Writing Wrongs: Uniting Our World with Words

IFWC (2)Hey writer friends looking for an affordable conference to attend – this post is for you…

The Indiana Faith and Writing Conference will be held during the Fall 2014 semester at Anderson University, and I’m excited to be part of the faculty team!

You’ll be able to pitch your work to agents and editors, attend workshops (I’ll be giving a few), and network with fellow writers. I don’t know about you, but there’s something pretty awesome about being surrounded by like-minded folk (and by like-minded, I mean other people who have voices in their heads, too.)

IFWC’s theme for this year’s conference?

Writing Wrongs: Uniting Our World with Words.

Conference registrants will also have the chance to submit their work to the Indiana Faith and Writing Contest. The contest is limited to conferees, and all submissions are considered for publication.

When is this conference, you might be wondering?

It’ll be held October 31 – November 1, 2014. You can visit the website www.anderson.edu/IFWC to register. Or contact the founding director, Heather Gemmen Wilson, for more information at hlwilson@anderson.edu.

If you’re considering a conference to attend, I’d love to see you there!