The Gift or the Giver?

So often, I catch myself setting my heart on an outcome rather than God.

So often, I catch myself praying for gifts when the Giver wants to give me Himself.

Here’s the thing. 

We can pray for a thousand outcomes. God can give us every single one. And somehow, we can still end up miserable. Unsatisfied.

Which is why I want my prayers to change more and more.


Lord, can you give me this? 


Lord, can you give me You?

If insane success will draw me closer, then that is what I want.

If failing will draw me closer, then that is what I want.

If waiting will draw me closer, then that is what I want.

If finding myself in a place of mediocrity will draw me closer, then that is what I want.

I won’t lie. These are scary prayers. Because of course I want to be successful. Nobody sets out to fail. 

But I’m learning that when we set our hearts on God, we always win. No matter the outcome. 

Because He is the source of all joy and all peace and all hope and all comfort and all strength.

My heart’s cry is that I would learn more and more to go to that source. To ask for the Giver. No matter the gift.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalm 73:26

Let’s Talk: Are you placing your hope in an outcome or are you placing your hope in God? Whoa! How’s that for a convicting question? At least it convicts me. Please tell me I’m not the only one it convicts!

*photo by weddingmusings

23 thoughts on “The Gift or the Giver?

  1. Christopher Holder

    Hello Katie,

    I’ve set out today to make constructive changes in my life and to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Amazing that the first place I visited on this particular journey is this web page. Your insight is brilliant… how clear you are in getting your point across. I have taken your words to heart and hope our paths cross again sometime soon.

    Have the most wonderful day!


  2. this was a great post, friend. i truly want the prayer of my heart to be just as you said. if failing miserably is what will draw me closer, then that’s what i want. if staying in california, far away from my family, is what will bring me closer to god, than that’s what i want. (and that’s what it’s looking like!) thanks for this, girl!

  3. Katie, this reminds me of the hardest prayer I’ve ever said. It’s from Joanna Weaver’s “Having a Mary Spirit” and goes like this:

    Lord Jesus, I give you my life.
    I invite you to have your way in me.
    Take me and break me. Shake me and make me.
    Fill me and spill me. Change me and rearrange me.
    But whatever You do, Lord…don’t leave me the same.
    Spirit of wisdom and revelation, I welcome Your work.
    Open my eyes so I can see…my ears so I can hear…
    I choose truth over comfort, challenge over complacency.
    Lord, make me forever Yours.
    And most of all, make me like You.

    This was the hardest prayer for me because it’s the scariest. It means totally trusting and stepping outside of what’s comfortable. I know that’s something you practice frequently. I still find it so difficult. I have to swallow hard and breathe deeply before I can pray it.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts today.

  4. Katie Ganshert

    I’m so comforted (and encouraged) by these comments, everyone! It’s good to know I’m not the only one who’s struggled with this question.

    I’m learning that as I change the focus of my prayers, God changes the focus of my heart. It’s such a beautiful process. And it’s a lifelong one too!

  5. Great post, Katie. As I read it I thought of a song that was popular a number years back: Just Give Me Jesus. (Anne Graham Lotts also wrote a book by this title) That truly is my heart’s cry. I’ve learned over the years – sometimes through seasons of pain – that the Giver is a much sweeter blessing than the gifts.

  6. Linda Connelly

    Wow! Truly convicting for me. Thank you katie

  7. Constant lesson.

    Barely around Bloggerville today, but had to write that this one will stay w/ me.
    ~ Wendy

  8. Yikes. What else can I say? Thanks for posting this, I needed the reminder about where my hope comes from.

  9. Very convicting! May God be the strength of my heart (not me!) and may I be content with His portion (not my idea of what His portion should be…)

    Thanks for the post!

  10. I love this!! My heart is crying out, “Yes, Lord! What she said!” LOL … Thanks. What a great reminder this Wednesday.

  11. Oh my goodness, this is a “whoa” post. I have literally prayed the prayers you noted, especially the one about waiting, with a grimace on my face. I’m thankful God looks past that… 🙂 Your post reminds me of a devotional I read last week about prayer…the author talked about how there’s nothing at all wrong for praying about things, or like you said, outcomes. But that we really know we’re growing when our prayers go deeper…when they center on our “inner man.” And when the desire of my heart is to see outcomes in my spiritual life, my physical life or outward desires won’t seem so make-or-break-it.

    In other words, when God truly is my desire, I’ll realize I’ve already got the best gift…

  12. Sometimes I catch myself fixed on the outcome…and it does scare me that what God has planned and what I want are not the same things. At a service I attended last night, one of the readings was from Jeremiah – the Lord has plans for our good, not for our harm…to give us a future of hope. So I need to remember that no matter what happens, God’s got a really good reason, and I should trust Him.

  13. I try to place it in Him. Don’t always succeed though. *grimace*
    Things definitely go better when I trust God. lol

  14. Love this post! I’m working on this more and more every day, trying to give my worries to him and let him do what he wants in and through my life. If I try, but never “succeed” in the way I set out to, but I’m close to my God, what else really matters?

  15. “Lord, can you give me You?” What a beautiful prayer. Now that I’ve finished my three books with Heartsong Presents and I’m working on a new book without a contract, I’ve really had to hand my writing career over to God. I often ask myself, “If I never have another book published because God has a different plan for my life, will I embrace that and trust Him to lead me?” While I hope that another book contract is in His plans for me, if it’s not I’ll cling to Him and know that He has a plan for me and He’ll never leave me.

  16. Wow, Katie.
    You just jumped right into my heart and pulled out everything that I have been struggling with.

    Time to do some self-reflection…and prayer.

  17. Well, Katie, until recently, I was putting my hope in an outcome. But God is soooo patient. I can honestly say my hope is in Him.

    Loved this post. Thank you!

  18. Katie, this post is perfect. I’ve been in both places before. I’m more content and I see great things happen in my life when I want the Giver over the gift.

    A big LOVE on this post and you!

  19. I love this: “Lord, can you give me You?”

  20. Beautiful! And whoa, toe stepping!

  21. I endeavor to let go of my expectations and let the Lord lead. He has a way of doing far more for me and through me than I ever would have dreamed of doing on my own. Of course, I need to surrender those expectations on a regular basis because I tend to take them on again, even though I know better.

  22. Making our heart His Bethlehem…the best gift we can offer the Giver. Beautiful words, Katie.

  23. I would say you nailed me to the wall, friend … but you knocked me right to my knees with that question.
    A good place to be.


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