3 C’s – It’s Friday

I have a working title for my WIP. I say working title, because it’s never a good idea to get attached to any one title, since they could change once published. But regardless, I still like to give my manuscripts a name. There’s something so unmagical about calling them by number. So I’ve decided to call novel #5, A Broken Kind of Beautiful. It fits the story really well. I googled the title, like I always do when one pops into my head, and the closest thing in existence is a book called A Beautiful Kind of Broken, which is close in an eerie sort of way, but different enough that I’m okay with using it.

Bubba’s elbows. Phooey. I took him to the vet yesterday and they’re still pretty bad. He’s only six! That’s too young for elbow dysplasia. He can’t run around and play fetch like the other dogs and it makes me sad.

My story took a fun, expected twist this week. A twist that managed to do three very wonderful things: strengthen my heroine’s story goal and motivation, put my hero and heroine’s goals in greater conflict, and add some much-needed glue between my hero and heroine. I was so excited about it, that when hubby got home from work, I was bouncing around with a smile on my face and I think he thought, for just a second, that I’d gotten a call from my agent about my book. I set the record straight and explained that when that glorious day comes, he will receive a very high-pitched, incoherent phone call and instead of jumping around, I’ll probably do something crazy, like a back flip.

Question to Ponder: How are you? What are your 3 C’s today?removetweetmeme

20 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday

  1. Wild Rose

    I liked that spirit…yo don't have to be good to write and lovely blog Katie add me on twitter if you stop by πŸ™‚

  2. Rosslyn Elliott

    I just want you to know that I have been watchng our wonderful agents tweets like a hawk, hoping every announcement of good news was yours. So I am a little disappointed to hear you are still in that torturous waiting mode! But I hope your good news will come soon.

  3. Wendy Delfosse

    Aww, poor doggy. Love your title though!

    3Cs – Cares: On vacation still – enjoying it πŸ™‚ Took a week off to visit family and come home for some downtime. Concerns: Some friend stuffs.

    Celebrations: I got to see a family member accept Christ this week! It was so awesome!

  4. Terri Tiffany

    I love that title! You can make all mine up:))
    I am celebrating that this week I wrote almost 20,000 words to extend my WIP–I can't see or type now but I'm thrilled!

  5. K.M. Weiland

    Love the title. The alliteration is really nice, and dichotomy of beautiful and broken grabs my attention. It's a keeper!

  6. Carrie

    Awww, poor puppy! I love the title to your new book. I am addicted to the book I'm reading of yours. I was awake way too late reading last night! I started to read this morning, but had plans and had to put it down.

    Cares: Working toward VBS at Harvest. I'm co-leading this year and things are clicking into place!

    Concerns: Needing some alone time with my wonderful husband. Having the kids home and fighting a lot is taking it out of me.

    Celebrations: Just got a call from an agency we foster newborns for and there are two birth moms ready to give birth in July. New life is beautiful and the gift of adoption is extraordinary!

  7. Mia

    I love your book title! πŸ™‚

    Cares and concerns: This month has been kind of awful, and the family's starting to fall apart a little. Super stressed out, fighting, etc. Not fun. Hoping everything will smooth over soon.

    Celebration: I recently learned I'm going to be an aunt again πŸ˜‰ Also, the first draft of my WIP is almost done!

  8. Kelly Freestone

    Love the celebrations!

    Sorry about your dog πŸ™ How's little man been? Is he better?

    I love the title.
    It makes me want to read a blurb. πŸ˜€

    this stupid insurance stuff we're trying to handle at work
    I have a young lady in my youth group, well, she was..now she goes to another church becuase of problems with her family, but I love her and miss her and she NEEEEEEDS some guidance.
    I'm so afraid for her! She's following in my footsteps…and God has put her on my heart-very heavily
    Hubbs, me, and some other of our church family are taking the youth to the Holy Land Experience and I'm so excited to learn all I can, smell, taste, feel, hear, and see EVERYTHING and keep my senses on high alert!
    (the girl I mentioned above is POSSIBLY going with us)
    keep us in prayer for safety

  9. Lisa Jordan

    LOVE the book title, Katie. I can't wait to read your books. Someday they will line my keeper shelf.

    So sorry to hear about Bubba. Animals become part of the family. When they hurt, we hurt. Praying…

    Concerns: Hubby lost his job 18 months ago due to the economic downsizing. God blessed him with the opportunity to return to school. His former employer just reposted Hubby's job this week, so Hubby submitted a cover letter and resume. Praying God opens that door for him, or changes our hearts.

    Celebrations: Two days in a row on the treadmill…yeah, I know, not a huge victory, but I'll take what I can get. πŸ˜€

    Plus, revisions are going well on WF…hoping to submit to Rachelle by mid-July.

  10. Sherrinda

    What a gorgeous title. (pun intended!) It is very catchy.

    And I'm so sorry about your dog. That is not good news. πŸ™

    My Concerns are getting my book edited. Going slower than I would like, but that is because I just don't feel like I know what I am doing. It's all a learning experience. πŸ™‚

  11. Holly

    Oh, Bubbs…poor puppy. Taylor sends her love and lots of wet kisses.

    Cares: A dear friend will be meeting Jesus soon. He has lived a very long and productive life, but it doesn't make it any easier to lose him.
    Concerns: Joel's dad is getting some tests done on his heart today. He was having lots of pain while helping us with our kitchen and it hasn't gone away. They'll also be checkin in on his cancer spots. Ugh.
    Celebrations: Our friend Carolyn had her second baby this morning…a sister for Sam! I'm pumped to go shopping this afternoon for girly clothes, (they didn't know what they were having and now only have boy clothes at home). Also, the wood floors are finished as of this morning! Love them.

    And love YOU!

  12. Janna Qualman

    I really enjoy these 3C's posts, Katie!

    Care: Going to a family reunion for my husband's side this weekend. Concern: I've been sickly. πŸ™ And Celebration: It's Friday!

  13. patti

    Celebrations: God is good. All the time. I'm so thankful for my friends and SUMMERTIME to gather with them.

    Cares and Concerns: My best friend's hubby was diagnosed with two kinds of cancer. Oh, my heart breaks in the face of this insidious disease.

  14. Jill Kemerer

    What a great title! Love it! And you're doing so good with your book. Lots of progress!

    Cares: A gaggle of pre-teen girls are coming for a pool party today. Hosting parties stresses me out!
    Concerns: A friend had scary bad news this week and the family is not out of the woods yet.
    Celebrations: I marked up my final round of revisions. By the end of next week, I'll be ready to query!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Erica Vetsch

    Love, love LOVE! the title! It fits so well!

    Can't wait to read what the 'twist' was!

  16. Wendy Paine Miller

    You know I'm a dog lover so I'm feelin' for you and him on that one. Great title. I simply love it!!!

    Will be offline next week.
    Cares: I have a ton of packing to do. A. Ton.

    Concerns: Not too many. Getting ready to vacation w/ my husband's family. About 100 cousins in the same house. Craziness. I hope to find time to edit & sneak away to read.

    Celebrations: I'm alive. I'm healthy and it isn't so hot today. Cause for celebration. ;D

    ~ Wendy

  17. Heather Sunseri

    Sorry about your sweet dog. Lab, right. It's so common, but I'm terribly sorry, nonetheless!!

    Cares and concerns: I'm taking my daughter to MissionFuge next week. I'm chaperoning, so I guess that's a care and a concern. Concern that I can handle the week with all those pre-teens and teens. And concern for my husband and son, who I leave behind to fend for themselves.

    Celebration: My son woke up with no pain in either of his right ears. He's had double swimmers' ear this week, and with it soooo hot, we had to stay inside a lot instead of going swimming. We're going swimming today!

  18. Krista Phillips

    Poor doggy! Love the title! and Yeah for new twists!

    Cares: I have a baby shower for me today at work, a bridal shower for my sister tomorrow that I have to make most of the food for, a writer's group mtg in the a.m., and my sister-in-law is in early labor. It's going to be a CRAZY weekend!

    Concerns: Saw dr yesterday for Annabelle. Nothing good, nothing more bad. They'd told me before that her survival chance is about 80% between surgery #1 (about 4 days old) and surgery #2 (at about 4 months), however there is surgery #3 at about 2 years. I asked the scary question of what are her "long term" survival chances to say, like age 5. It's about 55-60%. NOT what this Momma wanted to hear. Pray that I digest this well and remember that God, not some percentages, is in control.

    Celebrations: Only a month left until baby comes! As scary as it is, I am SO SO excited to see her and hold her for those few precious minutes! And, we got her room done last week while kids were gone. I can't wait to bring her home and let her play with all her "stuff"!

  19. CJ

    Concerns: that the Whoopie pies I am baking today will turn out right. They are for the grad celebration for The Young One tomorrow. She'll be attending WPI in the fall. WPI is sometimes called Whoopie, hence the whoopie pies.

  20. The Alliterative Allomorph

    Poor doggy! I have a dog too. She's three and a dalmatian. I've heard that many dlamatians become deaf around the age of seven or so. Maybe that's just a myth. But I hope it doesn't happen to her!


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