I need a happy place.
Does anybody else need a happy place?
I mean, I have my new cover with which I’m a wee bit obsessed. When the world looks dark and gray, this has become a sort of happy place.
But even that can’t shoo away all the divisiveness that seems to be lurking around every social media corner these days.
We’re all so busy feeling offended or slighted or defensive or indignant that we’re forgetting about Romans 12:10.
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Man, what would our life, our churches, our world look like if we could tattoo that verse on our hearts?
It’s a hard one to live, though, right? (Please tell me I’m not alone.)
There’s this song I love by Hillsong United. It’s called From the Inside Out. In fact, this is the song that inspired the title of my novel, The Art of Losing Yourself.
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise
Here’s what I’ve experienced:
True joy, true peace, true contentment and courage comes when we lose ourselves in Him.
That’s my ultimate happy place.
And when I do that–when I lose myself in Him–I’m no longer so darned concerned about my rights or my opinions or my feelings or my fears. It’s about Him and His Kingdom, which is made up of real-life hurting people living real-life complex stories. And when He and His Kingdom become our heart’s cry, Romans 12:10 becomes as natural as breathing.
So in that vein, I’m giving away some gifts.
I hope that for anybody reading, and especially for the five people who win, this will be a warm reminder that our happy place is never more than a prayer away. I hope it will be a warm reminder that we will never regret kindness or grace, and sometimes, the very best way to honor anyone is by listening. While I probably shouldn’t attempt to tattoo anything on anybody’s heart, I can give you something that will allow you to wear it close by.

To enter to win this necklace and an autographed copy of The Art of Losing Yourself, fill out the form below. I will use random.org to select five winners!
Please note, you do not have to subscribe to my email list to enter. It is, however, the best way to stay up to date on my latest book news, such as new releases, bargains, giveaways, etc. I detest spam, so you never have to worry about that with me!
Much love, reader friends!
Thank you for the chance to win.
Have a wonderful week.
I love that song too! And every other song by Hillsong. Though I love this song in Spanish because I learned it in Bolivia!! Good memories!
Thank you for the reminder and this chance to win! I’m a big fan!
Thank you for the chance to win, trying to build up my library after my move I found out my boxes of books got mixed up with my donate boxes so now I have very little (5 to be exact)!!
Thank you for this beautiful post, Katie – and for the awesome giveaway opportunity!!
Thanks, Katie! Love your FB posts. Always so fun and encouraging.
Lovely blog post! Prayer time is such a place of happiness for me… Just me and my Abba. God bless.
Thank you for the beautiful reminder, Katie! I love that song, too, and the necessity of losing myself in the Lord. When my focus is on Him, it changes my heart and my whole outlook on life. Putting that in practice right now…