Second Book Jitters

uncertaintyToday I’ll be busy stuffing advanced reader copies of Wishing on Willows into envelopes, writing down addresses, and sending them out to my launch team.

Last week, my publisher made Wishing on Willows available upon request through their Blogging for Books program.

The time has come.

My second novel is making it’s way out into the world.

And I’m going to be 100% honest.

It’s quite terrifying.

I’m feeling a strong dose of intimidation.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a very real pressure that comes with releasing a debut novel.

The difference with the second book though, is that expectations are added to the mix.

Praise the Lord, I have had a very encouraging response to Wildflowers from Winter. Sure, there have been a few who didn’t resonate with the novel. But overall, the majority of readers seemed to enjoy it. Many even sent emails or Facebook messages saying how eager they are for book numero dos.

Which makes me so very excited.

But also nervous.

Because whatΒ  if book two doesn’t live up to book one?

What if it’s too different?

What if it’s too similar?

What if it has too much romance?

What if it doesn’t have enough?

What if readers don’t like Robin as much as they liked Bethany?

What if they don’t like Ian as much as they liked Evan?

I mean, Wishing on Willows doesn’t have that intensely emotional scene early on in the novel like Wildflowers from Winter has in chapter six. What if it’s just not as gripping?

What if, what if, what if…..

Thank the Lord, I am not the only author who’s gone through this–these second book jitters.

After talking with others, they seem to be a common phenomenon.

There’s comfort in knowing this. That what I’m experiencing is normal. That I’m not alone.

There’s comfort in knowing I have an amazing editor and an encouraging first review.

And there’s comfort in knowing that God has a purpose for this novel.

Whether it’s to speak encouragement and hope into ten thousand hearts, or just one, He has a purpose.

So I hold on to that and I make myself let go of the rest.

Let’s Talk: What pressure are you feeling these days?

I would absolutely love to send you a welcome packet if I haven’t already. To sign up, just click on the button at the top of this page!

If you have a few minutes to fill, you can read the first three chapters of Wishing on Willows for free!

20 thoughts on “Second Book Jitters

  1. It will be amazing! I, for one, have no doubt and can’t wait πŸ™‚

  2. Katie, I can’t wait to read Wishing on Willows! I know it’s going to be great!

  3. I cannot wait to read this next novel! God always has a purpose for His books. I could feel it in your first book, and I’m sure it will be present in this one as well.

  4. Can I just say how excited I am??? I had no idea I could request the book already at blogging for books! I’ll head over and do it now although I don’t hav time to read at the moment…but I am so excited I’ll make the time! To be quite honest, when I read the first chapter of WoW after completing WfW I wanted the story to center on Bethany but I am just excited to read Robin’s story! She deserves a very happy end.

    Congrats and I’m sure I’ll love the book!

    Right now, exams and working on my unpublished novel is on my mind!

    Tell the World

  5. Yay, just signed up for an advanced reader’s copy of Wishing on Willows! Can’t wait to read it. I understand your jitters, Katie, I’d be a mess, first or second book (or any others for that matter). But I’m confident it’ll be wonderful. Enjoy book packaging πŸ™‚

  6. Okay, so I’m Edna Mode, dahling, and you’re Elastigirl. Sorta.
    Can you hear the voices? Good, now go with this…
    “You-ah-Katie-Ganshert! Pull-yourself-togethah!”

    I didn’t do the slapping part.

    You have a gift, He will not take it away in public and with 1000’s of copies out there.
    He wrote this story in your heart. Don’t let the enemy slay your joy.

    1. Beautifully put, Edna–er, um–Jennifer.

      Just keep using your gift for God, realizing you can’t please everyone all the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time…or something deep like that.

      Yeah, I didn’t get on-board for that 2nd book b/c I was deeply engrossed in writing another book myself (only I have no published books to show for it yet)! BUT if you have giveaways, you know I’ll be signing up. Unless you still have room on that launch team…

  7. Janice Boekhoff

    I believe God has given you the amazing gift of story, girlfriend. And you are out there using that gift for all it’s worth!

    Don’t worry about #2–God’s got this!

  8. It’s going to be awesome. You know why? Because you are awesome and God has given you an ability to write.

    BTW, I’m pretty much giddy that you’re packaging books today. πŸ˜€

  9. YUP. Second book might even be worse than the first. Because, as you say, there are those expectations. I’m still working my way through the past few months since my 2nd novel released, so I can’t really offer you any concrete advice. You’re in a good place as an author and you’re with a great publisher. Fortunately that will help you tremendously. As far as the nerves, I think it’s normal. Just try to enjoy the process and not worry about those what ifs. Once it’s out there, it’s done. And you have become a multi-published author. πŸ™‚ Well, two counts as multi right? LOL! Relax, girl, it’s gonna be great.

  10. Thou shall not pass.


    Excited for you, woman! Love how real you get here.

    Pressure, feelin’ it about running after having taken some time off.
    ~ Wendy

  11. My oldest son, who has a passion for creative writing, quit his job and came home to write his first novel. No pressure there, whatsoever. Uh-uh. Not as we watch him spending hours at the keyboard as his savings account dwindles down. Not as the college loan payments roll in, and we hope that this BA in Writing pays off. Not as our friends and family ask what possessed us to support his decision. LOL He is almost done. I get a “word count” from him every night. But, the pressure there for me is, as his mom, I want him to be successful. Yet, I also want to be realistic. It’s not easy to get “published”. So, I asked him the other day what would happen if, after all this work, it was a flop. And he said “mom, at least then I’ll be able to say that during my life, I wrote a novel”. So, Katie Ganshert, you can stand proudly and say you wrote TWO. And I’m confident in the success of your second one, because God is in it.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I am SO proud of you as his mother! I love that you are supporting him! It isn’t an easy journey, to be sure! It’s hard to make it. But the only sure-fire way he won’t is by not trying at all.

  12. Oh yeah. I’m only rewriting my second book and already feeling immense pressure. So many “what ifs.” But I love how God always has a counter to our what ifs…what ares…or what ises? is’s? I don’t know. But what is for sure is that God has great plans for our stories…whatever the response, he has us on this journey for a reason, to change and mold US as much as anybody else. And that’s cool to me.

    All that said, I’ve only read the opening pages of Wishing on Willows and already love Robin and Ian!!

  13. Cannot wait to read it!!

    And I start a new job today, so I’m all sorts of nervous and excited too!

  14. Congratulations Katie!

    I feel you on the fear. Not only does this year see my second book on its way, but my wife delivered twins before Christmas, so it#s a whole new ball game at the Shortt household. We’re still finding our feet.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      I can only imagine! Twins! I’ve heard they are so much work, but oh so worth it! So happy for you and your wife, Paul!

      1. So far we’ve been lucky and they’re very well-behaved, though their feeding schedule is changing now as they grow and start to want more. I’m getting by on 4-6 hours of sleep a night, broken into 2 or 3 blocks.

  15. I’m confident it will be fabulous! I’m looking forward to getting my paws on it. Woohoo!

    I’m feeling the pressure on the ms I’m revising at the moment b/c it’s the first in a series and I’m having all these thoughts like, “If it isn’t good they won’t want to buy it. If they don’t want this one, then the rest is all in vain!” Ack! It’s messing with clarity and I’m second and billion guessing my ideas for tweaks and rewrites. Phew! Glad to get that off my chest. πŸ™‚

    Bring on Wishing on Willows! I’m ready!

  16. Don’t worry! Be happy! πŸ™‚ You have a SECOND BOOK coming out through a traditional publisher! You have an awesome agent! You have residual income (through royalties)! You are living the life of a professional writer! πŸ™‚ Enjoy the moment and relish in the excitement of having your second book soon to be “delivered” to the public! πŸ™‚ You’re in a GOOD PLACE. And since God has a purpose for your book, relax and let Him work wonders. πŸ™‚

    To answer your question at the end of your blog post today, I am “feeling the pressure” to either land my dream career in the creative arts or settle for whatever next job comes along…it’s no fun being near broke while you’re trying to “pay your dues”!


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