ARCs and a Super Duper Early Giveaway

Last Thursday, my doorbell rang at 2:30 p.m. and my first thought was, “Bookmarks!” Actually, that’s a lie. My first thought was, “You’re going to wake up the kid!”  But once that passed through the system, my mind jumped to bookmarks. 

So I raced downstairs and opened the door and found……two boxes. 

This puzzled me. I was pretty sure we didn’t order that many bookmarks. Surely they weren’t my ARCs. Those weren’t scheduled to arrive for another two weeks. Curious, I picked up a box. And the weight made my stomach go all fluttery.

I hurried to the kitchen. Grabbed the nearest knife. Cut through the tape. Tore open the top. And there they were. My ARCs had arrived!

Seeing my book was a lot like seeing my son for the first time. I used to think, before I gave birth to Brogan, that I’d cry when the doctor handed him over. But when the moment came, I was not emotional. It was all too surreal to be emotional. And I was high on Percocet. The same thing happened here (only without the drugs). I didn’t hold my book in my hand and weep for joy. I held it in my hand and laughed. Not because the book is funny-looking. But because I couldn’t believe what I was holding.

Instead of crying, I felt like tossing the books up in the air and rolling in them. 

Once that passed, part of me felt like shoving them into some envelopes and sending them out right away. The other part wanted to hide them from the world.

Before I explain this interesting conundrum, how about a definition?

ARC stands for Advanced Reader Copy. Do you see that purple circle on the bottom right of my cover? That purple circle lets people know that the copy isn’t the final version. It’s a version that has not yet passed through copy edits and galley proofs. And since I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my writing, the idea that people will be reading imperfect copies makes me a wee bit twitchy. Thank the good Lord for that purple circle because I already found two errors. One on the very first page, where it says He man, instead of The man. Just for the record, my book is not about Heman.

Anyway, I have a box of these at my house.

Waiting for the right moment to make their way into the world and hopefully, create some buzz. 

The early kind. 

While my amazingly awesome in-house marketer will use the ARCs to create a buzz in bigger circles, I’ll use them on a more personal level. 

Here’s what I plan to do with them:

  • Visit the book stores in my area. Introduce myself to the manager. And leave him/her with an ARC and bookmarks. 
  • Give an ARC to the lovely lady in charge of my church’s Books and Things kiosk to see if they might sell my book at church.
  • Give an ARC to a friend who writes for the Quad City Times to see if she’d be interested in featuring the book in an article.
  • Send ARCs to book reviewers who’ve agreed to review Wildflowers from Winter on their blog.
  • Send ARCs to people who have volunteered to be early influencers.
Timing is key.
I don’t plan to send them out until late March. I don’t want the buzz to die away before the book hits the shelves.
But still. It’s Christmas time. And in the spirit of Christmas, and in an effort to let go and dive into the scary world of sharing my work, I’d love to giveaway a free ARC to one of my awesome blog readers. All you have to do is leave a comment that you’re interested, and I’ll pick the winner on December 14th. Come Christmas time, you could have a shiny new book on your door step (albeit, an imperfect one). 
Let’s Talk: Are you a perfectionist? In what areas of your life? Would you like an ARC of Wildflowers from Winter for Christmas?

54 thoughts on “ARCs and a Super Duper Early Giveaway

  1. I’m super excited to see a real live (near-perfect) copy of your book. And count me in for the drawing. I’m a perfectionist, but I promise I’ll overlook the “He man” typo! (and thanks for defining ARC for me – I was pretending I knew what it was!).

  2. Oh yay! Like everyone else, I’d love a copy!
    Almost more than that, tho, I’d love to interview you on my blog early next year – maybe prior to the debut rush?? I do debut authors/prepubbed writer interviews every Friday. I used to be a journalist so I promise the ten questions would be fun/painless/easy. Please? *bats eyes*

  3. Ahhh!!!! I saw your photo on Facebook too but had to come over. This is SO exciting- I can’t wait to read the book 🙂 I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to books, even when I don’t try to, I notice typos. However, I promise to overlook yours in the ARC if I receive one! 😉

  4. Your post made me think back to my first submission to my critique group. Argh. That was hard. I can’t imagine what it will be like to send my entire novel out into the world. Congratulations!

  5. I want an arc!!!! LOL Reading this makes me feel so wonderful inside for you. 🙂 I’m SOOOO excited!!!

  6. Pick me! Pick me! I have only read one ARC and I zero in on errors, just part of me!, and they distract me from what I am reading. I am not a book-marker so I don’t touch it but I see it when I read. It jumps out at me! I actually am a proofreader for an organization’s quarterly newsletter and love doing that! Back to the subject at hand ~*~ yes, here, yes. Where do I send you my address so I can read your wonderful book and post a review all over the place besides my blog? March is fine! The flowers should be trying to pop their little heads up by then, at least their little greenery. I want to be an enhancer ~*~ oh, the word is “influencer.” Yes WILDFLOWERS FROM WINTER
    pick me, pick me, please in case I don’t win the drawing!). Oh, Miss Katie, your name looks sweet down there without the ARC label blocking it!

  7. So exciting.
    And yes, I’m definitely a perfectionist. Now that I’ve sent out my proposals and MS requests, I’m not letting myself look at it, because I know as soon as I do, I’ll find something I didn’t fix and have a heart attack.
    I’d love a copy . . . for my birthday (on the 15th–Christmas birthdays stink, but at least I was ten days premature).

  8. Loree Huebner

    Congrats and many blessings. I bet it’s just an awesome feeling. The cover is beautiful!

    I would love to read it. Put me in for the drawing.

  9. Darcie Kress

    Congratulations, Katie! I have been following your journey on FB (kind of a PC way to stalk people, isn’t it?). Truly amazing! I remember when you shared an email with me of something you had written – and I felt so fortunate to witness the beginning of your professional metamorphosis. You are very talented, Katie! Please add my name to your list of hopefuls for a copy of your new book! 🙂

    Yes, I am a perfectionist about most things, but not all. It’s very strange. If there is some formulaic secret that could reveal which things will “blow over” and which things put me over the edge, I have not yet been able to figure it out. Until then, it is one of life’s mysteries.

    From reading the comments above, I’m thinking we could easily organize a perfectionist support group!

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Lisa Nieman

      I would love an ARC. I’m really intrigued with your writing journey. So glad I found your blog.

  10. Jeremy Hickman

    Okay…I know a guy, who knows a guy, who has a friend who makes decisions at the Church books and things table.

    I will put in a good word…WORD!

    With that said…if you ever write a book about He-Man I am begging you to put me at the top of an ARC list.

    1. Katie Ganshert

      Jeremy – that 100% cracked me up.

  11. Oh please pick me! I would LOVE to read your story and review it as well. Congrats on getting your ARCs!

  12. WOW!!! How Awesome!!… I loved the referring to this as to giving birth and holding your first child.. but with out the It would be an honor to read and review your first book. I would love to be holding one soon. Before Christmas…

    Thanks for the possibility.

    Kim J.

  13. Ren

    Oh, I’m also a perfectionist, too, when it comes to writing. But if there’s ever a mistake I always just say, “It’s from typing so fast.” 😉

  14. Ren

    I would love an ARC! How exciting. 🙂

  15. Ditto what Kelli said. And I’m a recovering perfectionist.

    Congratulations Katie.

  16. I would LOVE a copy!!! It would be a great Christmas present:)

  17. Oh, sign me up for a chance to win! I’m looking forward to reading your work. I love how excited you are about this process.

    I’m a bit of perfectionist, but since have two kids back to back, I’ve relinquished some control. Still have a long way to go.

  18. Katie Ganshert

    Thanks for all the excitement, everyone! I hope the winner enjoys the book! I just saw today that the cover’s up on Amazon and Goodreads. 🙂

    1. How exciting, Katie! I took a peek on Amazon, and your cover looks great on their site.

  19. Melissa

    I would love an arc. So glad you got them early!

  20. Congratulations Katie! It’s weird, I was a perfectionist when I was younger…then it sort of went away. But now (just turned 40), I’m finding I’m becoming a perfectionist again. Usually it’s in the area of my home or personal projects. Sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes not!

    I would love a copy of your book! I’m a huge reader!!


  21. God is such a great gift giver! All of this for Christmas-what more could you ask for! Congratulations Katie!

    And I would love nothing more than snuggling up with your story on Christmas morning:)

  22. Cindy R. Wilson

    Yay, Katie! How exciting. Thanks for sharing your reaction when they arrived. And as much as I love He Man :), I’m glad that’s not what you’re book is about. It sounds like you have a great plan in place for next March. I’m so happy for you!

  23. Ruth Douthitt

    Congratulations!!! So happy for you…

  24. I love your comment about tossing them in the air and then rolling in them. I imagine I’ll feel much the same way when the day comes. I’d love to read a copy for Christmas!

  25. Pick me, Pick me, Pick MEEEE!!! I am personal friends with Oprah and she’ll have no problem promoting your book for me. Right after she gets done promoting mine. Right after she starts returning my calls.
    Okay. I lied. We’re not friends.
    But hey, I WILL promote your book for sure!! And even if you don’t pick me, I’ll be ordering it the day it comes out!!

  26. I would love a chance to win!

  27. Congrats! I would love a chance to win 🙂

  28. What an exciting moment for you! The book looks fabulous. Definitely one I’m going to read when it hits shelves. Congrats!

  29. jen schrempf

    Put my name in 🙂 how exciting with your new venture 🙂

  30. Me! Me! Me! Put my name in that pot, sista!

  31. Yes! I’d love to win a copy of Wildflowers From Winter, Katie! I literally held my breath as you described your joy at opening the boxes of your ARCs.

    I’m a wee bit of a perfectionist, too. I mean, aren’t all writers? 🙂


  32. Ok, this is super exciting!!! And YES! I’d love to have this book for Christmas, or New Years, Easter…whenever!! 🙂

    I am a perfectionist, it’s why I cringe when my kids help with the tree at Christmas. Oy!

    Awesome, friend!

  33. Wendie

    You are an inspiration to all types of people whether a perfectionist like myself or not. Would love, love, love a copy of your book!

  34. So excited for you, Katie!

    Yep, definite perfectionist here. And a worrier. Not a good combo.

    I look forward to reading your book and helping you get the word out!

  35. *wow* apparently my spelling is not perfect this morning :-/

  36. I would love a copy, Katie!!! Pick me! Pick me!

    And yes, I’m a perectionist. Through and through. Often times I find that if I don’t think I can meet my own standards or expectations (let alone others) in any given endeavor, I don’t even bother trying (been the ongoing struggle with my photography endeavors, for sure!).

    So excited to be a part of your journey – both as an author and a mama! 🙂

  37. I am so excited for you!! It has been so much fun watching this all happen for you and YES I would love to read your book–even an ARC and I promise I will ignore the typos ect:))

  38. Congratulations Katie! I would be excited, too. I would love to get an advanced copy of your book. I am a perfectionist, too. I’m a bit of a grammar nazi. That’s funny about He Man.

  39. I would love to be in the running!

    I am a perfectionist as well. I have to know I did my absolute best at something, even if it doesn’t turn out perfect.

    Very excited to read this book. I am getting my friends ready too!

  40. EEEEK!! How exciting to have a chance to read your book so early! Please put my name in the hat. Typos and errors keep us humble and help us appreciate our beloved editors even more. Thanks so much for outling exactly what you’ll be doing with them, as well as timing. I’ll keep that list handy for future use. Blessings!

  41. Congratulations! Ahhhh that’s a moment I’m still dreaming about, having the ARC copy in my hands. I’d like a copy! Is this like Duck Duck Goose where, if I sit very still and expectantly, I’ll get picked? :o)

    Again – congratulations!!!

  42. Amber

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! I would love to be entered….I can’t wait!

  43. I am a perfectionist in my art and while doing haircuts. It makes it take forever to finish a painting, and sadly some times my paintings look overworked because I never know when to stop.Some people love my perfectionism while cutting their hair, but others who want the more messy styles…. well, what can I say?

    I’d love a copy of your book too.

  44. Wilma Metcalf

    I would love to get your book for an early Christmas gift.
    No I’m not a perfectionist,After raising 4 children & helping with 6 grandchildren, I kind of go with the flow. I find life is easier that way and sometimes more fun.

  45. OH, I so want a copy of that book right now! I am so unbelievably excited for you, Katie!!! You rock, girl, and your book is going to rock, too!!!

  46. Sarah Forgrave

    So, so exciting, Katie!!! And yes, I’m a perfectionist. In every possible way. 🙂

  47. Ooooo, I love your kind of Christmas gift! I’d love to be in the running for your gorgeous book….even if it isn’t about HEMAN! That is hilarious!

    Congrats! Your book is beautiful.

  48. Oooh! A chance to get an ARC? How exciting!!! Please enter my name in the drawing. I’m eager to read Wildflowers in Winter, interview you on my blog, post my review in several places, tweet up a storm, and tell my FB friends about your book. Of course, I’ll do that anyway, but if I were to win I could do so sooner rather than later. =)

    1. OK, it’s late, and I was so excited that I hit send too soon. I know your book title is Wildflowers from Winter, really I do, Katie. Sorry about my oopsie.

  49. Oh, my ARC nearly killed me, Katie. I am a perfectionist and an editor–what a combination!! I read through my galley twice and had my husband read through it once. And yet I know that there will still be a typo (please, only one!) in my debut novel when it hits the shelves.
    Celebrating with you still –ARCS and all!

  50. YAY!! HOORAY!! i can’t wait to hold one in my own hands (regardless of purple circle or Heman)!! your NAME is at the bottom! *sigh* so happy for you!

    and may i just say that this this west coast thing is awesome? i get to see your post in my email around 10 and know it’s up in time to comment….instead of being WAAAAY down at the bottom. 🙂

    i love my katie!!


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