Harry Johnson? It was over 12 feet tall, and weighed 3 tons. That is a lot of chocolate!
Of course, we know that Easter isn’t about the chocolate rabbits or the Easter eggs. As Little Cub discovers in God Gave Us Easter, this holiday is the most important celebration of all because we are celebrating the gift of life God gave us that first Easter day. So while we do remember and give thanks for God’s gift this Easter, we can also spread a little Easter cheer with a few fun facts about this amazing holiday!
Did you know…
(Thanks to a few resources, including, for the information!)
The Numbers…
(Thanks to for the information!)
Today’s Easter Egg: Did one of these facts surprise you? Head on over to the entry form and let us know which fact you found most interesting today!
Have you ever struggled when it comes to balancing the many demands of life? Check out my guest post over at Shondra Brown’s blog!
Casey Herringshaw and Stephanie review Wishing on Willows!
Pre-order your copy of Wishing on Willows and my publisher will send you 7 free downloadable devotionals written by me! All of them touch on important themes from the novel.
Mark your calendars for the Wishing on Willows Extravaganza from 6-7 pm CST on March 19th! I will be video chatting with readers, giving away 6 prize packages, and there will be guest appearances form Becky Wade and Courtney Walsh!