Two Tips and a Story

Since I always used to wonder what kinds of things an author did in the long wait before their book release, I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to these past couple weeks (besides writing, of course).

I received a nine-page author questionnaire.
The questions ran the gamut and many required some serious thought and reflection, especially since my responses will help my publisher market and sell my book.

After filling out the questionnaire, I have one “I’m glad I did this” and one “I wish I would have done this” tip to share:

  • I’m glad I established myself online before I got a book deal. You never want people to think you’re using them for a connection or an endorsement. I connect with people because I’m interested in the person. Period.
  • I wish I would have saved alternative titles for my story! I know I had other ideas for a title, only I didn’t save them. So I had to start from scratch, which wasn’t easy. Especially since I’ve had my working title stuck in my head for two years now. It was like trying to change my two-year old son’s name. What other names might fit him? I don’t know. I’ve always called him Brogan.   
I got book plates in the mail. 
Have you heard of book plates? I never had until a couple months ago. Anyway, they are basically these stickers you sign and send back to your publisher so they can put them on books for promotional purposes.
I felt silly. 
For two reasons.
First, the idea that my signature means something is highly-amusing. But I shall go with it.  
Second, my signature is ugly. Which leads to a story about why my in-laws call me Kate, when everybody else in the world calls me Katie.
If somebody turned the way my husband and I met into a story, it would be cliche. He was the hot delivery guy. I was the enamored receptionist. He would bring me packages and I would sign for them.

So one day, he walks in while I’m getting ready to leave for lunch. We’re riding down the elevator together and he asks me out.

What words escape my mouth but, “Do you even know my name?”
Smooth, huh?
Anyway, he says, “Yeah. I see your signature every day. It’s Kate.”
Close enough.
So I write the name Kate (because this is no time for correction) and my phone number on a gum wrapper (which he still has in his dresser drawer). And ever since, he’s called me Kate. That’s how he introduced me to his family. I actually think it sounds weird when he or his family calls me Katie. 
Not too much later I found out he thought my last name was McGowan. It was actually McGivern. 
So. Yeah. My signature isn’t the neatest.

Time to practice.
Let’s Talk: Do you have any “I wish I would have” or “I’m glad I did this” tips to share? And be honest. Do you ever practice your signature? 


24 thoughts on “Two Tips and a Story

  1. Marla Taviano

    Looooove your story! And I love the name Kate!

  2. patti.mallett_pp

    Laughing. Love it! You're adorable, and right. Your hubby is hot! ; ) Would love to have been a fly on the wall of that elevator, but you gave us a great word-picture of it. (Great writer! See?)

  3. Sherrinda

    Woah, nine pages! I don't think I have nine pages worth of anything to say about me! lol

    It is so fun to hear about your journey, Katie! Keep it coming. πŸ™‚

  4. Jeanette Levellie

    I wish I would have written and submitted stories all those years my kids were little and I did next to no writing.

    And I love your story about meeting Mr. Right.

    But of course I practice my signature on all the checks I receive for stories published, speaking engagements, etc(I'm speaking in faith!).

  5. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Katie –

    Love your "How I Met My Hubby" story. πŸ™‚

    I often look at my signature and wonder what a handwriting expert would say. "No, this couldn't be her signature. She doesn't loop her 'S' like that." Hmm, truth is sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.


  6. Loree Huebner

    Loved your real-life romance story!

    A year ago last Christmas, I fell on ice and broke my right wrist. I also ripped the ligament in my thumb, so I had to have surgery to repair it. My handwriting has never been the same. It's awful infact. Oh well…

  7. Mary Aalgaard

    That's funny about your name and signature and meeting your husband. He would have NEVER found you in the phone book. McGivern isn't as common, so he probably just thought it was the other name.

  8. Michelle DeRusha@Graceful

    The book plate thing sounds kind of exciting! I mean that seriously.

    And I love the name story — that is totally cute.

  9. Terri Tiffany

    This all sounds so fun!! My signature stinks! Ever since I became a mom, no one can read my handwriting:)

  10. Tana Adams

    Cute! Cute! Cute! I wish I had a nice signature! *sigh* someday.

  11. Eileen Astels Watson

    Guess I'll find out if I ever get published.

    Your meeting is so cool. It's awesome that you shared it and on the Royal Wedding day, too. So fitting!

  12. Wendy Delfosse

    Haha! Cute story, Katie!

  13. Katie Ganshert

    Hey Lacie – nope, I never correct them. Only because I like the name Kate. πŸ™‚

  14. Lacie Nezbeth

    I've never practiced my signature with "autograph" in mind, but when I first got married I wrote it a lot to get used to it. The "z" in the middle of my last name usually throws me off and it ends up looking like a first graders signature. Oh well!

    Cute story Katie. Those are the sweetest memories to remember. I love that the in-laws still call you Kate. Did you ever correct them? πŸ™‚

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Wendy Paine Miller

    Praying a lot about branding, patience and hearing God's voice above all others, Kate. πŸ˜‰

    You are like Cathryn, the Princess.

    Maybe I'll start calling you Princess. No, that would be weird.

    Oh, happy weekend!
    ~ Wendy

  16. Keli Gwyn

    What a fun story of how you and your hubby met. I love the fact that he still has that gum wrapper. =)

    I have practiced my signature. I had the Keli down pat, but then I married Gwynly. K's are fun and flowing. G's not so much. My cursive G looks like a badly formed pretzel, so when we were engaged, I signed my name 42,000 times while trying to come up with something I liked. Never did. I print the G.

    So, since we share the same initials, Katie–which I think is so cool–how do you deal with the G? Is your cursive G pretty or pretty pathetic like mine?

  17. Erica Vetsch

    How fun! Your 'meet' is adorable.

    I've got a dismal signature. I use it quite often, since I am a bookkeeper and sign checks for the business a lot.

  18. Jessica R. Patch

    Okay, I love your story and I hate my handwriting. I used to practice it, but when it never got any better I gave up. πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the tips. Have a great weekend.

  19. Heather Sunseri

    Ahhh. What a sweet story. I wonder how long he had been studying your signature before he got up the nerve to ask you out.

    Thanks for the tips, Katie. I agree, it's nice to establish relationships before we get swept into a very different arena with even more responsibilities (I'm imagining, anyway).

  20. Sarah Forgrave

    LOL, Katie (or Kate) πŸ™‚ I love your love story!

    And I appreciate you sharing your advice as you walk this journey. I think I have alternate titles tucked away somewhere, so I'll make sure I don't delete them. πŸ™‚

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  21. Diane

    Ah…… true love to rival the royal wedding today. Cute! :O)

  22. TerryLynnJohnson

    I'm really glad I got bookmarks. They were the most useful thing! Also getting booklets done – a 4-pager with the first chapter and reviews to hand out at fairs for people who don't buy your book. Can also mail them to libraries, bookstores.

    I really wish I hadn't stressed so much over the time everything takes. It will happen.

  23. CJ

    I practice penmanship every day. But then that's what's expected of a calligrapher (-;

  24. John C

    I was the technical manager for a microbiology lab for a couple of years and had to sign every single report that left the lab. After the first few of the day I would get signature fatigue and the last one looked nothing like the first. It also bears no resemblance to my full name.

    I'm glad I did this tip? I'm glad I took any and every temp job I could while at University. Otherwise I would never have been on the scaffolding outside Champagne Charlie's at the right time. And I'm also glad I learned to touch-type when I was 14.


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