3 C’s – It’s Friday!

ACFW conference is in a week and a half, and in preparation, I’ve been talking to myself more than ever. In the shower. On my drive to work. While I brush my teeth. I keep pretending I’m talking to an agent or an editor. Most of the time Brogan is with me. He sort of cocks his head to one side and furrows his eyebrows at me. Does this mean he likes the pitch, or doesn’t like it? And at what point should my husband start to worry?

Headaches. Lots and lots of headaches. This has been an ongoing saga in my life. No fun. No fun at all.

I spent way too much time on this website yesterday looking for my celebrity look alike, hoping to post the picture here today. But for whatever reason, I can’t get it to work. My celebrity look alike is supposedly Jessica Biel, only we really don’t look anything alike. Then I uploaded my hubby’s picture to find his match. And his celebrity look alike is……Kat Deeley from So You Think You Can Dance. Yea…um…I forgot to change the sex option to male.

Three day weekend! Who-hoo for Labor Day!

Question to Ponder: What are your cares, concerns, and celebrations on this pleasant Friday morning?removetweetmeme

27 thoughts on “3 C’s – It’s Friday!

  1. Katie Ganshert

    Jeanette – I'm glad you like the pics! And thanks so much for the prayers about the headaches. Although I am nervous/excited about the conference, the headaches have plagued me for a long, long time. I hope you are having a fabulous weekend with your grandkiddos!

    Thanks for stopping by Shawna! Headaches are definitely no fun at all. I'm sorry to hear that you get them too!

    Sherrinda – oh no! I hope Brogan doesn't get them. It's hard to get much of anything done with a headache.

    Diane – I keep meaning to make an appt with the chiro. I've heard people say they help with headaches. I should do that this week. Thanks for the reminder!

    Krista – sounds like (from your Tweets) that you're getting some practicing in. I hope you get all the practice you need so you can feel super confident when you pitch!

    Tara – great suggestion! You and Diane reminded me that I'd been meaning to make an appt. Hope your weekend has been a great one!

  2. Jeanette Levellie

    Katie: I LOVE LOVE LOVE the big man, little man, furry man photos! Cute beyond words!
    I am going to pray for those headaches to go away in Jesus' name!!!! Do you think you're worried over the conference?

    I wonder if Brogan is analyzing your pitches. Maybe he will one day be an agent!!

    My celebration is that I got tons of writing done today, and we are goin to see our grandkids this weekend! Yippee dippee!

  3. Shawna Williams

    Thank you for the kind post you left on my blog, and have fun at the conference. Good luck!

    I've been plagued with headaches my whole life. Very frustrating! I've had no luck with perscription meds — most just make me groggy anyway. Got three kids! I can't function that way. Doc said I could pop 2 tylenol (500mg each) and 4 advil (200mg each) at the same time without it being dangerous, but that's the limit. Sometimes it works; sometimes the headache just has to run its coarse. So sorry you're having to deal with this. Take care.

  4. sherrinda

    Sorry about your headaches Katie. It is a terrible thing. I get them and have successfully passed them on to my four children. Sad, isn't it? My husband very rarely gets them, so I know that the headaches are my legacy. 🙁
    Happy LONG weekend! I know you deserve it!

  5. Diane

    Good luck at the conference. Hope all goes well and you are blessed! Do you need a neck alignment? Sometimes carrying a little one will throw your shoulders off and your neck. Blessings! :O)

  6. Tara

    I love the furrowed brows. Sorry about the headaches. I found visiting a chiropractor helped mine–but I'm very picky about the type I'll use. I only go to ones who use "light-force techniques," which means they won't twist me into a pretzel in the name of aligning my spine. Enjoy your three-day weekend.

  7. Krista Phillips

    Confession: (that's a C right?) I've not been practicing my ACFW pitch.

    I should. I need to. REALLY bad. I did the same thing last year and totally bombed.

    Why? Um, avoidance I think. Maybe. Think of the ostrige with its head in the sand. Yep, that's me! Everytime I think, 'I need to practice my pitch' my heart rate doubles and I frantically find something else to do that is SO much more important… or I convince myself of that. "OH MY GOODNESS! It's been FIVE minutes since I've twitter, I SO cannot practice right now…!"

    I guess that's a care and a concern all in one. *sigh*

    I'm with you on the celebration! A three day weekend!

    Now if I could just practice that stupid pitch!

  8. Katie Ganshert

    Terri – yay for Mary loving your sample! And the other one is cares. 🙂

  9. Katie Ganshert

    Sarah – what are you packing for? Thanks for stopping by!

    Marybeth – you should definitely take up talking to yourself. Everybody's doing it (do you like the peer pressure?) I hope your children love their teachers and have a great school year!

    Beth – preschool! Wow. You're kiddos are growing up! Enjoy your writing time and I hope your mom heals quickly.

    Elana – yea for filed taxes! I'm very curious about what is too silly to mention…

    Jessica – at least I'm not alone with the headaches. They are no fun at all. I can't wait to meet you at the conference! I'll want to ask you what your story is about too. 🙂

    Galen – wHOt, WhOt! Yay for selling your house! I know that was a giant pain in your tush for quite a while. Maybe this will do wonders for your blood pressure and the dr. will have good news at your physical!

    T. Anne – I hope you can find a way to unburden you and your family's overloaded shoulders. I LOVE fall decorations!

    Candee – I hope your son's knee feels better soon. And that you get all the writing done that you need to before the conference. 🙂

    Thanks for your prayers Cindy! I sure do appreciate them. 🙂

    Thanks for your prayers, Kristen. How encouraging to love where you are at right now. That's the best feeling! I hope the story in your head solidifies soon!

    Jeannie – I so cannot wait to hand out with you, girl! And yay for the story and boo for the skeeter bites.

    Eileen – hmmm, I've never thought about that. Maybe I should get tested. Because seriously, I have chronic headaches. I would say I can count on getting a bad headache at least three nights out of seven. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Thanks, Jody! I appreciate your prayers and I hope you're right. I hope I'm prepared. I am in my head…but who knows what'll come out of my mouth when the time comes.

    Ralene – I don't know about unprepared. Your pitch sounded pretty awesome last night! Have fun on your date!

    Wendy, my prayers go out to you and your dad. That's frightening and stressful, and I pray God would carry you through. Thanks so much for your encouragement!!

    Gwen, thanks for visiting my blog! And don't worry, you won't be the only one who stutters! I have this awful habit of filling in my silences with the "um" which isn't good.

    Thanks for stopping by, Heather! Have a great weekend yourself! 🙂

  10. Terri Tiffany

    I am so excited for you that you are going to the conference! there will be one HUGE blogger reunion there won't there?
    Celebration–that Mary loved my sample!
    Concerns–none today–just need cheap air tickets
    What was the other????

  11. Sarah Dawn

    Finishing packing … will our comforter from China fit, oh I do hope so.

    Blessings from the rain,
    Sarah Dawn

  12. Marybeth Poppins

    I'm starting to wonder if I am the odd one out…I rarely talk to myself….but it seems like all other writers do? Maybe this is something I should consider doing…hmmmm

    Care…school starts next week….lots of driving AHHHH

    Concern…school starts next week…I'm worried how my son will do with a new teacher

    Celebration….SCHOOL STARTS NEXT WEEK! No more fighting 24/7 in my house. WHOO HOO!

    Have a great weekend 🙂

  13. Beth

    My kids look at me funny when I'm talking to myself too. Although, I don't have the excuse of practicing for when I make my pitches! 🙂

    I hope your headaches get better – that is not fun at all. I laughed out loud reading your husband's celebrity lookalike. Too funny!

    C's: I'm missing my family. Mom's in a cast up to her knee (shredded achilles tendon!). I'm celebrating that my kids will be in preschool next week and I will have lots of time to work on my MS uninterrupted!

    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  14. ElanaJ

    Cares – too many to list.

    Concerns – something too silly to mention.

    Celebrations – My taxes are done!

    Have a great long weekend and an excellent conference.

  15. Jessica

    That is SO funny about the celeb thingy!

    I'm sorry about your headaches. I've had them my whole life too. 🙁

    But go you on doing your pitch!!! I'm afraid to try. Thinking about really makes me feel sick.
    You're awesome! So if I meet you at the conference, I want to hear it, okay? 🙂

  16. Galen Kindley--Author

    Cares—The hummingbirds will soon leave, I’ve loved watching the little guys all summer and will miss them. But, like Frosty, they’ll “be back again next year.”

    Concerns—Annual physical on the 8th…at age 60, you never get good news.

    Celebrations—House sold…finally. All that extra expense and worry…gone!

    Best Regards, Galen
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  17. T. Anne

    Hmmm… Cares; I care about how my family is adapting to this busy September.

    Concerns: I'm concerned we are all overloaded (which we are)

    Celebrations; I'm going to decorate for fall this weekend!!! =)

  18. Candee Fick

    Cares? Conference prep and hoping my husband's football team wins tonight so he's happy all (long) weekend.

    Concerns? Son injured his knee during his game last night and went limping off to school today.

    Celebrations? In my rewrites, I needed to add five new chapters (after cutting four others). I got two of them written this week. (I hope to have the rest done before conference but that takes me back up to Cares.)

  19. Cindy

    Katie, so sorry to hear about the headaches. I'll pray for you about that. And for peace with your pitch!

    Just praising God for His faithfulness this week!

  20. Kristen Torres-Toro

    Ha! No worries, Katie! I talk to myself all the time and my poodle doesn't think I'm too weird. I'm sure Brogan loves the story and can't wait to hear more!

    I'll be praying for your headaches.

    C's–I'm thankful for where I am right now. It's been a crazy year and I'm just trying to rest as much as possible. It's pretty fun. My only big concerns are wisdom with decisions and getting this new story in my head so I can put it on paper!

    Have a great long weekend!

  21. Jeannie Campbell, LMFT

    cares – conference, of course! will be meeting my fab crit partner finally!

    concerns – maddy got eaten UP with mosquito bites yesterday. at least 10 big ol welps. she's trying to scratch…and i'm putting calamine on all day.

    celebrations: i finished my novel i'm pitching BEFORE conference! YAY!

  22. Eileen Astels Watson

    Katie, have you considered being tested for food allergies. A lot of cronic head-aches are due to a food allergy–wheat, corn, gluten, etc.? I sure hope you don't have to contend with headaches at the conference. I'm praying for you!

  23. Jody Hedlund

    I'm sure Brogan is LOVING your pitch!! 🙂 Sounds like you're going to be well-prepared! I'm praying for you and all my blogging friends that this conference will be super productive in the agent hunt!! Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Ralene

    I'm sorry about the headaches, Katie. I pray God will relieve you of that ailment.

    Cares: Conference is drawing near and I feel more unprepared than ever (though I am pretty sure I am on my to being fully prepared…I think).

    Concerns: I will not finish my ms in time for conference. My husband is leaving next week for a work trip.

    Celebrations: Tomorrow is "date afternoon" with hubby! Going to see GI Joe and dress shopping! Yay!!!

  25. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought

    Cares: Daughter #1 didn't take so well to her first soccer practice yesterday.

    Concerns: Am I where God wants me to be in life? Dad's cancer = spreading. Oh, and I uploaded a new "better" picture of me on that compare w/ celebrity site and my match was a boy! Nice!

    Celebrations: Married 10 years tomorrow!

    Katie, a word of encouragement…God is going w/ you to that conference and He will empower you in ways that will surprise you.

    ~ Wendy

  26. Gwen Stewart--Singer-Scribe

    I'm behind on perfecting my pitch for ACFW. I was waiting to hear from my agent…but now I think I'm just scared! Your post gave me the necessary reminder to hone it and practice talking about it…I'm so afraid I'm going to bumble and stutter!

    I'd hate to think who my celebrity look alike may be. No one in Hollywood is five feet tall…LOL

    Have a great weekend!

  27. Heather Sunseri

    Happy Long-Weekend, Katie! I'm sorry for your headaches. I get lots of headaches, too, so I can relate.

    As far as Brogan and your pitch. I think he definitely likes it.


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