Super Bowl Commercials: The Award Goes To…

footballI spent last night sitting shoulder-to-should with my main squeeze, watching the Super Bowl and eating taco soup.  As I watched, I thought it’d be fun to do some awards, commercial-style.

If there was an award-show for Super Bowl commercials, here are six categories I would include and the winners of each category, in no particular order …

Best Soundtrack: Budweiser (1st Half)

Never mind the adorable puppy, I’m now completely obsessed with Sleeping At Last’s version of I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles). Such a great tune.

Biggest Plot Twist: Fiat

Seriously thought I was watching a commercial for Viagra.

Biggest Head-Scratcher: Dreaming with Jeff

Still not completely sure what in the world this one’s about. You’d think, if you’re going to spend millions on ad space, that you’d at least make sure the viewers know what you’re trying to advertise.

Most Successful: McDonalds

Congratulations, McDonalds. I haven’t eaten your food in years. But you’ve completely convinced me to become a customer. Job well done.

Most Clever: Coca-Cola

This one had me wanting to spill some Diet Coke on my awful HP laptop just to see what happens.

Most Shocking: Go Daddy

A Super Bowl Go Daddy commercial ad without half-naked women!? Say whaaat?

I can totally picture it. A bunch of businessmen and women sitting around a conference table, brainstorming ways to stand out. One guy jumps up and says, “Hey, I know! We can throw everyone off by being serious and heartfelt this year.” Little did they know, that would end up being the running theme of Super Bowl commercials in 2015. A for effort, Go Daddy. A for effort.

I couldn’t find a video for this one. Basically, it’s a man working hard at his desk, committed to hosting life-changing websites, or something serious and heartfelt like that.

What awards would you hand out if Super Bowl commercials had an award show?

This Frazzled Mom by Jill Lynn

JillWhen I first went to Katie Ganshert’s website and saw her bio, where she calls herself slightly-frazzled, I instantly knew we could be friends.

I, too, am a frazzled mom. Though I could probably drop the slightly part. I’ve often beat myself up about this fact. I am the mom that forgets the days at school that the kids are supposed to dress up or wear a certain color.

Lunches. Homework. Projects. You name it, I’ve forgotten it.

I have gained a bit of a reputation at school for this. But I love my school mamas. They take care of me.

I receive texts like this… (I’m the blue.)

Beach day screen shotBeach Day 2Screenshot

I have often held money out of my window in the morning for whomever I owe for whatever gift was purchased that I contributed nothing but funds to.

At the first conference of the year, I tell the teachers straight out: I’m not room mom material, but if you remind me enough, I’m willing to help.

I once offered (reluctantly) to sort-of be room mom for pre-K, and the teacher (a friend of mine) suggested we wait and see if anyone else volunteered first. Love her. Thank God someone else did!

In carpool line, my son’s teacher has yelled across the lines of children: “could you please unload his folder? It’s getting pretty full.” Which is code for: You haven’t taken papers out of his folder in a month.

Most things I let go of, knowing I’m a disorganized mom. But there’s always been one thing that bothered me. Ever since my kids were little, I regretted not having a measuring chart where we could track their growth and ages. We had one growing up, and we were always comparing to our older siblings and where they were at the same ages. Since I’d already missed so many years, I would just beat myself up about it. It felt too late, like I’d missed out on so much already. Why start now? But finally, that’s what I decided to do.

I decided starting now is better than never starting.

I went online and ordered a roll of white paper for about 6 dollars. My plan? Hang it behind the coat closet door. I got it, measured it out, and taped it up.

I stood back and checked out my masterpiece.

Of a white piece of paper.

With a few black lines on it.

Sort of crooked lines.

It looked… not great. The next day, the tape popped off the door and the top corner started curling down. The day after that, the other side did the same.

Why hadn’t I ordered a premade, pretty measuring chart? What had I been thinking?

That week, I saw a friend offering homemade measuring boards on Facebook. A no brainer. Not only is it gorgeous, I’m supporting a mom’s business. I snapped one up, and now I’m the proud owner of this.


I didn’t make it. But I did make it happen. Finally. Now these two cuties have their first measurements written on the board. Yes, they’re older than I wanted them to be when I started doing this, but I’m just going to wipe my brow, forgive myself, and cling to the fact that I finally accomplished something I’ve always wanted to do.

Are you a frazzled mama? Or are you the one taking care of another frazzled mama? I’m so glad you organized moms are out there. I simply wouldn’t survive without you. And for those of you who are like me, take a breath and forgive yourself for missing out on something or forgetting something. The world needs us to, we’re just not sure why all the time.

What about y’all? Is there something you want to accomplish and have been beating yourself up about?

It’s not too late. (I think. Although I’d probably have to check with a friend to be sure.)

Jill Lynn writes inspirational romance. Her debut novel, Falling for Texas, will be available from Harlequin Love Inspired in February 2015. Pop over to to find out more, or find her as Jill Lynn Author on Facebook.



Hey friends, Katie here! My talented and beautiful friend Jill is giving away a copy of her book to one of my fabulous readers! See the box below for details on how to enter!

Cover- Falling for Texas - Jill Lynn


2015: A Word & A Prayer

ABIDE Yesterday, I had lunch with six women.

It was a visionary lunch. A fellowship lunch. A let’s-be-real-and-share-our-struggles kind of lunch.

As one friend shared about the hard season she’d come from and this new season God was leading her into, I was struck with a realization I hadn’t yet put into words.

She said that for so long, she was numb. She had walls up around her heart that she didn’t know were up, and God was finally starting to break them. Her heart was soft and pliable.

And as she talked, this giant, unexpected lump rose in my throat. Because y’all, I’m where she was. I was sitting amidst these amazing women of God, in this visionary meeting of the minds, ready to talk about ministry and womanhood and Jesus, our champion, and all I could think was that I was numb.

JESUS, who SAVED my SOUL, who rescued me from myself, who rose from the grave, who promises VICTORY and GLORY to all who believe in Him and yet …


You want to know the great thing about being with Jesus-loving, authenticity-minded women?

I could tell them the truth.

Hi, I’m Katie. I love Jesus. But I’m not feeling it.

There are all these things I know in my head.

I know God is good. (Because there have been seasons in my life when I’ve experienced His goodness profoundly.)

I know God is ENOUGH. (Because when my world has fallen apart, or when my hopes have crumbled into ash, or when my expectations and my reality might as well exist on opposite poles, He. Has. Been. He has been more than enough. I know it from the soles of my feet to the crown of my head.)

But sometimes knowing these things, sometimes even experiencing these things, doesn’t help when you’re struggling with the emotions of the moment.

Thank God, truth does not rest on emotion.

He is good, even when life feels blah.

He is present, even when He seems silent.

He is faithful, even when we aren’t. Even when little-old-me is sitting here not wanting to go to Him.

He still loves me.

And get this.

His grace is sufficient, even when that grace doesn’t move us to awe. <–Click to Tweet

Can I tell you how utterly scandalous that feels to type? Because if His grace isn’t moving me to awe, then something is SERIOUSLY wrong.

That’s just the thing, though. Something is!

Something is seriously wrong with all of us.

We’re all completely messed up, and yet His grace covers it.

I can try to muster up the awe. I can try to fill up my heart. Make it not numb.

But it won’t last.

Because I can’t fix me.

So instead of striving to fix things I can’t, I’m going to ABIDE with the One who CAN.

Maybe some mornings, all that’s going to look like is me sitting with my cup of coffee and my open Bible, with nothing to say.

Maybe some mornings, the only prayer I’ll be able to mutter is, “Show me your goodness.”

Maybe that’s a selfish prayer, I don’t know. That’s another thing I’ve been struggling with. He says to ask. But sometimes I’m not sure if I’m asking for the right things. But you know what? I’m just gonna go ahead and ask anyway, because He calls Himself ABBA, which means daddy, and all the good daddies I know never get mad at their children for asking, and since He’s not just good, but PERFECT, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say He doesn’t get mad at us for asking for things either.

So there you go.

As I abide in Him during this season, I am going to pray that He’ll show me His goodness.

wait for the Lord

Whatever that looks like. I want to see it. Like, off-the-hook see it. This year, in 2015, I want to see His goodness in the land of the living. I want Him to pour out His love in a way that far exceeds anything I could ever ask or imagine. I want Him to show it to me in tangible ways. I don’t just want to be wooed (He’s always wooing us), I want to be undeniably, can’t-escape-it, He’s-after-me-and-won’t-give-up pursued.

That’s my word for 2015.

That’s my prayer for 2015.

What’s yours?