3 C’s – It’s Friday!

Ryan is such a blessing to me. I take my husband for granted much too often. My prayer each morning has been: Lord, let me be a blessing to my husband.

I hope it’s a good school year.

Back to work on Monday. Nine hours at work, then family time when I get home. What precious little computer time I will have needs to be spent working on my WIP. After drawing up a schedule (I’m a teacher, I can’t help it, schedules are part of my DNA) I figured I will have about 45 minutes each evening to check emails and blogs. I apologize in advance if I’m not visiting yours as often as I used to!

Brogan’s nose has turned into a faucet.

I’ve been very irritable and overly sensitive lately. What’s that about?

The beginning of a new school year is always exciting. New faces. A fresh start. Even though I’m not looking forward to leaving Brogan and having less writing time, I do sincerely enjoy teaching. And since I sort of have to work right now, I’m very thankful that the work is something I enjoy.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations on my last Friday of summer break?

21 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Katie Ganshert

    Thanks for your kind words, Jen! I pray that I'll be a blessing to my students. I don't always feel that way.

    Thanks, Beth! I hope you come back and keep reading! Best wishes to you husband as he starts a new school year. πŸ™‚

    Hey Tab, yea, I pray a lot for balance and to live by my priorities. More often than not, I get it wrong. I would shrivel up and die if God didn't extend his grace on a daily (who am I kidding – hourly) basis. Hopefully, someday, I won't have to balance it all and I'll be able to stay home.

    Elana! Yay for teachers. πŸ™‚ I hope you have an excellent school year!

    Krista…the headline does say everything in between, and I guess that includes Aunt Flo. πŸ™‚

    Sherrinda – that's rough on the edits. I know it stings big time and rewriting/reworking things is such a challenge! But I promise that if you work through it, you will come out SO much stroner as a writer. I've had to do some pretty hefty rewrites in my day. And 47 hours! Your're a school secretary, right? Our school secretary is the brains behind our entire school. We would all shut down without her. Kuddos to you!!

    Jessica – not pregnant! At least I shouldn't be!!

  2. Jessica

    I've noticed blogs are busier MWF. Saturdays gete hardly any comments. πŸ™‚
    You're not pregnant, are you?
    I can't imagine having nine hours at work! Sheesh. I've forgotten about that grind. AT least you have a job that blesses and teaches others. πŸ™‚ That's awesome.

  3. sherrinda

    Wellll, you know my first thought was that you might be pregnant….lol.

    I totally understand about needin to blog less. I've worked 47 hours this week so far.(still going in today and probably tomorrow some.) So, I really don't have much time to spend on blogs. I can hardly post something, much less read all the blogs in my blogroll. It is so hard.

    My C: I've gotten some edits back on my book and it is rather discouraging. I asked for it to ripped to shreds and it is so far. Of course, getting them back when I am tired doesn't help in the "discouragement" category.

  4. Krista Phillips

    Geez… never know what we talk about on Katie's blog… Aunt flo Friday's? Hmmm. *grin*

    Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Actually, I personally find that I have the most blog traffic Mon – Wed… so you could always do the first three days of the week too:-) Friday is my LEAST traffic (which is why I decided to do my weight-loss blog on that day…) but that might just be me. LIke everyone else, I rarely am able to read blogs on the weekend, unless I"m catching up.

  5. ElanaJ

    Katie! You're a teacher too?? This is a freaky thing I feel going on… But I have one more week before I have to go back to work.

    I think you should post M/W/F because I don't read or think about blogs on the weekend. It's the only way I stay sane during the week.

  6. Tabitha Bird

    Hey Katie. I recommend posting Mon, Wed, Fri (cause I don't often jump on blogger on the weekend and I don't want to miss your stuff)
    Being a mum and a wife and working full time is a lot. I went back to work full time when my eldest was 18mnths old. When I fell pregnant with my second, I quit. I so admire you for being able to fit your dream of writing in around your life and work. You go girl. I'll look forward to your blogging visits whenever you are able. YOu have got your hands full! Look after yourself and that beautiful family and God bless for the new school year. Our school year is half way through. We finish in Dec, which is summer here. Have a great new school year and enjoy the fresh start. πŸ™‚

  7. Beth

    Hi Katie – I found your blog through Wendy Miller's and really enjoyed reading here! My husband teaches elementary computers, so I have a big heart for teachers πŸ™‚ Blessings to you as you start a new school year!

  8. Jeanette Levellie

    Katie: We all understand about working and schedules. It's part of life, not to worry.

    I vote for Sun, Tues and Thurs. Less people post on those days, so you won't have as much "competition."

    Blessings on your school year! Your students have a gift from the Lord in you as their teacher.

    PSST! I am having a book givaway on my blog today through Thursday. Would love to have you pop over, and bring your friends!

  9. Katie Ganshert

    Heather – we'll both have to live up our last Friday as much as possible! I hope you find you and your family settling into a nice routine soon!

    T. Anne – avoidance issues? You're a hoot! And you can borrow that prayer anytime you'd like! I definitely need a marshmallow shake – especially if Aunt Flo is around the corner. πŸ™‚

    Cindy – I hear ya! I need to get back into the groove of writing each day because I also feel like I'm negleting my characters! I think it's the knowledge that school is starting, so I've sort of gotten myself in a differen mind-frame.

    Hey Jody! I think I'm leaning toward MWF. That seems to be the most popular blogging time, and hopefully I won't have to get on much at all on Tues, or Thurs. πŸ™‚

  10. Jody Hedlund

    Hi Katie,
    I'm sure you're getting into the back to work blues. And of course we'll all understand your need to cut back on blogging. I think that's fantastic that you've set a time limit for yourself with blogging.

    As far as posting? I'm open to anything. I check blogs everyday. Although I'd say once fall kicks in I plan to make T and Thurs. the days I check blogs less. That's how it worked out this summer and I liked having a couple days a week that were more blog-free.

  11. Cindy

    Cares: School is starting soon, summer is almost over. I want to cherish the rest of the time with my family.

    Concerns: Editing. Two projects at once. My WIP is still on page two and I feel like I'm neglecting my MC's πŸ™

    Celebrations: Lost some weight, saved some money–so now I get to go on a shopping spree. Just in time for a girls trip (with my sisters) to California. Yay!

    I'd be inclined to say MWF for posting. Because more people will visit you that way and we all love your posts. But if you're worried about time, then the other way will work fine πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend!

  12. T. Anne

    I vote for MWF. I homeschool and pretty much that's my scheduale unless I sneak a tues. in there lol. *sigh* where has this magical summer gone? ALready I miss it. Late Aug and Sep come on like a tidal wave of paperwork. But then you know, don't you? I'll pray for Brogan's cold! And BTW, the prayer you gave for the Lord to let you be a blessing to your husband is so touching. What a wonderful prayer!!!

    I hope your pg, over aunt flo, I've never liked her much. That's why I spent so many years pg or nursing lol! (avoidance issues…)

    Now go to Oprah.com and get that recipe for a MArshmallow shake, and everything will be OK! (tip: Don't char the marshmallows)

  13. Heather Sunseri

    This is my last Friday of summer break as well. I start back to work (accounting firm) the same day my kids go back to school. I'm pondering the same blog scheduling issues that you are.
    Care – I love my family! They're just too awesome for words sometimes.
    Concern – a few illnesses in my extended family
    Celebration – Excited to get back into the school year routine. The whole family needs it!

  14. Katie Ganshert

    Jeannie – don't even say it! I'm pretty confidant I am not preggo! We def. want more kids, just not right now. Anyway – I went to your blog and CONGRATS on the writing gig. That's so fun and exciting. And about the job – it's in my morning prayers, girl!

    Kristen – I was actually thinking along those lines. That not many people blog on Tues, Thurs, Sat. So it might be a good idea. I'm not sure. WOW! Cambodia. That's a HUGE care that I will most definitely keep in my prayers. May God BLESS you ABUNDANTLY for the work you are doing for HIs kindgom. That is SO amazing, girl!

    Erica, you are on a proposal role! You can do it. And I can totally relate with missing our children. I'm really going to miss Brogan next week!

  15. Erica Vetsch

    Good, morning, Katie,

    cares – my boy is going to camp next week. He'll have a great time, but I'll miss him. πŸ™‚

    concerns – getting these other two proposals knocked out

    celebrations – it's Friday! Woohoo!

  16. Kristen Torres-Toro @ Write in the Way

    Hi, Katie!

    Wow. I really admire you for how you do it all–being a wife, mother, teacher, and blogging and writing as well. You sound like someone who tries to do her best at everything she does. That takes a lot of dedication!

    I'd recommend a blogging schedule that works the best for you with your teaching schedule. A lot of people do MWF, which is awesome, but it means for more "work" as far as following theirs' and yours on that day. There aren't as many TRS only blogs (mine is one of them), which might equal to less time on the computer for you.

    Hmm… I leave for Cambodia on Monday, so that's a pretty big concern/care. I found out this week that I still need a lot of financial support, so I have to get on that plane and go not knowing how that is going to turn out. To save money, we purchased a ticket for me that goes the "long way" around the world, which makes me tired just thinking about it. But mostly, just for the ministry. We're going to be ministering with children who've been abused in child trafficking. Personally, I'm still in decision making mode for things.

    Celebrations: God has been giving me what I need for each day as it comes. I am so thankful!

    Have a great weekend. Happy back-to-school!

  17. Jeannie Campbell, LMFT

    katie – tell me you aren't preggo again with the over-sensitivity and irritability? πŸ™‚

    hmm…cares – definitely the job. i've applied at two more places online…both require travel time…not sure i want to do this…

    concerns – the same. almost cried at a job interview yesterday for a job i know i don't want

    celebrations – the writing gig i got…wrote about it on my blog today!

  18. Katie Ganshert

    Lindsay! Oh my lanta!!! That's AWESOME!!I can't believe she said her first word. Did you and Pat just flip out? I got your message about the zoo. Sorry I haven't called you back yet. ARe you going out to Cody today? And ditto on the missing our babies like crazy. It's really going to be tough next week, isn't it?

    Galen – thanks for the suggestions! I always appreciate your comments. πŸ™‚

    Marybeth – better not be preggo, that's for sure!! I'm not quite ready for number two yet! Could very well be your first suggestion though. Sorry – TMI everybody! Praying God provides for your family and you have a great 1/2 day with your hubby!

  19. Lindsay

    Celebration: Isabel said her first word…Dad! (and she said it in context!)
    AND She slept through the night last night!
    Concern: Isabel also has a "faucet for a nose" since yesterday.
    AND I'm going to miss her like crazy next week.

  20. Galen Kindley--Author

    Ohhh. Posting days is a tough question. Hmmm. How about checking your blog stats. Post the days with the highest traffic counts. I don’t post on the weekends because I use that for family time.

    This is a gnarly nut to crack. Another option might be to post when you can, then Tweet and Facebook the post. Reason: your obligations might conflict with your published scheduleβ€”but, you don’t know that yet. Good luck on whatever you choose, and I’ll try to find you regardless.

    Best Regards, Galen
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  21. Marybeth Poppins

    Mon, Wed, Fri … cuz I rarely get a chance to read on Saturdays these days and I don't want to miss your posts πŸ˜€

    Care – I have about 5 books to read write now and I'm not sure which to read first. BUT I am super exciting to have finally broadened my horizons past HP and the other series to find some other awesome books!

    Concern – We have to go back to my hometown like a million times this month and I'm not sure how we are going to fund it. So I'm really hoping that God finds a way to bless us with the resources…sigh…

    Celebration – My husband only has to work 1/2 a day today. I love when he has 1/2 days or the day off. I miss him when he's gone all day!

    And to answer your other question…Aunt Flo or Prego??? IDK. Possibly stress?

    Have a great weekend dear! Good luck at work on Monday!


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