3 C’s – It’s Friday!

I have a friend. She is truly one of the most beautiful, inspiring, authentic individuals I know. Our lives have traveled down parallel roads, pretty much identical, only a month apart. Through first love breakups, proposals, weddings, buying our first dogs (both black labs), and our five-year plans (where we’d enjoy married life for 5 years before entering parenthood). And here we are. Only I have a 14-month old boy while she’s spent the past fourteen months staring at negative pregnancy tests with no explanation as to why. She just started a blog. I invite you, and encourage you, to hop on over to the Lemonade Stand and follow Holly on her journey toward motherhood. I promise you’ll leave inspired.

Exercise. I’m so unmotivated it’s ridiculous.

The teething never ends, does it?

I’m in the thick of revisions for Wishing on Willows and I’m really starting to fall in love with this story. I’m almost done morphing two characters into one, which has involved a lot of rewriting. But the effort’s proved fruitful. Instead of two flat, stereotypical secondary characters, I now have one strong, three-dimensional character who packs a lot of punch.

I’ve got high hopes for 2010.

God’s grace. When I really let myself sit and ponder its beauty, its nonsensical nature, its defiance of all things logical, I’m left breathless. Captivated. Wowed. And in love.

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations this windy, ridiculously frigid Friday morning?removetweetmeme

22 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Terri Tiffany

    Your friendship sounds so sweet! I know you are going to do awesome on your book–you are doing great!
    Concerns and Cares? I am volunteering tomorrow so hoping it is fun and inspiring!
    And I hope I hear back on my manuscript soon!

  2. Katie Ganshert

    Thanks for the comments, ladies!! I love reading your 3 C's every Friday. I rejoice with your celebrations and pray for your concerns.

    Cindy – SO sorry about the rejections. There's no getting around the fact that they absolutely, 100% stink. Just take heart that we ALL get them and have gotten them. Perseverence is the number one thing successful writers have in common. It has to be!

    Lisa – prayers for you in a HUGE way girl. I will pray for God's provision.

    Wendy – Big smile! I'm glad God smacked you in the forehead. πŸ™‚

    Everybody else – thanks for visiting my friend's blog. One of the many things that is so wonderful about blogging is the community of people who surround you and offer encouragement.

    Thanks for the comments! I hope everybody is having an enjoyable Friday.


  3. Keli Gwyn

    Hugs on the teething troubles, Katie. Our daughter suffered with each tooth that came in. We discovered Hyland's homeopathic teething tablets. They were the only thing that seemed to help and did such a great job, we called them the magic pills.

  4. Erica Vetsch

    Happy Friday, Katie!

    Cares and concerns: Getting everything done that I want to!

    Celebrations? Copy edits sent in on one WIP and sooooo very close to finishing another I can taste it!

    And teeth? When the teething stops, the teeth start falling out and new ones come in, then the braces, and when that's done the retainers, and then, presto, it's time to have the wisdom teeth out…I'm beginning to wonder if there is ever a time when you're not thinking about your kids' teeth…

  5. ElanaJ

    Isn't the weather absolutely horrific?? Yes, yes it is.

    And morphing characters is so hard, but well worth the effort.

    I'm concerned that my WiP will never be good enough. I'm carefully considering letting it die. But I've poured so many hours into revising and rewriting it, that I just can't turn back now. I suppose. We'll see.

    Happy weekend!

  6. Jeanette Levellie

    I SO admire you for morphing two characters into one.

    I'm trying to motivate myself to exercise too. If we carry the treadmill up the basement stairs to my office, will that count as a workout?

    Concerns: That my son's animation studio take off and start making money, and that the publisher who's considering my WIP will want it.

    Celebrations: Jesus, and my marriage to a great,noisy guy. That it's Friday, finally.

  7. Patti Lacy

    Thanks for sharing your heart through cares, concerns, and celebrations.
    Concern: my soulmate, Cammie, whose life is racked with a mother's terminal illness and spiritual warfare at church.

    Cares: The usual balancing act of the dozen hats piled on my head.

    Celebration: a cool agent talk Tuesday. Book #3 took a step closer to being a reality!!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Heather Sunseri

    I love how you celebrate God's grace at the end of your post. It is amazing, isn't it?

    I will jump over and visit your friend! Have a great Friday!

  9. Cindy

    How wonderful your friend is starting a blog. I love your Friday posts! It's great to hear about what's going on in everyone else's lives.

    Cares: Hubby's hours are changing at work to a drastically different schedule so we're adjusting. BUT, this also falls under celebration because he still has a job when we thought he might lose it AND he's getting a raise! Woo hoo!

    Concerns: Yeah, exercise. I, like Wendy, am waiting for the cold to end. I hope to start on Monday. And…two rejections this week. I am trying to keep positive. This part is always the hardest, though, because sometimes it makes me question what I write.

  10. T. Anne

    I put Holly in my prayer journal when you first mentioned her. It's nice to have a name finally. Now I can stop referring to her as Katie G's friend! Of course I'll go over.

    Thanks for recommending 'talking to the dead' to me. No, it wasn't me who suggested it. I look forward to reading it.

    My three C's? They're all sort of rolled into one. I'm querying a my last WIP and receiving attention from all my dream agents (partial's) pus another one of my dream agents has a partial of mine from last fall. I'm praying someone asks for a full. I'm praying I land with whoever the Lord wants me with and also that all the partial's don't turn into rejections. (Trust me it's happened before.) OK, enough of my rambling… πŸ˜‰

  11. Rosslyn Elliott

    I just want to focus on my progress on novel #3 so I don't have any more bad "waiting" days like yesterday. πŸ™‚ I had a dream last night that Rachelle asked me to fork over novel #3. Heh heh.

  12. Stephanie Thornton

    Teething does end, eventually. I promise!

    Exercise is one of those habits it's hard to start, but then you get hooked. Good luck!

  13. Kristen Torres-Toro

    Hey, Katie!

    Thank you so much for your prayers! My big thing is the support and the move. It's weird to be in "two places at once" and know both are temporary–but not when or how the permanent will appear. I'll pray for you in this area. Your post last week makes me think it's something you enjoy.

    I'm so excited about your story and where your writing is headed this year! Yay for you!

    Celebrations–I started working out 2 weeks ago. It had nothing to do with the new year at all, believe it or not. But I've stuck with it and kind of enjoy it. Gasp!

  14. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought


    I thank God for you. Just had to write that.

    I'm also praying for you. (And for Holly.) I enjoyed reading about your admiration for God.

    Cares: My husband and children. Pouring into their lives. Being who God wants me to be for them. Also, investing in myself so I can be refreshed.
    Concerns: Ditto on the excerise bit. I keep saying when this cold passes…of course it's a lingering cold.
    Celebrations: Hi. (I know you'll get this.) I love how God reveals things…sometimes slowly, sometimes as a smack upside the head. Either way, I always feel grateful when I've gotten the message.

    Katie, you are a treasure.
    ~ Wendy

  15. Lisa Jordan

    Cares, concerns, & celebrations, huh?

    Well, it's been a crazy (another C word) week with Hubby needing an emergency appendectomy. So right now my care is making sure he heals properly. My concern is for that huge medical bill that will arrive sometime in the next week…oh, did I mention we have no medical insurance…yikes. I'm celebrating the miracles of modern medicine, skilled doctors, and Jehovah Rapha (The Lord our Healer) and Jehovah Jireh (The Lord our Provider)

    Oh, and teething does end…close to those teenage years…lol, kidding. I feel for you. Although my boys are older, the toddlers in my care are getting those two year molars. Crannnkyyyy!

  16. Jennifer Shirk

    I'm doing great with excercise, but I can't run as far as I did before the holidays. *sigh* But I WILL get to 2.5 miles by next week. Or else. πŸ™‚
    My concern right now is Christian parenting, so I'm doing a lot of reading on that right now.

  17. Robyn Campbell

    Lovely post. I too have high hopes for 2010. High, lofty goals that I KNOW I will meet.And I am always amazed at God's mercy and grace. Without that I have nothing. I look to him and give him all my love and concerns. He WILL take care of it all.

    I gained weight while writing my novel. (Office in kitchen, need I say more?) So I'm back on the elliptical for an hour every day. Dang those delicious Ritz crackers!

    I will check out your friends blog. And I will add her to my prayer list too. Happy weekend Katie. πŸ™‚

  18. Krista Phillips

    I ditto others, teething ends eventually:-) Hang in there!

    At the doctor's on wednesday, the nurse said, "We usually advise to stay at the same exercise volume you're at now… no need to decrease but don't start something new." Praise God From Who All Blessings FLOW! No self-imposed new exercise… I did tell her that all I do now are a few crunches and free-step on the WII fit, and she laughed. But whatever!

    SO I guess that counts as my "care"

    Concern? I've had a headache since wednesday, and all I can take is stupid tylenal which is not doing a thing. It's finally subsided a little this morning, praying it stays away!

    Celebration? I'm having that on my blog today!! WOOHOO for BABIES!

  19. Catherine West

    Somehow you always manage to make me smile. :0)
    I hope we get to meet in person at this year's conference. Are you planning to go?

  20. Tabitha Bird

    LOL- teething does end. They can only cut so many teeth! I held on to that thought very tightly. Potty training on the other hand… AHHHH!

    Concerns: third rewrite of memoir. I have high hopes for the edit/rewrite. I hope I am the writer I need to be to pull it off.

    Celebrations: NEW HOUSE! YEAAAH! … renovations… not so much yeaah.

    Have a wonderful 2010 Katie. Can't wait to read your book πŸ™‚

  21. Jessica

    You're probably unmotivated because your figure is so great! LOL
    I think it's wonderful your friend is starting a blog. It'll probably be a good outlet for her, I hope.
    Congrats on the successful character morph!

  22. Tamika:

    I'm so oexcited to meet Holly, and join in her journey to motherhood! "For with God all things are possible."

    Don't even mention exercise!
    I wish I had some helpful teething tips, but I really don't remember. After thirty that happens alot.

    I'm celebrating my story- everything is falling in to place. I made it past the dreaded middle and I feel like a happy ending.


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