I have such a tendency to over complicate things.
My book releases in a little over a month. A lifelong dream is coming to fruition before my eyes.
Yet I find myself getting overwhelmed with thoughts of sales and buzz and reviews and will my readers like my second book as much as the first and what can I do, what can I do, what can I do!?
It’s right about then, when I get all frazzled, that I take a deep breath and remind myself to KISS.
To revisit a very simple question.
Why am I doing this?
Yes, I want to create buzz.
Yes, after everything my publisher has done, I would love to give them a book with great sales.
Yes, I want good reviews and yes, I want to give my readers stories that get better and better.
But when it comes right down to it, I only need to focus on two things.
Just two.
- Glorifying God
- Blessing others
Keli Gwyn asks me some fun questions on her blog today. Hop on over for a chance to win a copy of my book!
I definitely complicate things. Way too much.
Great post, except after seeing the picture, I now have lip and teeth envy. 😉
Katie, this is such a great perspective and a reminder I desperately needed with a book releasing in April and May. it’s so easy to stress over the marketing side. Yet, there is only so much I can do. And the reality is I just want to bring a smile to my Daddy’s face. thanks for the perspective check!
Such a great post, Katie, and so true. I am such a perfectionist (It’s even bothering me I just wrote “such” twice… ah! There I go again!) that I constantly over-complicate things. We’re talking, I have trouble deciding between my gold sparkly shoes and my silver sparkly ones. The only way I’ve been able to be a functional member of society is by constantly letting go of that perfectionism, but it’s an hourly struggle for me!
Thanks for the great tips to keep things simple. God has designed our lives so much easier than we make them out to be!
And don’t worry about your books, dear. You are brilliant and charming and THAT is why people love your writing. All you have to do to continue it is to keep being you.
I do overcomplicate things at times, mostly because I try to take on “other people’s goals.” For example, I learned to run and immediately thought I “should” run a half marathon…when really the accomplishment of going from nonrunner to runner was enough. I also say sometimes, “Oh, well, she’s doing X with her business – maybe I should too.” And often, it’s something I’m totally not comfortable with.
Also, sometimes I allow the “shoulds” to distract me from God’s plan. I KNOW deep inside He’s got me on a path…and He’s got a plan. There are plenty of “shiny things” along the way that distract me, but they are temporary and won’t fill my soul.
My best days are the days when clients tell me, “You helped me publish my book! I couldn’t have done it without you!” or “You have a gift for scripture telling and thank you for sharing it.” Or the wordless amazement on someone’s face when I say, “I’ve been thinking about you and wondering if you were okay.”
Ultimately, I just want to bring people joy and lift them up when I can.
Wow, Katie! Can I ever relate to what you’re going through! Your advice is great. I needed that reminder.
And just so’s ya know. I think you’re doing an awesome job with your promotion. Your lovely personality and love of the Lord shine through in all you do.
I’m sooo excited that you agreed to be my blog guest today. I had a blast learning some new things aboutcha. =)
Great advice Katie! Thanks 🙂
Love this! My husband and I left a large church setting almost three years ago (where he had been on staff for 11 years), to start a ministry called Simple Life. We felt God was calling us to simplify our lives and become more involved in one-on-one discipleship. We bought an old house in the country, and my husband now pastors a small church (membership is the size of an average Sunday School class at our previous church). While we started out strong in terms of keeping it simple, we still have to remind ourselves to slow down and not stress. We’re learning that keeping our eyes on God as opposed to man’s approval or numbers or what this world calls “success” is the key. Easier said than done somedays. 😉
Yes! Great reminder. Don’t over do it. I tend to do just that!
My ultimate goal is to get my books out there in the hands of teens so they can be encouraged to be strong in their faith.
But, yes, I have to K.I.S.S.!!!
Yes, I’m a professional over-complicater. 🙂 And am in the same boat as far as wanting to step back and look at the basics of why I’m writing, who it’s for, and what it is. “Whether you eat or drink [or write] do ALL for the glory of God.” Simple, eh? Great post, Katie. Can’t WAIT to read your book. Blessings on reaching far & wide with it.
Am hopping on over now. 🙂
And you are doing that Katie:)
Do I over complicate things? Do I over complicate things? Wait, what was the question? 😀
YepsireBob. I do. I do do that. And I love that you are getting to the heart of what your calling is all about! Rock it out, girl!
~ Wendy
Seriously good post! And I love your goals.
Yes, I can over complicate things…:)
I love what Lindsay said about about focusing on what we can control – our focus.
Can I copy your goals? 🙂
I love this. This is such good advice!
Such a good reminder. I tend to get tunnel vision and forget the bigger picture stuff, like why I do what I do. And my reasons are the same as yours, but it’s so easy to forget that when you’re in the middle of deadlines and scenes that aren’t working and all the other stuff that comes with writing. I love the idea of focusing on what we CAN control–our focus.
I love it. Keep it simple is such good advice, and something I don’t always do well. I am sure your simple goals will focus you onto the work God has called you to do! You are a blessing already!