My summer writing goal is 2000 words per day, Monday through Saturday. So roughly 12,000 words a week. I’m really pushing myself to finish the rough draft of novel #5 by July 31st. That would give me a month and a half to revise/edit before the ACFW conference, where I hope to pitch. Not sure if I can maintain 2000 words a day! We’ll see.
Titles, titles, titles. Tell me, what do you think about the title, Captivated? Here’s the thing. That one-word title would be absolutely perfect for my current WIP. I mean, perfect. However, I googled it and Nora Roberts (you’ve heard of her, right?) released the same title in 2004. Don’t you hate it when that happens?
My phone isn’t working. I can hear people talking just fine, but I guess on their end, it sounds like I’m a million miles away. I’m not a big phone-talker though (as my family can attest to), so it’s not really that concerning.
To avoid spam, I have added word verification to my comments. Just so you’re aware.
Still celebrating summer. I’m having so much fun with Brogan and writing! Such a relaxing season in my life.
God brought encouragement in the form of two friends, exactly when I needed it.
Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations today?
You are AMAZING! Here I'm still recovering from my vacation, and you're just rollin' on.
I skipped the discussion of the film JUST IN CASE but'll got enough of the gist to settle in for an old Law & Order rerun or The Closer instead.
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and for the "congrats".
I'm looking forward to getting to know you and so many others through Wordserve much better.
…I need ALL the help I can get!
I hope you achieve your writing goal, Katie! And enjoy everyday of your summer with your cute little son.
Cares: Stepdad's cancer
Concerns: Prioritizing
Celebrations: Query off to the editor
I love reading your blog! It's like you're in the room talking to me!
Cares: Growing a very small business. It's a fun outlet after being home for 10 years with my awesome kids.
Concern(s): Discipline of my kids in a way that is loving and sweet, but still gets serious points across.
Celebrations: God's mercies are new every day. I love that, especially this summer with my daughter home. I love that girl, but she's so hard headed!
Also, new, smart friends. I love meeting sisters in Christ working so hard for His Glory.
Have an awesome night, Katie.
hi there ^^! warm greeting 0_0
you have a nice blog!
by the way, if you need to find Unique Fonts, you can visit our website.
best regards.
Wow, we can spur each other on in the writing department. I'm aiming for 2K a day too!
I like Captivated, but always remember that publishers often change the titles anyway.
Wow! That's an awesome goal!
Our training camps start this week. We're sending out 16 teams to 15 different countries. It'll be a few weeks of craziness… wonderful craziness, but definitely crazy. I'm excited… and will see you in August! :0)
Hi Katie –
When writing my second manuscript, I managed 2,500 words per day. It was a stretch, but it can be done. Keeping an EXCEL spreadsheet helped motivate me. I loved seeing those numbers rise.
So glad you are having a great summer. This is my favorite season, too.
My concern: my brother may be going to jail. Please pray for him. He needs to open his heart to God.
Celebrations: I gifted the anthology my story is in to the public library. That was a thrilling moment for me. This is only the beginning…
Love you,
Wow Katie! I never had a doubt that you could pull off 2000 words- good for you!
My celebration is we are expecting baby #3 and I think I'm over the difficult beginning stage. No more nausea and vomitting. Woohoo!
My concern is getting back to writing and blogging. I feel like an eternity has passed and I've missed so much.
No one owns a title. It can't be copyrighted(written). Try it, the editor might change it anyway.
Good luck with your 2000 words. We've had a week of rain. Needing some sun in MN.
Good luck with your 2000 words a day. I know you can do it!
And I like Captivated, but there's a YA novel called CAPTIVATE too. But so what?
Soooo glad it's summer!
I think this is my first response to your 3 C's post. I just feel like joining in today.
Cares: Battling more migraines than I care to count. I think it's the weather. Or stress. Or just life in general. My hubby just dropped off my painkillers at my office, so hopefully that helps.
Concerns: Griffin has been diagnosed with yet ANOTHER ear infection. We finally got a referral to an ENT and he will be having the tube surgery. I hear it's an easy procedure, but he's still my baby, right? I just hope he does well and the surgery helps.
Celebrations: I'm back to working on my first draft. It was the one I started for NaNo. I stopped for a while because…life got in the way. I picked it back up slowly, but made a commitment to myself to finish by Griffin's b-day (end of July). I also want to take this time to thank you. Reading your blog has been pushing me to finish. Your drive and determination is infectious. You're probably laughing at that right now, but it's true. I've been taking a different approach to my writing – making time for it instead of using "leftover" time at the end of the day. So a big thanks to you!
I want to finish my WIP by the 31st, too! I guess that would go under cares. I already have another story to pitch at ACFW but I love this one, too, so we'll see.
Celebrations: I got blessed financially for both the ACFW conference, which I signed up for yesterday, and the mission trip I am going on this summer as well. Isn't God faithful?
I think a one word title like that can support two books, but you might run it by your agent anyway and not get too attached in case your publisher disagrees.
Concerns: prayer for a friendship that's hurting today. Celebrations: My husband and I got a new (to us) car this week!
Hola chica…I was bummed to hear about your phone! Was wanting to call you this weekend
I could still call and endure the "billion miles away" feeling, but I might cry. Just so you know.
Cares: Veerrry sleepy this morning. All this house work has me sleeping like a rock, but it just never seems to be enough!
Concerns: Quite certain that I have a full inch of dry wall dust lining my lungs.
Celebrations: Dry wall dust in my lungs, means new dry wall in the kitchen! Yay! Progress is being made, just slower than we expected. But we'll take it!
Always fun to read your posts, Katie! Be praying for your writing goal to be accomplished. Cares this week for me include choosing Christ's attitude in a difficult situation. No major concerns. Celebrations – I'm winding down a six month devotional series at my church and have a published article coming out today!! Have a blessed weekend!
Kelly – that is NO fun! Remember, Satan is the father of Lies! And those are most definitely lies he's speaking into your ears. Cling to the Father of truth – He will guide your steps! Thanks for sharing your struggle – I think so many of us can relate, whether it's writing or something else.
Jessica – that's exactly what I do!
I try to get in some words in the morning, and then again when B-man is sleeping.
Lynn – that's no fun! I get frustrated when that happens. I see your comment now though! Good luck with creative boot camp. You can do it!
SArah – I can't believe baby number 2 is almost here! Seems like you just announced you were preggo on your blog (of course, it probably doesn't feel that way for you)
A friend of mine's brother had something tragic happen to him over the weekend. I am uplifting him in prayer. Concerned for him…
I hope to meet you at the conference. Good luck on your daily word count!
Katie, I usually don't have trouble with comments but I started noticing non of my comments were showing up after spending a half hour commenting. Yikes! So second time luck here, I hope!
I'm currently reading Captivating. The title is great and I have faith a perfect title for your book will be exposed to you very soon!
My concern is finishing Creative Boot Camp. I kind of want to give up! Have a great week.
Great goals, girl! I think you might still be able to use that title. I've notice a lot of duplicate titles, plus the fact that you're CBA and she's not might help.
I followed your branding link on Jody's blog. Too funny! Thanks for leaving it.
Oh, about 2k…sometimes I find it's easier for me to write more if I split the time up. Like 1k in the morning and 1k in the evening. Good luck with your wordage.
That is a GREAT writing goal. I'm inspired!
My concern right now is that I'm the guest speaker for my church's coffee tomorrow. I want to do a nice job.
Congrats, Sara!
Everything will fall into place
It always does.
We're praying for your new arrival.
wow! That's a lot of words!
I took one Saturday all alone to work on my WIP…I could barely get 2500, and I was completely alone.
You go girl!
Ugh…I'm really struggling with the "am I good enough" card Satan keeps throwing at me. I love writing, there's no doubt about that, but it's frustrating to think that all the time.
Our airconditioner is broken!
(fans herself at the memory of the uncomfortable night)
Since taking Financial Peace University, the airconditioner won't be too hard to handle…we've saved up for rainy days such as this..rather, steamy days such as this, lol.
Also, I've learned that I can grow instead of constantly being beaten down with the "ugly stick", I'm going to learn how to write better, and not let Satan overtake my thoughts.
I'm going to "captivate" (nice title btw) them and give them to God, study, and be the best writer I can be, then grow some more
Have a good one, ladies, congrats on all your celebrations!
I love that you have such ambitious goals for the summer! I'm sure you'll succeed!
My 3 C's all revolve around the arrival of Baby #2 scheduled for Tuesday. 4 days away! I'm frantically doing last-minute things around the house and trying to keep my swollen feet propped up as much as possible…A contradiction, I know, but this is what us crazy pregnant ladies must do.
Hey Wendy – okay, the puns….you are hilarious. Also – the book is called Captivating. I know exactly what you're talking about because I have it on my bookshelf.
So cool you are on a writing roll. I know Captivated was also another title to a non-fiction book. Eldridge maybe? It was big in my church about 8 years ago.
So pumped for ACFW.
Cares: We prob. need groceries today, but I feel like editing instead. Nice.
Concerns: My three-year-old is having bathroom concerns. I've taken her to the dr. twice but we can't get to the bottom of it. Ha, pun came on a whim.
Celebrations: Learned another one of my stories will be published next fall. Excited to post my new professional photos on Sun./Mon.
I'm wiped out (another accidental pun) b/c of caring for little one. Really hoping we can solve this.
Sending love,
I love that you got some amazing encouragement from someone you didn't even know was reading your book.
WOW, that's a very ambitious goal. I'll add that specific goal to my prayer journal for you.
Celebration, Concern, and Care – Hubby and I are taking a trip and leaving our two children with grandparents. I'm hoping our plans all go off without a hitch.
Hey Tab – nope, not at conferences. I won't be pitching to agents, but I'll be pitching to editors. My agent and I have talked about our game-plan a little and will probably discuss it more when the conference draws closer. Great question!
That's a lot of words! Enjoy the summer with your little man. I'm enjoying the summer with my Young One before college takes her at the end of August.
So, who would you be pitching too? I thought all that stopped when you were agented????