Battle Three: Resurrection Rolls

resurrection rollsIn honor of Easter, the third battle in the Pinterest War between Becky Wade and myself is…..

Resurrection Rolls!

Anybody ever make these before?

They’re a great Easter recipe to do with kids. The marshmallows melt when you bake, so when you break the rolls open, they are empty inside, just like the tomb!

All you need is a can of crescent dinner rolls, large marshmallows, melted butter, cinnamon, and sugar.

Separate the crescent rolls into triangles.

Mix the cinnamon and sugar.

Dip a large marshmallow into the melted butter, roll in the cinnamon and sugar mixture, then wrap a crescent roll around the marshmallow. Make sure to pinch the seems together tightly.

Bake at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes and voila!

Resurrection Rolls!

So far, Becky’s eggs were prettier and her cake from last week wasn’t floating in a puddle of frosting, so I think she’s winning the war. Which means only one thing….time to get my roll-baking on. You can see the inspiration and the results for all of our battles on Becky’s Pinterest War board or mine.

If you join in the fun, make sure to tag Becky and/or I in the picture so we can see your beautiful creation! We’ll post results on Friday!

Let’s Talk: What fun traditions do you do to celebrate Easter?

Congrats to Beth-Anne White, Erin St. Clair, Tima Murrell, Cherie Kasper, and Laurie Tomlinson for winning prizes from last week’s Pinterest Challenge!

Join the Wishing on Willows Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a bundle of FREE books from my publisher. All you have to do is find Wishing on Willows on a shelf in a store (if you’re in Walmart, you might just find it there), snap a picture, and post on your blog (email me the link), Facebook (tag me in the picture), or Twitter (tag me in the tweet), and you’re entered to win!

Are you on Twitter? Join the #WillowTalk Twitter Event. The last week of April, tweet a review or tweet your favorite lines from Wishing on Willows, make sure to use the #WillowTalk hashtag, and you could win three books from my publisher, plus a $5 gift card to Starbucks. There will be 25 winners! Please RSVP here!

3 thoughts on “Battle Three: Resurrection Rolls

  1. I have not heard of these before, but this is such an awesome Easter tradition to start!

    Hmm we don’t really have an Easter tradition, but since my son was born last May I do want to start one with him! I was planning on reading the Easter story to him since we bought a picture book! However this would be a really cool one to start with him in the upcoming years!

  2. Those look yummy!! My in-laws usually do a big gathering at their house with lots of people and lots of food. It’s fun and relaxing, and the weather is generally gorgeous (no snow here, hehe) so we hang out in the backyard a lot.

  3. Oh what fun–I’ve never made those before. Sounds sweet, though. 🙂

    Fun Easter tradition–I always go to my home church with my family. I love their Easter service. And with extended family we always do an easter egg hunt for the kids…there are always at least one or two plastic eggs that never get found. 🙂


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